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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. It looks like it's open 24-hours which is interesting. Well I do have a NP parks pass so if there is anyone who'd like to see it as well, I am happy to take it my car.
  2. Looks like I was able to get that third night on Sunday at the Canyon Club, so I am in for all the wonderful weekend events. I am curious how far it takes to get to Joshua Tree NP? I have a national parks pass and might check it out for a bit on Saturday or possibly Sunday morning.
  3. There was this Brazilian guy who used to live in Denver as a flight attendant. My god he had the hottest body and a beautiful smile and chill personality to boot (plus some other nice parts!) So bummed he ended up moving back to Brazil.
  4. So there is an address on the how to donate page on Daddys, but it appears to be for a shopping center. There is a post office across the street so it may really just be a PO Box for that or something. Anyway, I don't think it's actually where he lives. I actually will be in Vegas in early April, but I hope that we would know something much before then. Wishing Daddy all the best.
  5. Yeah the fact that he keeps his face pics hidden also is partially why I haven't bothered. I do get it to some extent and have hired guys that keep their faces hidden, but I often kind of skip over the ones who don't show pictures of their face.
  6. 25 is kind of my Mendoza line. I've now been teaching for almost 7 years so truly some of my students are getting to that age! Fortunately I first started in middle school, but those kiddos actually just graduated high school last year, which is crazy to me. But I've spent the last couple teaching high school and actually doing career and college counseling stuff so those young men and women truly are like full-fledged adults now. I actually had a beer with one of my students, making a bet that I would buy him a beer if he graduated from a two-year culinary program I helped him get into. I truly don't expect to run into any former students in this hobby (though a teacher colleague of mine did run into a former student of his as a stripper for his bachelor party). But yeah, there is something about the younger (and younger-looking) escorts that is kind of is a turn-off for me just because I really do try to keep my professional and private lives pretty separate and it just feels like weird to me for some reason. Like I once very briefly saw a student of mine on Grindr (near my home on a weekend, not at all related to near school) and I erased it for like six months and even today primarily use Scruff and Grindr only when out of town or during long school breaks. I just get neurotic about this...haha.
  7. I've seen his ad and definitely a handsome young man, but I get thrown off by the younger guys because they remind me too much of my students. LOL. I've actually been a teacher so long, I am kinda legitimately worried that I'll run into one of my former students doing this hobby and that would be a major boner-killer for me. Haha. But like go for it if he's your type.
  8. He lives in Las Vegas, but I am not sure his exact address. Any other Vegas members here?
  9. I have a grower not a shower, so actually it kind of took a while. I used to love getting blow jobs from guys off Craigslist when I was younger and a lot of them commented on how thick my cock was. And then as I started to hook up more and more I definitely noticed that my cock was bigger than most. I say I'm only slightly above average. It's even a bigger dick than some escorts I've hired.
  10. Matt's actually a thoughtful, nice guy. I love his redneck vibe but like even more that he can have a conversation about philosophy while lying in bed together. ?
  11. Matt's actually a thoughtful, nice guy. I love his redneck vibe but like even more that he can have a conversation about philosophy while lying in bed together. ?
  12. I could leave on Monday. Just means a bit longer drive to Monday and Tuesday but it's still doable.
  13. I could leave on Monday. Just means a bit longer drive to Monday and Tuesday but it's still doable.
  14. Hmm..So I may have to miss on the Sunday dinner. I actually am road tripping this whole thing and I have to be back in Denver by Tuesday evening. For some reason, I though the majority of the events were on Saturday instead of Sunday. Oh well..I can attend what I can attend. Maybe I can see if I can get another night at InnDulge on Sunday night.
  15. I'm thinking of checking out Moorten Botanical Gardens while in PS. I have always been fascinated with desert plants like cactus and succulents and the admission is really affordable. Maybe a few of us can go together if others are down.
  16. Sorry if my post wasn't clear, but that is actually what the Israeli study shows. The vaccine prevents COVID infection and therefore prevents the spread of the infection to others. First paragraph of article, "The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine appeared to stop the vast majority of recipients in Israel becoming infected, providing the first real-world indication that the immunization will curb transmission of the coronavirus." Forth paragraph, "If confirmed, the early results on lab-tested infections are encouraging because they indicate the vaccine may also prevent asymptomatic carriers from spreading the virus that causes Covid-19. That’s not been clear because the clinical trials that tested the safety and efficacy of vaccines focused on the ability to stop symptomatic infections." It's one study of course and the article cautions against generalizing too much from it. But at least some preliminary studies do show that at least the Pfizer vaccine not only prevents people from getting sick, but also getting infected and transmitting the virus to others. Since the Modera vaccine is very similar to the Pfizer vaccine, you probably could assume the same holds true for that one, though of course it hasn't been studied specifically.
  17. For what it's worth, I really like Matt Muck. Met him a few times and he is really great if you're into what he's about. He sells his whole working-class guy thing to a T. I didn't get a sense that he sees a lot of guys when he visited Denver, but he said he has family here so maybe the Denver visits are not as much about seeing clients as it might be in other cities.
  18. Trivia. I almost always win at trivia games, bar trivia, etc. I have one of those sponge brains that absorbs every random fact I encounter.
  19. It does appear that the Pfizer vaccine is 89.4 percent effective at preventing COVID infections. This is according to an Israeli study.
  20. I did Lyft for a while and definitely used that extra money for the hobby. I once even picked up an escort traveling to the city. We had met once before but he didn't recognize me. We had arranged a meeting in the afternoon and he went on a little shopping trip in the morning at a nearby mall. I offered to pick him up but he had assumed I sent the Lyft for him. He didn't realize it was actually me driving the thing.
  21. I agree with you. I think budgeting for the hobby is smart. I do the same because I work in education and don't really have a ton of extra money for the hobby so I do budget for it. I kind of think of my budget for what I have left over each month after expenses and my savings. I usually do not have any money for my first paycheck because all my bills are at the beginning of the month. But tend to have an extra $300-$400 on my second check of the month so that is when I tend to meet guys. Therefore, I try limit myself to hiring only once a month at most. If I am trying to go for a bigger experience or a trip, than I often go without the hobby for a couple months. Right now I am trying to save up for Palm Springs, so I am not hiring until then. Although I should also get a tax refund and (hopefully) the third stimulus to help with the trip.
  22. Glad our Texas members are safe and appear relatively unscathed. I used to live in Austin and we had one brief snow event there (maybe 1" at most) and everything was closed for 2 days because of it. So I can only imagine. I did donate to some relief organizations. Glad the weather has improved and hopefully things will be back to normal soon.
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