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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. If I was in NYC, I'd legit be interested.
  2. Actually the snow was really great for us. It completely got rid of the drought that we were in. Unfortunately, the snow this winter was primarily along the Front Range (the easternmost of the Rocky Mountains closest to Denver, CO Springs, Ft. Collins, etc.) so actually the snow in many of the ski resorts was not that great. And the Colorado River basin which gets a lot of its water from that mountain snow ended up still being in historic drought.
  3. I have noticed a slight softening in the number of escorts in Denver. I think it's a few things: 1) I know that some escorts are actually college students doing this to make extra money. One of the guys I hired for my birthday specifically said he'd take his ad down once school started (but that he'd be happy to meet up with me). It's just too much work to keep up with classes and the dozens of phone calls and e-mails you get from time-wasting potential clients. 2) A lot of people take vacations this time of year so they are either showing their ads in another city or are off-the-grid and enjoying their time off. The summer generally I notice has more escorts than many other times of years because people are travelling all over. Could simply be that your city is not one of those destinations for the time being. 3) Some are worried about Delta and issues related to that. Even if you're vaccinated, you might be able to spread it to others. If you have a immunocompromised family member that could be a big deal. Some might also be seeing the travel restrictions happening and have decided to get out of the US while they still can.
  4. Oh yeah, Denver had a shitload of snow last winter. A really long snow season too...literally from Labor Day through mid-May. Please tell all your friends that we're cursed by a snow witch a la Arendelle. Two pretty big blizzards too...one was nearly 30 inches.
  5. Safe area is very subjective. Often the "safest" areas are town are far from transit and not as easy to get to. Most downtowns often have higher crime but are much easier to get to and often are where many escorts seem to live. That's definitely the case in Denver anyway. I do like a guy that has a hot setup though. My two sexiest escort environments were this one dom escort in New York that had a small apartment with a sling set up, plastic wrap on the floor, toys set up and porn playing on the TV. Just instantly a hot, hot scene. Also had this guy in Denver who had a rather grungy room in some ways. It was just a couch and a coffee table, but he actually had a projector TV and a white wall where he played floor-to-ceiling porn while we were together. Those both were memorable. Most of the time it's just been in hotels or bedrooms. Mostly they've been clean but I do agree if it's particularly gross that is kind of a turn off.
  6. I really think his story, Potential Encounter? should be collected in a short erotic fiction selection.
  7. This is very cheap for both the testing and for the meds. I have insurance and it costs me generally a couple hundred for the testing and several hundred dollars for a three-month supply. There are some newer, cheaper Truvada generics though so it actually has gone down every time I get it prescribed. Although the last time I got the drug, I hit my deductible so it was cheaper. My insurance just renewed though so I'm interested to see what'll be now that my deductible is back.
  8. Avoid AirBnBs especially anything near the strip. For the most part, they are actually illegal there and I had a terrible experience with one last time I was there. Just get a hotel, but yeah the resort fees can be insane.
  9. I don't have any problem reconciling a hot dude as a nerd. Nerds are the popular ones now. A lot my regulars are both really hot and really nerdy. To me it makes perfect sense. If you're both hot and smart, why wouldn't you try to use both to make some extra money for yourself? I think this guy is real as far as I can tell. He has an Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/pugiggles_/?hl=en) and OnlyFans. I've never met him, but would absolutely love to!
  10. My dad just got his booster. He's immunosuppressed because of a kidney transplant. For me I think the booster will be in November.
  11. To be honest, I've always like JustForFans better. I feel like it's much easier to keep track of my subscriptions and easier to find content.
  12. I love Montreal but visited before I was into this hobby. Now that I am, definitely need to go back.
  13. A new provider was added to the Provider database. Name: Jay Profile URL: https://rent.men/mildtowildcmt Age: 30's Orientation: Unknown Ethnicity: Latino Physical Information: Height: 5'10" Weight: 170 lbs Build: Average Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Facial Hair: Goatee Body Hair: Light View full escort
  14. Not in the UK, but had a regular Brazilian guy for a while before he moved for his airline job. It sounds like there are some opportunities for ambitious Brazilians to become flight attendants and the really good ones will even get picked up by United, British Airways or whatever. That's what he did and then he supplemented his income by escorting. He actually was trying to develop a program or scholarship or something back in Brazil for others to get in the airline industry.
