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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Just as a clarification, I hope no one thinks that I am the one @MartyB is referring to about disparaging Justin. Gman
  2. About 5'10" and 150 pounds. [uSER=19303]@europeanman[/uSER] -I think most of the guys you like probably look, too me, overly coiffed and effete. I don't usually like the model look. Gman
  3. Maverick is the new guy. The 'old guy' would be the Alex in Daddy's Review assuming they aren't the same. Of course they might be the same if the guy in Daddy's Review was a pre-tattoo Maverick. Gman
  4. While nothing is guaranteed with any provider, I doubt I'd usually be interested in one of these guys where you never know if you are going to be one of the special clients who lucks out. And doubly so since most of these escorts seem to usually be straight, or at least want to be known as straight whether they actually are or not, and are usually tops with neither straight escorts nor tops being my cup of tea. Give me an escort whose Position and Orientation Statments don't say "Ask Me" any day. Gman
  5. Why would you keep the top button buttoned if you aren't wearing a tie? Most people I know, when not wearing ties, keep that button open. Gman
  6. Romann's ad is now expired. I'm wondering if he was sticking his toe into the waters of escorting to see if he still liked doing it or what the demand was. Gman
  7. You're in luck then. I (almost) never speak that phrase. I only write it. I'm a top. That tallywacker of his is getting nowhere near my colon, semi or otherwise. Gman
  8. Yes, Raul couldn't keep his, ahem, hands off me. Gman
  9. If I had a public website and had made a glaring error, I'd prefer someone told me. But maybe I'm different that way. Gman
  10. Gar1eth

    411 on Kevyn

    And now John is gone too!! Gman
  11. I'm very happy to hear ( errr read) this. If by chance, if you remember, please tell Raul that Gman inquired after him and hopes he is doing well. Gman
  12. To explain a little further-like in English is almost always a preposition when it means 'similar to'. Prepositional phrases the majority of the time contain the preposition, a noun or pronoun object of the preposition, and any modifiers modifying/describing the noun or pronoun. Ex: He has a shirt like mine. Like is the preposition. The pronoun mine is the object of the preposition. As is usually a subordinate conjunction-maybe occasionally a preposition. But when used as a subordinate conjunction, it introduces a clause. Clauses have subjects (nouns or pronouns) and verbs. The fact that a clause has a subject and verb differentiates it from a phrase which usually has only a noun or a verb Ex: Do as I say. Not as I do. The I after as I do is the subject of the clause with so being the verb. Gman
  13. If I made a major faux pas in a post here, and I'm sure I have, and if someone nicely corrected me, I hope I'd be appreciative. Or same thing if I were advertising. I think I was respectful in my discussion of the bad grammar with him. I didn't use any pejorative language. I'm sure he's most likely seen dominate being used the same way he uses it in other ads. If it were me, and someone pointed out that kind of mistake, I hope I'd use it to correct my ad to put me a step above my competitors. Gman
  14. I'm not saying that grammar can never change. I understand how someone might not understand the difference between "who" and "whom". And I'm one of the ones that can't usually differentiate between "which" and "that". But do we let all standards fall? Who/whom and that/which are somewhat subtle grammar points where the meaning is really obvious no matter which word they use. While the meaning is obvious when confusing dominant/dominate, are we really ok with confusing verbs and adjectives? If I was the parent of a child who used the phrase "I am the dominate boy on our block," aside from wanting to know who and how he is dominating, shouldn't I help him also understand why using the word dominate like this is wrong? I'd say yes. In the same way I wouldn't let him believe that 2 + 2 = 3. Gman
  15. When I first read the second one, I missed that "Jack" wasn't capitalized. I had great fears for the life of the horse. Because with the name capitalized, it could mean that the horse's days are numbered as "Jack@ wants to "off (kill)" the poor horse . Gman
  16. @YoungAD, long time ( at least on the threads I've been following lately) no hear from. How the heck are you and your family? I hope it won't be considered presumptuous of me to wish you and them a spectacular autumn. Thinking the best of you, I remain cordially yours, Gman
