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big dale

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Everything posted by big dale

  1. For anyone on the "the flu kills more people" turnip cart: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/why-covid-19-isnt-the-flu
  2. I have the feeling we'll be waiting a long while for that data. Thanks for being a rational voice in this conversation.
  3. Sorry, bud- but that attitude is part of the problem. While YOUR outcome may be OK, what about the various sundry people you spread it to? What about the mom with kids you infect at the grocery store? What about your own parents or grandparents? What about your best friend? Sure- you may only get sick, others will die and that will be directly caused by your behavior and laissez-faire attitude. Grow the fuck up.
  4. It's been interesting watching his transition from hopeful internet "celebrity" in some nothing town in USA to moving to Los Angeles and quickly discovering real life and sliding into porn, and now escorting. AMERICA!
  5. It's not paranoia. You're being SMART and RESPONSIBLE. This virus is deadly. People on here need to stop normalizing behavior that is putting our whole community at risk.
  6. Even if he "swings both ways" what does that have to do with the services he provides. People can be gay or bisexual and still only provide non-sexual services. LOL
  7. For real! And why the middle part? That look is so 1995.
  8. While the science is changing rapidly and we are learning more every day, these facts are not disputable based on what we know today: 1. You can pick this thing up and not know for 14 days that you have it. 2. During that 14 day period you can spread it. 3. The virus seems to throw different symptoms in different people and outcomes vary wildly. You do not need to be elderly or immunocompromised to have a very, very bad outcome. 4. There is no cure. If you catch it and survive you could still spend life connected to breathing machines, need organ transplants, etc. If after knowing all that you still think a massage is worth it, you are indicating that you do not care about others. You do not care about the life of the provider. You do not care about the lives of those other people in your life whom you come into contact with. You are selfish. This is not political. This is science. Zoom out. Think beyond your "needs". Help save lives and end this fucking thing.
  9. You have his full name, and while it is not a very unique name in terms of eastern Europe I would think you could find him online somewhat easily.
  10. New party game. Hear me out. It comes with 4 dice. You throw one die that has different cultural names on it, one die that has animal names, one die with "sexy" gay words, and one die with adjectives and whatever you roll is this dude's next massage name... BEEFY, LITHUANIAN, PENGUIN, JOCK SMELLY, JEWISH, RIMJOB, TURTLE IRISH, HORNY, BAREBACK, WOMBAT
  11. Those pics look hella old.
  12. I feel like some people are still on the fence, so let me say again DUDE IS MOTHERFUCKING CRAZY. /end rant
  13. Which is a super terrible idea in the age of COVID, but you do you, booboo.
  14. I didn't even get to a session. On the call he sounded sort of distracted or uninterested, and was making weird sniffle and grunt sounds. Like trying to sound more "masc" or some shit. He listed $300 as the price because he was "so busy lately." I told him that seemed steep and he said "faggots are so fucking cheap" and how his service is for people with "taste and money" which is where I hung up. He followed-up by sending me 27 texts of all different varieties, including apologies, followed hours later by threats. I honestly think he was out of his mind on drugs.
  15. The big piece many seem to be missing is that the window for incubation is up to 14 days, and even people not showing symptoms can spread infection, so even though your provider may feel fine, and only had clients who feel fine, even taking temperature checks, etc. you can still unknowingly spread and contract the virus, which is (as a subtle reminder) DEADLY. Is that massage really worth it? Endangering your own life is one thing, becoming a spreader who endangers others is another.
  16. Please PM me your guy's info. LOL
  17. This isn't going to be super helpful because I do not recall the name he used out here, but he has been thoroughly reviewed in LA. And it hasn't been pretty.
  18. I get requests from people who seem to want a "Letters to Penthouse" play by play of the experience. Sorry. Not the one. Move along. Also- yes my dick is big, no you cannot see a photo.
  19. That dude is a fucking psychopath. He has had a dozen different names, claimed various ethnicities, and is into all kinds of weird conspiracy theories. When I first started looking into massage I contacted him and he texted me 27 times when I declined his fee. Fortunately I have always used a burner number, but he is insane.
  20. There's some really bad science, incorrect data, and terrible advice in this thread. It's really shocking.
  21. Thanks @CuriousByNature and @BeefyDude I appreciate your points of view.
  22. Weak people hide behind PMs. Anyone who has something to say is more than welcome to say it to me directly, unfortunately people like you lack the testicular fortitude required. Thank you though for spending time sending PMs about me while I'm at home not thinking about you, booboo. It's great to have free space in your brain (though to be honest looking at how you spell it seems like you need it back.)
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