  15. To me, it's all about the effort the escort provides to make it a sexy, fun experience. I visited this great BDSM guy in NYC who had porn on a big TV, a sling ready to go and plenty of towels ready in case there was a bit of a mess. He basically showed that he made an effort to make the environment a fun experience for sex. On the other hand, I've seen guys visiting in their hotel rooms with dirty clothes all round, no towels around in case we need them, fast food wrappers not even in the trash but sitting on the dresser. Basically no effort to make it a nice environment for fun. The sex can be great either way but that can tell me if there was effort into making the environment hot for some fun.
  16. I've been in long-term relationships (longest more than 5 years) and have been alone. That is what I am currently and I would say I am generally happy. There is a freedom in being alone that just doesn't exist in a relationship. Though the trade-off is that intimacy and having that partner in life. I do miss those lazy weekends of sex, cuddling, late breakfasts, going for a walk, just having someone to do things with. But I do get a lot out of my time with providers and the traveling that I do. I enjoy that I can go exactly where I want with who I want. And I have some amazing friends and family that I can still spend lots of quality time with. I even have a couple of BFEs that I get to share some more intimate time with even some cuddly weekends now and then. Truly, I don't think a life alone is necessarily any worse than a life with a partner. They're different with positive and negative things about each. Happiness really comes from within and I know many people happy alone and many people miserable in relationships (and vice versa).
  17. Yeah, you're basically admitting to engaging in LGBTQ hiring discrimination. Thanks to Bostock v. Clayton County that is illegal nationwide and your company could be sued by this woman. I've worked with some lesbians and some are great, and some are not...same with straight men, gay men, straight women, etc. Orientation has absolutely nothing to do with performance, which is why there are laws now to prevent discrimination of LGBTQ employees.
  18. You've filmed some really hot FTM content Maus. Definitely check out his Just for Fans if you want to see more.
  19. Happy birthday to you both. 🥳
  20. I met up with Matt when I was in Portland just in June. Great guy...recommend him highly!
  21. I hired one about a month or so ago and also briefly kinda had a FWB with another. I find it to be a pretty great experience. The two I was with were super horny and a lot of fun. I consider myself bi/pan and had been with women for most of my 20s. When penetrating I think I prefer a vagina to an asshole, tbh. I can come much more easily with the other for whatever reason. So to me being with a transman is like the best of both worlds: They are often attractive dudes but they have the hot holes that I enjoy.
  22. I've never taken in an escort, but I have had roommates. I think it's probably best if you view him as such. Even if you don't charge rent, I'd recommend developing a contract that you both sign that stipulates the conditions of him living with you. Maybe this is basic stuff like he helps clean the house and doesn't do drugs or whatever at the house. It might be a good idea to put a time-limit on the contract as well even if you're okay with him staying longer. Like three months at first but then revisit it for longer. That way if things go bad, you have the rent contract as something to force him out if need be. You hope it doesn't come to that but be prepared if it does.
  23. When planning my birthday orgy, I very specifically contacted only escorts that said they were into "Groups" on their RM profile. Yet oddly, two out of the three guys I contacted said they actually weren't into groups despite that being on their profile. No worries on my part if that's the case, but just curious if what we see on there is accurate or just reflects maybe what people put when the create the profile but not maybe their current preferences? Or maybe it relates to comfort with the client for those activities? Just wondering if it should be a guide at all or really I should just not take what that says at face value at all.
  24. Yeah I am kinda regretting not calling a few of the potential guys I had lined up for my birthday orgy. I think a lot is missed in text communications. Literally had one guy in the hotel lobby who backed out last minute because he didn't realize it was a "group" thing. Looking back at my texts I thought it was pretty clear. I had said, "I'm looking for someone to hang out and have some fun on Saturday night with me and a couple friends." But maybe in spoken conversation this could've been clearer or could have clarified any concerns he might've had.
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