  17. Jolt Cola has been revived. I was just reading last night that it's in Dollar General stores. As for napping-it doesn't work for me. I fall really deep asleep, and either don't want to wake up or wake up more tired than I was. Gman
  18. ...But it sets my teeth on edge every time I read it. A short email correspondence with an escort - Mr. XXX--your pictures are incredible. One thing when I look at your ad. You can 'dominate' someone because it's a verb as in "Mr XXX dominates everyone he tops." But to describe yourself-you are 'dominant'. "Mr. XXX is an incredibly dominant top. "It's an adjective. You can't be dominate. Well you could be but not according to the rules of English. A lot of ***s do say it. But it is wrong. Mr. XXX's response: Thanks, But I don’t think that matters, who cares.., I been noticed that.. contact me only to set an appointment not for grammar corrections.. Thanks for your concern Exeunt the conversation. Gman
  19. I remember one final in college. I was up all night and hadn't been getting much sleep for days. I took some caffeine tablets thru the night. The next morning I went to breakfast in the cafeteria-an unusual occurrence in itself as I preferred sleeping until the last minute usually. Now this was December. And the cold might have contributed to it. But my legs were actually shaking under the table, and I couldn't get them to stop. I wonder if that was when I stopped using caffeine tablets. Gman
  20. Not that I'm planning on hiring him, but has Raul retired? I don't think I've seen an ad for him on RentMen. And his reviews don't seem to be available on Daddy's anymore. Gman
  21. I drink soft drinks all the time. They never seem to give me the lift the caffeine tablet does. I just looked up the amount of caffeine in a can of Coke. There's 34 mg. If we assume I'm getting about 100 mg by splitting a 200 mg tablet in 1/2, then I'd need 3 cans of Coke to approximate a half a caffeine tablet. But I've had three cans of Coke before at one sitting, and I still don't think it gives me the 'jolt' a caffeine tablet does. Maybe it's because I drink a Coke slower-maybe the sugar decreases the rate of absorption of the caffeine-who knows? Gman
  22. Well I'd like to say life. But in reality it's caffeine. Over the last several months I've found myself often dragging either in the afternoon or evening to the point that sometimes I've had trouble keeping my eyes open. Yes, I know this probably means I should get more sleep. But I also have (BiPap treated) sleep apnea. I doubt that the BiPap totally eliminates my apnea although I feel much better using than I do not using it. I'm not really a coffee drinker. Most of my caffeine throughout my life has come either from soft drinks or tea although in college I would take occasional caffeine tablets. And back when I was working, I would often take an energy drink. But it had been a while since I drank any energy drink routinely. Now cutting to the present time, because of this sleepiness, I've started taking caffeine again multiple days a week (although not everyday). I was initially taking 5-Hour Energy. And it was working, but it has a lot of other junk you probably don't need like mega doses of B vitamins. In fact it gives you 2000 % of the RDA for Vitamin B6. After doing some reading, I found out that overdosing on B6 can cause nerve problems. I don't know how much of an overdose you have to get to cause nerve problems. But I decided I didn't routinely want to be taking 2000% of the RDA when it doesn't really help with alertness. So I've cut back on the 5 Hour Energy in favor of caffeine tablets. They only have caffeine as an active ingredient. They are a 200 mg strength. But I only take a 1/2 of one. And I have to say how shocked I am at how well the caffeine is working. It keeps me awake and brightens my mood a bit. I don't think I'm addicted as I don't get headaches and my mood doesn't crater when I don't take it. I used to laugh (inwardly) at people who needed coffee to get awake in the morning. But now I've joined them except I need it in the afternoon or evening. And of course I'm not that fond of the taste of coffee-at least not without a lot of milk and sugar. So the tablets are a better fit for me. Gman
  23. Yes, thanks. I think I'm thinking of Brian someone. Gman
  24. I thought he used to advertise as versatile, but maybe I'm thinking of someone else. Gman Addendum-maybe it was someone else as I didn't remember the guy I'm thinking of advertising as straight, or maybe I only wished in my mind that Cliff was gay.
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