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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Interesting...thanks for sharing that Bobj. Time-wise 400 for 90 mins/500 for 2 hours isn't super-high in my opinion (I just did 500 for 2 hours with Mike Gaite a couple weekends ago), but the list of things he does for each donation is a little bit weird to me. In some ways the rules are straightforward, but it also kind of reads as high-maintenance. This definitely doesn't make me want to seek him out. And then going back to the pics...like he's handsome but I don't know...Denver has a lot of in-shape dudes. Like nothing about his pics are really making him stand out to me. He looks like he's about to go on a tour though. If anyone decides to meet up, let us know how it turns out.
  2. I personally don't consider whore to be pejorative or derogatory. I suppose some people make it into that. I don't know though, I think there's been a reclamation of the word just like gay men have reclaimed faggot. Make a word lose it's power by embracing it.
  3. This is absolutely wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing Benjamin. This is like a gift to start Pride with Reba as my new gay icon.
  4. 1 - Personality 2 - Endowment 3 - Face 4 - Body I am actually attracted to a lot of guys, but since I bottom more, the endowment is pretty important. He can rock a dad bod or have a six-pack but if he's packing 8" or above, I'm definitely interested.
  5. I haven't seen the ad and checked their Instagram and don't see it on there. Actually met with Mike last weekend. Still looking as handsome as ever. Definitely could be a model for that kind of thing.
  6. Yes..I agree. I never initiate a BFE unless it's already with a provider I felt connected to already, so to me the date just deepens that more and makes it even more mutually enjoyable. I do love to cuddle and make out as well and I think spending a lot of time together makes that feel even more special and connected.
  7. I liked it quite a lot too. Definitely related to Arthur Less as I get older..haha. And that kinda twist ending was pretty neat I thought. I just loved how fun and lighthearted it was. Great book.
  8. It is subjective and something you should talk about with the guy you're thinking of having the BFE with. But to me, it's actually pretty specific and involves doing a "date-night" type activity. Maybe it's seeing a play, watching a movie, going to dinner, something like that. Usually this entails a longer session (3-4 hours typically for me) where we can really have a nice time together with conversation, mutually-enjoyable activities (when planning the date I always ask the guy for things he likes to do and find something we'll both enjoy) and then of course great sex. The sex itself doesn't really have much to do with a BFE for me.
  9. I'm pretty skeptical of someone claiming 13" Doesn't the biggest dick belong to Jonah Falcon, who claims 13.5"? Even from the pictures, I don't think 13" on this guy. We have to remember that like 8-9" is a huge cock. Above 6.5" you have a dick bigger than 95% of all men. Obviously, escorts and porn stars have larger dicks in average...that's why they're in the biz. But we have to be realistic....the only thing huge about a 13" dick is the exaggeration.
  10. I kinda want to be Napoleon and be defeated by this Waterloo.
  11. Just wanting to say how happy am to see all of your avatars made it through! Thanks Rob and the rest of the admin team for the thought and care you've put into keeping this valuable community around.
  12. I remember when Archie from Sean Cody retired a few months ago, I was honestly relieved. I always found him very hot with a boyish charm. And when he made the decision to leave the industry it sounded like it had done a lot of harm to his personal life. Just glad that he got out before any more damage happened.
  13. 22 is so young. Barely even an adult really. What a tragedy.
  14. I think the CDC made the right call, though I also kinda hope masking becomes more "normal" generally. It's quite common in Asia and some other places to mask on public transit and other crowded spaces, especially during flu/cold season. I think I'll continue to do the same...wear a mask on trains, planes, ubers and probably in like busy grocery stores and shopping malls. I probably won't at bars and restaurants just because a big part of that experience is eating and drinking. I do think the risk in those settings is still pretty high for respiratory infections, but you also have to live your life to some extent. But I have stopped wearing masks outside basically ever since I got vaccinated and not sure if ever made a ton of sense to mask outside unless you were in very crowded areas. There was just never any evidence of infection from someone passing you on the sidewalk. Be cautious when you can but don't be paranoid/anxious about getting COVID or sick generally. My sister has had a really hard time with COVID and it's sad to see people get into these cycles of anxiety over getting sick. We're animals and that's something that can't be avoided entirely. We're also social creatures so those of us who've been responsible and taken the vaccine should feel free to live their lives as normally as possible now.
  15. One thing I find useful as a client when it comes to tipping is strangely enough when clients charge a value of $20. I almost always throw in an extra $20 but that's pretty easy when it's $240 or $260 for an hour. It's a bit harder when it's $250 and unfortunately some guys have just gotten an extra $10 instead. This is just because the ATMS throw out $20s and when I am quickly at the ATM I usually don't take out more than an extra $20.
  16. Ah thanks...I was ok looking, I guess? Haha. I did swim and ride my bike a lot but I somehow always had an extra few pounds that even at my fittest couldn't quite get rid of. Definitely not a cut, lean stallion like some of the men I watched over. Haha.
  17. I get it too, often if I go on a particularly long run. I do have orthopedic inserts and they definitely help. Stretching and lacrosse ball helps too. Good luck. It's definitely no fun, but for me at least the pain only lasts a day or so after the long run.
  18. I did grad school at University of Texas and damn, some of the young men were fine. Somehow had both a bunch of lean hipsters with tattoos and facial hair and ripped jocks straight from Friday Night Lights. I worked as a lifeguard then and I sometimes had to remind myself not to drool. width=234pxhttps://i.pinimg.com/originals/d2/1a/38/d21a3846af9c1a9aa99fe838885abd3f.jpg[/img] width=319pxhttps://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/0c/88/340c884540f876b8c072e25a049bc139.png[/img]
  19. Sherman Maus is wonderful. I recommend him 100%.
  20. Back when going to events was a thing, I had one regular in particular who would much rather we go see a play and have a longer session than having any kind of tip. We'd often spend an evening together with a dinner, a show and some fun. He gave me a better deal on the hourly rate for this longer session and I would pick up all the tickets, meals, etc. I never tipped him over his quoted rate, though the cost of the tickets and/or meals could be $100 or more. Sometimes in a regular session, I will tip an extra $20 but typically not much more than that.
  21. Although I did contribute several reviews, to me the forum has grown to be much more important than the review site. I would be bummed if DaddyReviews got taken down but I would be devastated if I could no longer access this community on the forum.
  22. I want to retire now, but I think I'm much too young. Haha. I am really getting burned out on my job though. This recent article in the NYTimes really spoke to me. Really wish I was back to having summers off like I did when I was a teacher. Might have to make some career changes soon.
  23. There was a lot of conversation when Prep first came out that the medication in some ways could almost be a vaccine if it became very widely used among the populations most likely to contract HIV. Unfortunately the cost of the medication and low adherence among some groups made that a challenge. Though in areas that have really pushed, Prep, there has been some great success in decreasing HIV infection rates. Australia is a good example. So I am encouraged by this vaccine. If it can be something people take once or maybe even every few years, that could both lower the cost and increase adherence to the point where there is so little HIV in a population, that it can becomes nearly eliminated. Devil's in the details, but definitely hope. These MRNA vaccines are possibly a real game changer in many diseases.
  24. I am okay with you taking ownership Coolwave. Are you willing to have the steering committee, etc.? I signed up to volunteer for that. But I don't have the technical knowhow or the money to help in more substantial ways. I do want to see this web site preserved though.
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