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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Yeah I am very glad that I didn't meet with him when I saw him in NYC when I was there. I find him very attractive from his porn performances but everything I've read about him has been negative. Sorry for your experience.
  2. For a summer in college, I was one of those annoying non-profit hipster assholes that bother you on the street asking you for donations to save the environment. I stopped after a week because A) a lot of these co-workers were legit true-believers that acted like if you didn't raise a bunch of money by bothering people just trying to have lunch downtown, you personally cut down the Amazon. B) My bike actually got stolen from INSIDE their office and nobody gave a shit and acted like it was my fault for bringing a bike to work. And this was an environmental non-profit where 90 percent of the employees drove to work. They even had a security camera in the front of the building next to the entrance but they wouldn't share the footage and even discouraged me from filing a police report because of "privacy concerns." Someone who worked for this organization definitely stole my bike and I am still bitter about this today.
  3. I guess this isn't something you would necessarily see on the profile, but when things just don't add up in your conversations with an escort. There was this sexy new guy in Denver that initially came across as being very naive and new to escorting, which like hey if that's the case I still might be interested. But then he quoted me this really high price for Denver and when I said I wasn't interested at that price, he started to talk about how it was really the standard price in New York when he escorted there and yadda yadda yadda. Are you actually new to escorting or are you actually this experienced escort that should charge this high NYC price?
  4. I think it would be fun if you wanted to try to get into that second hole. I would enjoy being with this guy. I also like lean, slim guys.
  5. Interesting...grocery workers and other essential workers are on the next "phase" here in Colorado, which I think starts in March. I do know that different states have different things they are doing though.
  6. How many of them actually are? I think it would be pretty hard for a younger escort to be vaccinated unless he also worked in health care or education or got really lucky getting a vaccine somehow. We're only at 11 percent of people in the US receiving one dose and less than 4 percent with both doses.
  7. As accurate as all these are, I do want to stress that in my experience "scamming" is extremely rare in this hobby. It's only happened twice to me out of dozens of times hiring. And only one of them was a real rip-off experience. The other was someone who just had really outdated pics. Although I do think I successful avoided a scam once by just being suspicious of a profile, so I guess I took the advice to heart. Haha.
  8. Yeah, that is kind of my attitude about it too. I should be fully vaccinated by then but to me it's my Spring Break and Palm Springs sounds like the perfect place to unwind in some warm temps. Would love to meet people of course, but if it's not allowed, just spending some time by the pool or going on some nature hikes sounds absolutely lovely too.
  9. Yeah I think we already know the answer to this question to some degree because we already live through the flu every winter, although of course that is not as contagious. But I think we'll probably be wearing masks a lot more in general, taking a lot of at-home COVID tests, getting booster vaccines every year or every other year to deal with variants that pop up, but otherwise it won't be a big deal in my opinion. I think with a little extra pre-planning, endemic COVID shouldn't be a big deal for this hobby. Especially now that we have widespread at-home COVID tests. You could self-isolate, test, wear a mask everywhere and hope your companion does the same (and you could probably at least have him take his own COVID test). That's kind of what I've been doing anyway the last few months with the only difference is that I go to the free testing provided by my work.
  10. I'm not really into Housewives, but I love competitions involving beauty, style and grace. Probably all considered girly.
  11. Anything beautiful. I remember a sad moment when I was maybe 10 or so and I was driving in the mountains with my male cousins who were just a couple years older than me. I said something like, "Oh these mountain views are so beautiful." And they chastised me for saying that, because "beautiful" is only something girls say. I should say the view is awesome or something. Probably when I realized I wasn't like the other boys but in retrospect it's sad that they had such a limited view of masculinity.
  12. I think there will still be stigma but I do think legalization will help with stigma. When I went to the UK, the escort I spent time with said that his family knows what he does and was not necessarily proud but generally supportive to the point where they helped him out financially a bit when he couldn't work when he was dealing with cancer. He actually was on TV once for a news story about his profession and he said most people he knew didn't really care. There is a different stigma for clients of course, but I think legalization just makes the whole thing much less of a big deal all around.
  13. When I went to a free clinic I was pretty broke so didn't donate then. However, I always make it a point to support the clinic in my end of the year giving. Usually about $50 (I give that same amount to about 5-6 organizations per year).
  14. I have actually! Brad's great. Really good massage skills and looks just like his photos. I thought he looked in his early to mid 30s. I'd recommend him for sure and wrote a positive review on his profile. Wish he was still in Denver.
  15. I booked my room at Canyon Club. Looks like it's mostly refundable (-$15 deposit) so if I need to cancel I still can. I got my first vaccine this afternoon actually and will definitely have the second before then. Looking forward to meeting some of you all. Now, I just have to figure out which gentleman I'd like to meet for the weekend.
  16. Yeah I actually tried it one time with this one partner. He actually wanted me to eat a sandwich where his dick was the meat. It had bread, lettuce, tomato and even mayonnaise. I almost threw up. I couldn't get through it.
  17. So it looks like I should be getting my vaccine before then, so I am now almost positively going to go as this weekend happens to coincide with my spring break. Should I book Canyon Club? You're right the prices really aren't too bad.
  18. That's a good one...definitely one that I've seen. The moment they get any bad reviews they delete their old profile and start anew. I'll add one more: Guys that aggressively message you simply because you browsed their photos.
  19. Good to know that is your preference but I do know for some it's not universal. I had one guy that literally wanted me to pay as we went on Venmo and a few others who just prefer that type of payment (maybe they don't want to be carrying around a lot of cash if they are traveling or whatever). I do tend to pay cash particularly to new guys. But once they are regular, I've started to ask what they prefer and just go with their payment preference.
  20. I agree...the deposit situation is pretty rare. I've only encountered it a few times and only actually paid a deposit once. I do like the scammer suggestions. Particularly phrases like "high-class," "exclusive," or "looking for classy men only." I remember seeing one ad a while back that said they would only travel to four-star hotels or gated/doorman apartment complexes. I feel like it's a big red flag anytime I'm getting a sense they are looking for sugar daddies rather than clients.
  21. I'm not surprised. Denver is a really bottom-heavy city. I consider myself actually pretty vers but if I do hookups off Grindr, it's like 90 percent of the time I am only topping even when the other guy claims to be "vers." That's partially why I meet escorts. It's like practically the only way I can ever bottom.
  22. Yeah I travelled a bit in college but once I got out it was the last recession and I was hit pretty hard by it so ended up pretty broke for a good half-decade at least. I did manage to travel some in the US though so that was wonderful. Now that I am back in a more stable career though, I have the wonderlust real bad and can't wait to get out and travel some more.
  23. I definitely do not regret spending money on travel. I am not really a "luxe" traveler so for me the money is spent on the plane tickets themselves. The only thing I regret is not having travelled more.
  24. I do the anal and throat swab twice a year...I actually think the throat swab is way worse. I barely even notice the anal swab, but maybe that says more about me than the procedure.
  25. Maybe he should change his name to Brodie SinQlair? Sadly not the first escort (or the last) to go down conspiracy theory rabbit holes.
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