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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. I used to meet with this really hot, muscled Brazilian guy that once lived in Denver. I don't normally go for the muscled guys but damn! He no longer escorts and doesn't even live in the US any more but we're still friends on social media. Somehow he's gotten even more cut and muscled than when we used to get together. Makes me miss those days for sure. Haha.
  2. I don't think you'll have any definitive answers. But I think part of the success of an escort relates to finding a "niche" that sets you a part from others in the market. To me that would be pretty difficult in a city like New York, LA or Las Vegas (or any city that has more than say 10 pages of Rent.Men ads) where there are established escorts that have pretty strong identities and lots of regular clients. In that regard I think some of the more mid-size cities could be appealing because in many cases you would stand out a bit more among the sea of ads. I live in Denver and we typically have 3-4 pages of ads, allowing one to really kind of browse through the whole selection and seeing what's out there. Plus I feel like because there is 3-4 pages of ads, that must mean there is enough demand for both local and traveling escorts. And if a city has very few ads that maybe suggests there is just not a lot of clients there (but perhaps there are and they will appreciate you visiting). I don't think even what I said is definitive but hopefully it maybe helps a little bit. I am a client and travel a lot to different cities and have talked to many escorts about the business, so that's kinda what I'm basing this on.
  3. I am going to Joshua Tree NP tomorrow morning at about 9AM. I have an NP parks pass so if anyone wants to go, I'm happy to take them, leaving from Canyon Club. I will check my in-box tomorrow morning for PMs if you're interested. Thanks!
  4. I have met with HottMike. PM for details if you'd like.
  5. I'm also considering going to Joshua Tree. Either Saturday or Sunday morning.
  6. Thanks David. I think this sounds lovely. I will be coming in on Friday and likely could attend for a bit. Should we just text you for the address when we're in town or what do you prefer?
  7. Thanks for all you do around here Dave. And I was just thinking how we will definitely need to have some kind words and toasts to memorialize the great Daddy during some of this meet-up.
  8. Interesting details. Thanks Jarrod. I did see you were in town. Glad you had a good experience this time around. Yeah Glendale is a weird location because it really is just a handful of hotels, apartments, a Target and some strip clubs along Colorado Boulevard. It's not very big at all so surprising to see people in it, but understanding when it makes that your default. Cherry Creek I could see make more sense because it's considered "upscale" so certainly there might be some clients looking for that kind of thing. Actually a lot of apartments in Glendale like to pretend they are in Cherry Creek to fool people that don't know any better. Haha. Thanks again for the detailed information. I was really thinking that Rent.Men must have changed their location settings seeing all of these random locations pop up. Glad to confirm that is the case and I will be cognizant of that as I am about to do a two-week road trip.
  9. What terrible news. RIP to an incredible man. Hope the rest of us can continue his amazing legacy.
  10. Thanks Shawn. Also you're reminding me that I need to get over to Atlanta sometime to meet with you. Such a handsome dude.
  11. Ooh I love teriyaki chicken places! Healthier but still delicoius. I'll definitely check this one out.
  12. Thanks. And you're able to input whatever address you want basically? It doesn't have to be GPS or city center? That's what I've been seeing I think, but just not sure how much control escorts on Rent.men have over their locations. Sounds like quite a lot acually.
  13. That QAnon documentary on HBO is truly terrifying. Mostly that people believe such obvious crap.
  14. I'm making this into a road trip so I will have my car and am happy to carpool to events with other gentlemen that do not. I'm staying at Canyon Club so anyone that is staying there (or nearby) is more than welcome to ride with me. I'm fully vaccinated and can wear masks if that makes you feel more comfortable.
  15. I love Boulder...a very pretty town with some cool things to do, particularly if you like nature. But it's definitely in its own sort of weird bubble.
  16. Thanks for the information. I was thinking it was something like that but wasn't for sure.
  17. Yeah, I am wondering if you have the option to do like the "general city" location or pinpoint your specific location using GPS or whatever. I did tell my regular about him only showing up in Glendale and he did end up switching it to the general Denver location so they definitely have some control over it. That's kind of why I'm curious to hear from an escort who advertises on Rent.Men. What options does the site give you for that?
  18. "When multiple partners, usually 3 or more, engage in sexual intercourse with a single willing partner." I agree, gangbang and train are similar. I almost feel like a train involves also sucking off a dude while getting fucked. And actually that is the second definition on UD. I actually would like to set up an orgy, train, gangbang all rolled into one. Haha. One day....
  19. I would really love to set a gangbang up at some point. I actually have a regular escort couple that said they were interested post-Covid but unfortunately now they are moving out of state. That would've been nice because would already be halfway there. Oh well, I'll save up and make this happen somehow.
  20. On Rent.Men, I've noticed recently a couple of odd things with escort locations on there and am curious if I could find answers here. So one former regular recently came back into town but I didn't see his ad for a bit because he was listed as Glendale, Colorado, a small little enclave within Denver where he was actually apparently staying for the time at a hotel there. This is odd because Glendale is quite a small city entirely surrounded by Denver and it would be much better if he set his location as Denver to get more clients. Another escort in Denver has his location set as Cherry Creek, Colorado, which is actually not a city at all but rather the rich "upscale" neighborhood of Denver with like all the expensive stores and high-rent apartments. Knowing this escort a bit, I think this was a deliberate choice in some attempt maybe to get wealthier clients. Although it's kind of a strange choice since this escort is not showing up when you search "Denver" and only shows up if you are especially looking at this wealthy neighborhood. My question to escorts on here is this: How does RM set your location? Is it done automatically? Or do you actually physically select where you want it to say you are? I notice that most Denver escorts when you look at them on the map it shows basically Civic Center, like the main square downtown where the Capitol and City Hall are located. I assume this is the default "Denver" map location. And there are some that obviously are using the GPS to give a more precise location. But can you physically change the map? Put in another address to show as your location? Just curious about how the locations work on Rent.men. I am traveling soon and I do like to use the map feature to kind of see who is really around me. Though of course I know which ones are just the generic "city location" and which ones are maybe actually nearby.
  21. I agree. The Masonic Temple is gorgeous. I do disagree about at least the Smithsonian museums. When I lived in DC, I had no life so I went to the museums constantly because they were free. I think they are some of the best museums in the entire country. But yeah once you see the Washington Monument once, you don't have to see it again.
  22. I agree. The Masonic Temple is gorgeous. I do disagree about at least the Smithsonian museums. When I lived in DC, I had no life so I went to the museums constantly because they were free. I think they are some of the best museums in the entire country. But yeah once you see the Washington Monument once, you don't have to see it again.
  23. There have only been a handful of cases at all of "Prep failure," when someone taking Prep got infected with HIV. And even among those cases, there are a few odd circumstances, questionable adherence for example or underlying health condition. But there does genuinely appear to be some mutant HIV strains that are starting to circumvent the drugs, though they are extremely rare. And again, of the thousands of men taking prep there appears to only be like maybe a dozen confirmed cases of prep failure in the now 10-years+ that Prep has existed.
  24. There have only been a handful of cases at all of "Prep failure," when someone taking Prep got infected with HIV. And even among those cases, there are a few odd circumstances, questionable adherence for example or underlying health condition. But there does genuinely appear to be some mutant HIV strains that are starting to circumvent the drugs, though they are extremely rare. And again, of the thousands of men taking prep there appears to only be like maybe a dozen confirmed cases of prep failure in the now 10-years+ that Prep has existed.
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