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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Overall, I recommend him, though not enthusiastically. PM if you want.
  2. Do you think it would be worth putting another $1000 or so directly into stocks or would it be best to just put more in my index fund? I am inclined toward the latter but there are some good stocks right now that in solid companies that I think would do well in the long-run. But maybe it's best that I keep it with index funds. I don't know that I want to be watching stock prices all the time.
  3. I wonder if he is misunderstanding this as like a sugarbaby sort of situation. But yeah I'd be clear that this is for your time together only. Anything beyond that is his responsibility to pay.
  4. Unfortunately in Denver, even condos are pretty expensive and I just don't think I'm in position yet to put down all my savings on a mortgage. I think real estate is a better option for me in 2-3 years when I'm a bit more stable in my business and hopefully have a bit more saved as well.
  5. Thanks for sharing those videos. The doctor seems to have a very classic presentation of monkeypox from what I read. It's good that he's already feeling better after just a few days. I think the worse part is the isolation. I had COVID early and basically stayed in my apartment for two weeks. Really feel for people who have to do that. Hopefully our testing gets better though and we can start getting those vaccines to people in close contact. Breaking the chains of transmission is definitely going to be helpful in getting these cases down.
  6. Thanks for this excellent advice. Real estate is going to be a bit tricky for me for the time being. Both because Denver is a crazy market and because with my new business I actually don't have a lot of monthly income on paper, which would make it very hard to get a mortgage. But as it grows, I expect to be able to show that I have the income necessary for a loan. That may still be 3-4 years away though.
  7. It appears that the new Jynneos vaccine does not have the "take" of previous smallpox vaccines. It does contain some live virus but it doesn't spread to other parts of the body and is non-replicating, unlike the original smallpox vaccine. Apparently it can cause some injection site pain and a small "lump" to form. Some people develop fever/chills/etc similar probably to the Covid vaccines. You also have to take two doses of the vaccine to be effective. To me, worth it for what sounds like a lifetime of protection against a not-fun sounding disease.
  8. This Parisian garcon was actually really into photography and fashion. He's done a bit of modeling, art directing, photography, etc. He showed me his stuff and it's really cool actually. He definitely has an eye and is working on a sort of art film. So I think for him escorting is something he generally enjoys while also allowing him to pursue his artistic passions. It does sound like that is easier to do in France than in the US.
  9. From the clients perspective, rates are definitely lower. Was just in Europe and it was more 150-200 euro an hour and longer (even 3-4 hour sessions) were like 500 euro. I talked to one guy about why European rates are lower than American rates. He said it's probably more that the social safety net is stronger so you can do it more as a job. In France he said there are rental subsidies, universal healthcare, excellent transit (so no need for a car), etc. I was surprised to learn that his apartment in Paris was only $1100 a month. Sounds like it might just be easier making a living as an escort over there.
  10. I would be more than happy to take a Smallpox/Monkeypox vaccine myself. Especially since it appears to offer pretty strong and long-lasting protection. The CDC is not currently recommending the vaccine for MSM but perhaps as more vaccine becomes available and the close contact transmission remains, they will reconsider. As someone who does both a lot of international travel and likes to visit bathhouses for sex, I would definitely gladly take it. Would you all consider taking the Monkeypox vaccine if you haven't already?
  11. Thanks Kevin. I'll just keep it going and hopefully it'll gain again soon.
  12. Thanks. I'm getting my investments confused. I do have money in a money market account at my bank. But actually you're right that this money is invested into an index fund. That index fund gained solidly in 2021 but is now losing money. I'm still ahead of my original investment though. And I suppose it would be best to just stick it out longer since typically those types of funds do better over time? Is that correct?
  13. This is all good thank you. This may be part of my dilemma. Ideally, I'd like some returns within the next 2-3 years even or certainly within 5. I'd like to be able to afford trips and like that. I really live a pretty frugal lifestyle in a studio apartment. But for trips and men, I'd like some cashflow. But of course, saving for retirement is prudent. And I do have some saved...it's unclear how much that will really provide. So I think both then. Maybe that is exactly right. $5K towards more prudent conservative investments including the CDs I already have (that's where most of this money sits at the moment). And then $5,000 towards index fund-types that will have more return in the long-term.
  14. Thanks! The money market account is fairly low-cost index fund. Maybe I should just put more money into that. Overall it has made money though it has lost money recently.
  15. I came into money about a year ago. My taxes are paid on it. I invested already into an IRA and $5000 in a money-market account that gained a bit in 2021 and now is losing money. I have about $30,000 left in savings. I want to leave some of it there as a new small business I started (and invested money in) has potential but is just really paying my bills now. Any advice for me? I'm fairly young (36) but at that age where I probably really need to be making some choices. Aside from a pension and 403(b), I got basically as part of my compensation when I was a teacher, I never really did any kind of investment in anything. Thanks for really anything. I feel like I'm totally clueless when it comes to that stuff and it feels like a lot of you on here have some expertise.
  16. "An area to learn what makes a good encounter with a provider. No arguments allowed."
  17. I've done overnight and definitely do not party. And in fact turned what was supposed to be an overnight into a two-hour session when an escort brought drugs and insisted on partying. It almost always ends up with them trying to figure out how to get more drugs, how to get more money from you, etc. Just not worth it. Weed and poppers are cool but that's about it for me.
  18. Haha..I love the confetti. Good job gentlemen! I really do appreciate this community and all of you so much.
  19. I liked KinkyGingerPig a lot. He's a true vers which is exactly what I prefer. Didn't actually get into anything too kinky but got a sense he was down. Recommend!
  20. I find the sexiest guys to be lean but not overly bulky with just a bit of hair but not super hairy. I like those goldilocks guys I guess. Actor Raul Castillo and Spanish porn star Bel Gris might be the perfect men to me.
  21. This was not an encouraging article. Sounds like in many of the monkeypox cases in Canada, people are not seeing necessarily many lesions and many are just around the anus or genitals. Some are getting the lesions before the fever and other symptoms. Fortunately, it seems like some people are getting a pretty mild case but unfortunately even in the mild cases the lesions themselves are very contagious. Clearly this is why it's spreading so easily. Many men are not thinking they have anything at all.
  22. Haha. She knows that already. I'm on Truvada and we have our three-month "talk" about how I am engaging in safe-sex. She's not judgmental. I actually do mostly use condoms and did at the bathhouse. That might help a bit though of course Monkeypox could spread from contact with areas the condom doesn't cover.
  23. I had a quick virtual consultation with my doctor because of my Europe trip and my visit to bathhouses there. Fortunately it's been now a full 2-weeks since visiting a bathhouse and she thinks its unlikely I'd be without symptoms for that long. She said 90 percent of people experience at least a fever within 7-14 days. She did say to monitor symptoms for one more week and then I should 100 percent be in the clear.
  24. The other reason that bathhouses are kind of tricky is because monkeypox can be spread by contaminated bedding. So possibly if someone with monkeypox was on a bathhouse bed, the virus could be spread by the next person using that bed even if they didn't have direct contact. I wonder how long those fomites would be infectious. Good news is that it does not appear to spread easily through the air. Apparently some people with the rash actually took lengthy flights from Nigeria to Europe and didn't infect a single person on the flight.
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