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big dale

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Everything posted by big dale

  1. Come to LA and let's shoot some content. =)
  2. Just send me your $5 on Venmo. You'll get the same result. LOL
  3. I remember the first time I stepped foot into Qua and was like WHUTTTTT!? It was such a playground. I am neither modestly hung, nor shy about it so that shower in the center of the whirlpools was my favorite. I noticed when I would take a quick rinse there and head into one of the saunas a small parade would form. LOL
  4. Thanks Curious. I am not even mildly upset by this person. He throws out insults and then calls others a bully. He is only worried about himself and not others. He feels the need to prove to everyone how great he is. He sees "patterns" of behavior that have nothing to do with him but are obviously well-orchestrated plots against him. Classic behavior for people with low emotional intelligence and inferiority complex. If anything I feel sad for how lonely and isolated he must feel on his island of one, where nobody likes him, not even himself.
  5. While I don't live in a trailer, my guess is there are people on this forum who do. And what is the issue with that? Does it make them less worthy as humans? Are they defined by their financial circumstances? Are you literally that fucking vapid?
  6. It's not surprising that's your most clever remark, but while you go ahead and joke, people are dying and you could very well end up contributing directly to the death of someone you know and love. COVIDiot.
  7. Getting a massage by a traveling provider during a pandemic? WOW.
  8. I work in the INFOSEC industry. If it is online I can usually find it.
  9. The site I found was this: https://massagemarvels.net/ it is a legit company out of Oregon. The site you linked to appears to be a total scam: https://massagemarvels.info According to the domain info it is registered in the Philippines.
  10. What's the link? The only one I find is in OR and is all women.
  11. I'm adding him to my shortlist for when hiring is back on the table.
  12. Listed as Dallas, TX - guess he was just visiting LA.
  13. That video proves the point about his skin, for those who questioned my appraisal. He has a sexy body and cute face, but no need to airbrush so heavy handedly. It's false advertising at best.
  14. Your provider sounds terrible if he has his phone on during the session you paid for. That's a dealbreaker to me. When I pay my time I expect you to be focused on me. Phone off. Computer alerts off. No distractions, no interruptions. Period. The weirdness of your story and subsequent reaction to others asking about it makes me believe you are a provider masquerading as a client which is totally mental, dude.
  15. I get that a lot. Especially when I'm out flying a kite.
  16. That masseur has nerve asking for pics when he hasn't looked like his own pics in about a decade.
  17. Meanwhile he watermarked all those photos with Mexican Arab Gorilla LOL - and why aren't we discussing the fake beard he added in some app? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  18. Mentally unstable/roid rager. Read other threads on the site.
  19. This is the only photo I will ever send to a provider who dares to ask:
  20. Honestly, I think it varies market to market. In Los Angeles there's huge crossover between those two sites AND rentmen.eu and some providers are on all of those and still work in legitimate massage spaces. In other towns I have noticed a more clear cut distinction between the sites. However, all that being said- still communicate with the provider directly in advance on your expectations, questions, and costs.
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