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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I remember one Forum member told me about having the escort bring a woman along and know her Biblically in front of him. And I can think of maybe two escorts who told me that if I wanted, they'd be happy to know a woman Biblically in front of me. I politely declined in both cases. Gman
  2. Peter Latz, as I remember, had a bad reputation. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there reports of violence with clients? Gman
  3. On a personal note -as far as I can remember I never hired anyone with an "ask me" in the position slot and probably very few with "ask me" in the orientation slot. They are both big turn offs for me no matter how handsome the guy is. Plus I always get the feeling that most of the guys who answer this way are straight. And I'm not into hiring straight guys. Gman PS And I hired very few guys who didn't show their faces in the ads-they most likely would have had to have been vetted here 1st.
  4. Gar1eth


    What does "picked a little" mean-oh wait-did you mean "peeked"? I swear it just came to me as I was writing this. Gman
  5. The only two things I could think of are (1) that it gives plausible deniability about either escorting or being gay in case family, friends, or (future) employers run across the ad, and/or (2) it allows the advertiser more leeway to decide on a case by case basis what they are willing to do with each client. Gman
  6. One additional caveat with Adam-don't bring up same sex marriage either. Unless he's changed his mind, he had a video stating he was against legalizing it. Gman
  7. Travis advertises as straight if I remember correctly from when I lived in Dallas years ago. That's why I never hired him. I doubt, but don't know for sure, that this would be his scene. Gman
  8. Who is ND? @bigvalboy-thanks for including "Gemar chatimah tovah (lit. A Good Final Sealing)." I've been Jewish all my life, and that's a new one for me. The greeting I'm familiar with (and which I think is more common) is "l'shana tova tikatevu. (May you be inscribed for a good year). " An explanation of the phrases for those not familiar-In the Jewish Bible a "Book of Life" is mentioned. The idea as it has come done is that G-d has three books. There is a Book of Life, A Book of the Dead, and a Book in the Middle (that's not its actual name but go with me here). These three books are opened on Rosh Hashanah: One for the totally wicked, one for the totally righteous (This is the Book of Life), and one for those in between. The totally righteous are at once inscribed and sealed for life, the totally wicked are at once inscribed and sealed for death, and the in between are left in suspension. So the story is that G-d starts making his decision on who goes into each book on Rosh Hashana. But G-d being merciful, he gives us, his children, time to make amends and hopefully improve our standing. So on Rosh Hashana the names are written in the books. But the decision is sealed on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. In between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur your standing can improve. And I guess if you are in the middle book, it could also worsen. The other interesting part of this has to do with repentance. For sins against G-d, you can ask G-d for forgiveness. And if you truly repent, G-d will forgive you. But G-d cannot absolve you of sins towards your fellow (wo)man. For that you have to ask forgiveness of the person you wronged. Now if you ask in a spirit of true repentance, then the other person is supposedly not able to refuse you. Gman
  9. That's interesting. I hear the Aussie accent as 'coarser' than an educated British accent. Gman
  10. Gar1eth

