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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Jake and Ali are wonderful, sexy guys and it was fun being double-teamed by these two.
  2. Ended up much, much cheaper. Haha. I was definitely prepared to do $5000 for multiple guys, plus hotel, incidentals, etc. It ended up not even being $2000. I did end up getting a nicer hotel than I originally planned (About $250 for the night). I did an overnight with my regular for $1200 and then spent $400 for the second gentleman for two hours. I threw in another I think $50 each for tip and spent a little on some incidentals (lube, etc.) My regular actually insisted on treating me to dinner as part of my birthday (there is a nice restaurant at the hotel we went to). I think adding it all up it was pretty close to 2k, but I don't think I quite reached it. So way underbudget, but also not really an orgy as much as a three-way. Still fun though!
  3. I feel like this was almost a re-creation of that scene from Stand By Me.
  4. I'm reminded of the escort who shares his income every year and how a surprisingly large percentage comes from just a handful of regulars. I'm very similar. There was this couple that were regulars of mine that I hired several times including overnights and longer sessions. We had just such amazing chemistry and fun together and I realize over the course of about three years I had actually spent more than $10,000 with them. But they were always generous with their time, which was why I was generous with my money to show appreciation for their time.
  5. I agree that the escort was behaving unprofessionally. He should be tracking the time if it's that important to him. But really 10 minutes over is nothing and I've gone over that long with many guys and have never been asked to pay more for that. If I have a good time, I usually tip an extra $20 or so anyway, but I would not in this case. I would've just said. Well we agreed to $X for X and I think we should keep to that. Definitely would not rehire either.
  6. There's actually a guy I met who has an AirBnB in Provincetown that is down for sex weekends. Met him at Palm Springs this year and actually thought about going down to P-Town for that purpose. You can even hire the guy who owns it (he's an escort and Masseur) and then get some other guys. Could be a good way to do it honestly.
  7. So that's what I did this last weekend and it worked out. I was actually hoping for more guys (up to four actually) and that didn't happen, but I managed to do the three-way. My main recommendation is to be upfront with both guys right away that you're looking for a three-way. My other recommendation is to use regulars. This was somewhat my mistake as I had one regular that we connected real well, but the other guys were all new to me. And unfortunately only one followed through. Having backups and patience is helpful too. Good luck.
  8. They definitely are sexy, fun guys. It was a lot of fun. I'll definitely get an orgy someday. I think maybe Denver is just a challenging city to do that in. I'll have to look at other options down the road. And honestly, a hot threesome with nice, sexy, chill dudes was a great birthday weekend.
  9. So alas, it ended up being a three-way. One of the guys cancelled on me last minute, but the three of us ended up having some good fun so all in all not a bad night. Jake and Ali are wonderful, sexy guys and it was fun being double-teamed by these two.
  10. I'll post on Sunday. Mostly because I only want to promote them if they follow through. I have confidence in my regular but the other two I've never met before and am a little nervous that they'll pull something last minute on me. Another guy I contacted for this already kinda did so trying to avoid that. But I will recap generally and share links after this happens.
  11. Haha..I don't think there will be video and probably not even much in the realm of photos...though maybe I could get a few. Part of it is that one of my escorts is Arab and his family would not approve of what he does so one of his stipulations is no video of any kind. He even wants all of us to put our cell phones in the hotel safe during the encounter. But he is the one I trust the most and actually helped me set up a lot of this, so I am glad to abide by his rules.
  12. I think it's more of a marketing thing than anything else.
  13. So it's happening this weekend. Ended up hiring three guys instead of four. I took your advice and went for a nicer hotel downtown with two beds. They actually were fine having four people stay in the room so no worries about that. The room has this little couch seating area and a huge walk-in shower too so I think it'll have some fun areas to hang out in. I have me regular staying the night and the other guys coming for three hours each so we should have a nice long, fun session together. Going tonight to the adult store to buy a few things. Really looking forward to tomorrow night! No live-blogging or video updates sadly but will let you all know how it went. Thanks for your advice!
  14. Surprised Joni hasn't gotten it already. My mom is a huge fan and it took me a while to come around, but I've grown to be a fan too. Blue is an absolute masterpiece...one of the best albums of all time.
  15. Thanks for sharing your story as well David. Sometimes just expressing it helps you process it...allows you to make the next steps you need. We all support you with whatever choices you make next.
  16. I live in Denver's Capitol Hill. It along with Cheesman Park is somewhat the "gayborhood" of Denver. I live only a few blocks from one of the most popular gay bars in Denver and not a long walk from several others. It's a good gayborhood.
  17. The very last trip I took before the pandemic was to Chicago and I got to check out a lot of the Boystown area including Steamworks and a divey bar that had strippers. It was a great time...hopefully it will rebound.
  18. We should assume that a Rent.Men profile is similar to a LinkedIn profile. Like am I really proficient in Microsoft Office? No, but I'll pretend to be to get the job and figure it out later. As long as the photos are accurate and the experience is good, I really have no problem with this. One of my regulars is 39 on the profile but is actually in his late 40s. I enjoy my time with him regardless.
  19. I think a lot of our later bloomers anyway. I was pretty much exclusively heterosexual until my fiancée died in an accident when I was 30. That tragedy let me to reevaluate a lot of things in my life and realizing that actually that homosexual play I had when I was in teenager was something I wanted to do more of. I had another girlfriend but it didn't work out and I have been with men ever sense. Definitely hiring has allowed me to explore even more aspects of my sexuality. Looking forward to doing a lot more of it soon.
  20. Thank you! This has been a lot of fun to check out. Truly an inspiration....
  21. I'm generalizing of course. Some Boulderites are nice people and some are a bit self-centered...just feel there are more of the latter in Boulder...haha.
  22. Yeah I agree...I thought he would be a general, all-around good escort. He is one of my top guys of all time and I actually am tempted to go back to NYC just to meet him again. I did meet another guy in NYC on my last visit but honestly wouldn't recommend him even if on probably a surface/physical level he would more check your boxes.
  23. He's actually really not that big of a guy. I think his 8" is a bit generous...haha. I mean it's substantial but I've been with many escorts who are much larger. Although I guess "Reasonable endowment" is a bit subjective. And actually I think SirKirk 100 percent checks the "gentle" and "patient" boxes.
  24. I'm not a huge fan of Boulder. It's definitely beautiful and has great access to the mountains and some good local businesses. But a lot of the people there are just kind of annoying. Haha. Like I was hiking once there and this dog bit me and the owner was like trying to say I provoked it somehow instead of being apologetic. The dog was also off-leash which it wasn't supposed to be but a lot of times they don't think the rules apply to them. It's also very expensive....way more than Denver. It's a lot of really wealthy tech-bros/trust fund hippies that run around town in their $5000 bikes and name-brand athletic gear from REI. I actually prefer Ft. Collins. Similar college-town vibe but a lot more laid back and less expensive.
  25. He's a bit older but actually I think https://rent.men/WhosNext is a great choice. I met with him to get into more sub stuff/fisting and found him incredibly patient and caring in that whole process. I think he would be likewise for a more newbie bottom. PM me for details if you want them.
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