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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. I actually used to be a Lyft (and briefly an Uber) driver fomr 2016-early 2020. Lyft was definitely better/easier just because they had a very easy to find and useful "hub" where you were able to set-up everything easy and go if you had problems. In Denver there are definitely fewer Lyft drivers than Uber drivers and as a driver it could be annoying because we could be pulled from quite far away. I definitely had passengers that were 7-8, even 10 miles away from me. It didn't always make sense for me to pick those passengers up either if I was really wanting to be in a certain part of town or whatever. But I do think we got paid more than Uber drivers. We definitely kept a slightly higher percentage of the fare and with longer rides that ended up being a decent side gig. My understanding is that Uber has better "Surge" prices though and that a driver could make a lot taking advantage of that even though Lyft overall had better fares for the drivers.
  2. I've met up with Hayden and I can assure you it is the same former porn star. He has some stories to tell about the industry for sure.
  3. I don't always mind if they see I looked at their profiles. I've sometimes gotten some interesting connections from that. But yeah with this obvious OF spamming, I think I probably should tighten those setting actually. Thanks.
  4. Weird thing is that I didn't actually contact/message any of these gentlemen. In all three instances, I merely looked at their profile and they messaged me their OnlyFans and two of the three said they would come to the "cities that have the most OnlyFans followers." Both of those guys are apparently Turkish so they may be connected. The other guy was Latino and I think unrelated to other two since he didn't say anything about coming to my city, just generally trying to get me to check out his OnlyFans.
  5. Once it's random, twice it's interesting, but three times it's a trend. And it's now been three times that I have looked at a profile only for the guy to message me with links to his OnlyFans account. On two of the occasions, the guy said he "visits the cities where he has the most followers." I kinda think the whole thing is just a scam to get more OnlyFans. Dude is listed as going to like six cities and has pretty bad reviews on Rent.Men itself. Is anyone else seeing this sort of thing?
  6. I prefer to have regulars though a lot of my regulars dropped out of the biz for whatever reason in the last year or so. Often my regulars are travelling companions that come into town a few times a year and I always try to meet with them when you do. It is nice to have chemistry and common interests. Often they do sometimes give a slight time discount. I have one that enjoys going to see theater so he gives me a better deal because he knows that I will also be buying those theater tickets (and often dinner) as part of the package.
  7. I definitely have gotten some guys that I've met with once and then try to get them to meet me over and over again. This happens a lot with traveling escorts. I meet the once when the visit Denver and they think they can meet with me every other time they visit. Unfortunately I don't always have budge and time and try to communicate that but some are pretty persistent.
  8. Any treats you'd recommend? I've already talked to Maveric for a massage plus. He has good reviews but does anyone have anything they'd like to add? Any other must-sees/dos in Atlanta?
  9. I'm a vers bottom. Pretty open with age...under 25 or so is sometimes a bit weird because I used to be a teacher, but now that I'm out of that profession, I'm even more open to that. I actually like a lot of body types..usually I do like guys with nice (7"+ girthy) dicks. Other than that I really have gone with many, many types of guys.
  10. So I did decide to travel to Atlanta for Halloween. Any recommendations while I'm there? Have never been and am a bit overwhelmed with the 9 pages of ads on there. Who are the diamonds in the rough?
  11. I've actually met Kevin. He's a nice guy...very handsome. If he ever does come, 👍
  12. Not my type as much but these guys should be good. https://rent.men/OTTOmobileMATE https://rent.men/HaydenStephens https://rent.men/SeanJohnson Haven't been with Jason yet but I've heard good things about him. A lot of people on the forum will vouch for him. https://rent.men/MasculineJason
  13. You are truly an inspiration to us all.
  14. Staying in Columbus is a thought I had. One of this couple is actually staying there but can't really hang that weekend anymore as he has a work trip. The other actually moved back to Denver. I literally saw him yesterday. At some point, I could probably go to Columbus to visit the friend still there, but it won't work that weekend anymore. So now am thinking of other options. I have visited Kansas City before...it's a nice town. Don't know much about Indianapolis. I've never been there but could be interested in checking it out if there's a good scene there. Columbus isn't bad actually....
  15. Hmm..Montreal is interesting. I have been there but not with sexual escapades in mind. This will be Halloween weekend though so I'm wondering if it might be pretty cold by then.
  16. I had plans to visit Columbus, Ohio at the end of the month to visit friends there but they broke up and moving. Haha. So I have a weekend free and am curious what city I should visit for some fun? I was thinking maybe Atlanta because I've never been there. Or maybe somewhere else south? What city is worth visiting with great escorts as well? Any recommendation for cities or men would be appreciated.
  17. He is sometimes clean-shaven...sometimes a bit stubbly and sometimes has an excellent 70s porn-stache. Personally I like all three!
  18. I've seen him...good massage and experience.
  19. Apparently this forum recently surpassed 10,000 members (it looks like it's 10,003 as I write this). Wow! 😲 What an amazing community! I get so much great information and conversations here. Great job everyone and hopefully to 10,000 more!
  20. It was so much fun to see you in Denver. Glad we got to experience some beautiful trailhead. 😈
  21. I did meet with him...he didn't scam me in any way and I had a good experience generally. Not sure I would hire him again as there were a few weird parts to the meeting. He definitely has put on some weight as well so his pics are a little off. He was very adamant about me doing a review at the end of the session...I kinda see why now. Can give more deets in PM if you all want. But both based on my experience and on what I've read about him now, I definitely won't be rehiring him.
  22. I agree 100 percent with hotel lobby. I do it no matter if I am meeting him there or he's meeting me there. Meet in public and if he's the guy and his vibe is fine, then come upstairs. If not, then sorry.
  23. We have to remember that a lot of these guys when they are starting out do see it as a side hustle. They don't come out as Mike Gaite. Only when they start to get regular clients to some see the potential of escorting. And even then they still have their own goals and things going on. I don't think it necessarily comes across as pushy...so long as you aren't like texting them everyday. What I did with this recent escort is give space and try again. Ok he didn't text back today, let's try next weekend, maybe his schedule is more available.
  24. I've noticed this too with some of the guys who've recently posted ads in Denver. I wonder if part of it is they are just inexperienced. I had a long back and forth with one guy and we did end up meeting. But it just too forever to figure out the schedule. I think sometimes to they get distracted by so many messages and even lose track of who's texting. We ended up working it out though and it was a hot time Sometimes it just takes patience and persistence.
  25. I actually have met with him since this post. Great guy! Would recommend.
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