    Dennis in NYC

    Handsome guy-I'll have to say that while I think he is handsome in all the pictures, I prefer him with the longer hair. Gman
  11. In the house I grew up in from the ages of 6 to 18 I usually bathed** or showered at night. We had a 4 bedroom/2 bath house. The front bathroom was the combined guest and children bathroom. It had 2 compartments. The main compartment where the vanity was and a smaller compartment where the toilet and bathtub were. The bathtub was combined with the shower, but I don't think we ever really used the shower in there much. We especially never used the shower from around the time I was 12 when my parents had the bathroom redecorated and had a fancy bath curtain put up that they didn't want to get water spots on. The other bathroom was en suite in my parents' bedroom. It had a shower stall. So considering that until I was 12 or 13 there were 5 people in the house who had to get ready in the morning-Mom and Dad for work, my brother, sister, and I for school-it was natural for me (and most likely my two siblings although it being 45 or more years ago, I can't remember for sure) to take my shower at night. Mom and Dad probably took theirs in the morning. By the time I was 18 I was the only "child" still at home. We had moved to a new house with 2-1/2 bathrooms. My bathroom was still the guest bathroom. But by then I had started usually taking morning showers. For one reason, back when I had hair, it was easier to "style" when it had been freshly washed rather than after having been slept on all night. In defense of evening showers-I will say there is nothing like having just showered in the evening before bedtime and slipping into a bed made up with freshly laundered sheets. **My recollection of my 1st shower is taking it with my sister who is 5 years older than I am. She stood in front of me because my parents weren't sure how I was going to take having the shower spray on me. I think this is the only memory I have of ever bathing/showering with either of my siblings-I have a brother about 7 years older than I am. Don't ask me why my parents picked my sister rather than my brother for my 1st shower experience except she is much easier to get along with (both then and now:p). Gman
  12. I never liked being naked in a group when I was in school because I was fat. I didn't even like to wear shorts because my thighs were so chubby. Same thing thru most of my adulthood. But due to my solitary nature, the matter never came up very frequently. I got over this a bit when I started hiring escorts and occasionally went to the bathhouse. But I don't go to the bathhouse very often. And I'd never go to a nude beach. Or if I did, I'd never strip. Gman
  13. I wonder about his ability at self-description. Most of what he says seems fairly accurate according to his pictures. But I question his use of the word "muscular." I'm willing to give him "athletic." Gman
  14. But their ads still read mainly like massage ads. If the ad seems more massage oriented, even if on Rent Men rather than Rent Masseur, I still wouldn't be interested in hiring. Conversely if an ad on Rent Masseur seemed to include escorting, I wouldn't turn the guy down just because he was on Rent Masseur rather than Rent Men. Gman
  15. Even if these guys are real, they seem mostly advertising for massage. So I was wondering why you posted the question in The Deli rather than The Spa, or did you perhaps post the same question there? Gman
  16. I love to eat (as evidenced by my waistline:(). But I don't love any food enough to tattoo myself with the logo or trademark. Gman
  17. You can do that. But if you know this beforehand, it saves a lot of time and prevents what could become a bad scene if the escort protests the dismissal. I'm glad you asked the question, @Epigonos. The answer is C'EST MOI!! Or for a bit more modern interpretation (This guy has an incredible voice. You should listen to it. And he ain't hard on the eyes neither. He was listed in People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive List in 2008:rolleyes:) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBN_nlXbIIc Gman
  18. I'll have to respectfully disagree. This hobby is expensive. We, as clients, should be able to ask as many questions as we need, within reason, to verify that the escort in question's pictures are accurate. As for a three finger selfie, I never asked for it. I always asked the escort to hold up something dated-like a newspaper or even a piece of paper with the correct date written in. That's going to be a lot harder to fake than a 3 -finger selfie. Gman
  19. Did you ask him why his ad mentions kissing? Gman
  20. You know multiple guys on Adam4Adam who have contacted me have listed 'Native American.' As far as I could tell, they were all scammers. Gman
  21. You may be very right about him being a fake. But it's difficult to know for sure when guys use 'Latin' as an ethnicity. It's a very broad classification. There are, I'm assuming, many "Latins" with a lot of European background/ancestry. I hired a blond Brazilian guy years ago whose mother was European. And I had a Brazilian co-worker whose ancestors I think were from Italy whom I would not have pegged as "Latin". Or take a guy from Venezuela I used to know who had a German last name, or a guy from Columbia I knew who had an Irish last name. Gman
  22. http://dl.dropbox.com/s/os7a1ej76qpwix0/IMG_0237.JPG?dl=0 (Sorry about the poor quality of the picture. If you can't read it, it says, "Just some licking around the butt area, please.") Gman
  23. And now we interrupt our regularly scheduled thread with a musical interlude. We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread already in progress. Gman
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