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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. I think clients can definitely be more thoughtful. When I travel to a city, I often look for a hotel that's just outside the downtown area. When I was in Portland in June, I found a really nice motel-like place in East Portland with a parking lot. The neighborhood itself was really cool with lots of great restaurants and breweries and it was fairly accessible to downtown. And it was really easy for the travelling escort to find me and find parking. It worked really well.
  2. One European escort asked me to do this once. He was shopping in Denver's ritzy shopping area and asked if I could arrange a Lyft or Uber to pick him up and take him to his hotel (where we were going to meet). I got his address and picked him up myself. I was actually a Lyft driver at the time, this shopping area is only maybe 2 miles away and his hotel wasn't far and had parking. He was a little surprised that his Lyft driver was also his client, but he thought it was funny and actually gave me a bit of a longer session than I think he normally would've since i got him the ride.
  3. I met @MrMattBig when I visited Portland. He happened to be there at the same time and I would definitely hire again if our paths crossed. Good choice!
  4. Thanks for sharing Jarrod. That's definitely a scary experience and I am glad that both you and the client ended up safe and sound. It reminds me of a provider regular who told me of a client that used to hire him for these parties. He didn't really like it since my friend doesn't do drugs but a lot of the guys at this party were and he could make like $3K for one night. But he stopped going to them all together when one of the party guests actually ODed on I guess GHB. As basically the only one who was somewhat sober, my friend had to rush this guy to the hospital. My friend lives in Montana and this party was pretty rural so apparently the hospital was like 40 miles away. And he goes to the hospital realizing he doesn't know who this guy is, even his name. Fortunately he ended up being okay, but scary situation and that experience put him off going to any "parties" after that.
  5. I'm so glad we helped! That's what this place is all about.
  6. This request is not reasonable. In almost every way the client is taking a much bigger risk meeting a provider than the provider is meeting the client.
  7. Otto is great....I think he is Denver based but travels a lot. Really nice guy, great sense of humor. Looks like his pics.
  8. I don't think I would mention it during the first meeting. It's best to keep that one fairly professional IMO. But if you guys hit it off and he comes a regular, I don't think that it would be a big deal if you mentioned it. Something to talk about over dinner or something like that.
  9. Thanks for the clarification on the ground. If I were to go to Texas I'd definitely only meet vetted professionals like yourself and probably not some random Grindr dude with roses on his profile. But still makes me more nervous to hire/travel to Texas.
  10. In another thread someone mentioned a new Texas law that makes it a felony to solicit sex so I thought I'd create a new thread just to make it more clear/obvious. Texas is the first state to make it a felony to solicit sex and the punishments could be up to two years in prison even on first offense. I would be very careful with this hobby in Texas everyone.
  11. He was a good, though not great, experience for me. I would recommend him, but probably would not hire again.
  12. Sorry to hear about the loss of your family member, Charlie. COVID really makes these issues so much more complicated. I have a good friend who is British who hasn't seen his elderly parents for now more than 3 years. We're encouraging him to visit soon but actually there is currently an advisory for travel to the UK so he's a bit skittish. He doesn't want to get his parents sick. Everyone is immunized of course but with breakthrough infections, he is still nervous. Hoping maybe he can visit for Christmas is the new plan. Definitely hard to be away from family for so long though.
  13. This is why we have the forum. For the first time especially (and probably for a while) really only go with a guy who is very well vetted by the crew on here. Search the name...probably something has come up before with some information. If not, well that is a sign that the guy either changes his name a lot or he's relatively new to escorting, both yellow flags for a newbie. Just go for someone with a good reputation and lots of solid, positive reviews. Don't be afraid to PM a few guys too if you want more details. Doing that pre-vetting beforehand will save you a lot of hassle. The good ones truly make this hobby easy.
  14. I think he's a great looking guy and if he was in my area and quoting more "reasonable rates" (obviously a subjective term), I'd consider hiring him. But to me those rates are not, so I would have to pass unfortunately. If he can get them in Central Illinois, then more power to him though.
  15. His Twitter account is suspended. That means he violated their terms pretty egregiously or repeatedly. They usually give several warnings before they suspend accounts.
  16. Technically I drove to Palm Springs 2021 get together from Denver. It was part of a bigger road trip but I did see a couple of escorts along the way and in Palm Springs itself. I think that drive is nearly 1,000 miles though the whole trip was probably like 5-6K miles. In Denver, I have driven up to Boulder for an escort visit...that's about 20 or so miles.
  17. PMs is pretty easy. Just go to your messages inbox, scroll to the bottom of the page and find the search box that says, "Search Messages in this Folder." Click the little gear icon for settings and if you can click only "recipient name" and/or "sender name." Then search the name your looking for. I tried it and it brought up all my PMs for a specific escort that I messaged with before. Not sure about the rest, but it works pretty easily with PMs.
  18. I recommend Zayen and Taylor. The other masseur I'd recommend in Denver doesn't appear to be in town at the moment. I do know that he travels a lot between Denver and Dallas. His name is Jay. Good luck and hope you have fun.
  19. The French actor of Breathless, Two Women and The Man from Rio, has passed at the age of 88. In his youth, I found Jean-Paul to be extremely attractive: The French version of Brando or Dean. RIP good sir.
  20. I don't think they are probably actually twins, but I think their ad is hot. I like guys that advertise together like that.
  21. I don't think I've seen an ad for him in a couple months. He also would show up in my Grindr but haven't seen him lately. Maybe he went somewhere for the summer or moved?
  22. I have a similar experience. It's funny to me because the guys that request money like that up front often end up being the guys I honestly don't want to tip anyway. They often offer a rushed experience and end up being a one-and-done hire for me. I tip probably 80 percent of the time and almost always when it's a more chill, non-rushed experience when I pay after the encounter. It's like, oh look there's an extra $20 because it was such a nice time.
  23. Good to know I'm not the only one. Weird that they're doing that. And yes exactly right...I blocked one and another profile did the same thing. Ugh...damn spammers.
  24. I had such a good time this last year but not sure if I'll be able to make it this time. My plan is to make a big European trip next spring with a friend of mine. I'm crossing my fingers that it'll be able to happen with COVID uncertainty. If it doesn't work out, I'll try to get back to Palm Springs. I really enjoyed hanging with all of you gentlemen last year and would love to do the same.
  25. I've noticed recently two separate requests from two different profiles on Rent.Men asking to see my "private gallery" on my RM profile. I actually don't have any pictures at all on there, so I am confused by what's going on. Has this happened to anyone else recently? Do you know why they would request this?
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