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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. It was also the scene of my parents being super-pissed at me. This actually all happened about a week before I went off to college too. I had to help demolish the rest of the building and the next summer had to help my dad rebuild a new shed. I really hate this kind of work...I am not at all adept with using my hands or using most tools so it was really a pretty bad punishment for me. But at the time my dad had pretty bad kidney disease and had to do dialysis three times a week, so it was pretty much expected that I would be doing most of the work. We did have a much handier cousin of mine come by to help on a couple days so that helped.
  2. Medical tourism is very common for Americans too. According to the American Journal of Medicine, some 750,000 Americans per year engage in the practice, with one of the top destinations being Costa Rica. The article states that in many cases the cost of the medical procedures in other countries are 30-60% less expensive than in the US. I am actually hopeful that the US can get closer to universal healthcare under Biden's administrations. His proposal for a robust public option I think could be a game changer. It would basically expand Medicaid so any American who wanted it could choose the government-run insurance option. In addition, you would basically be opted in the public option automatically if you didn't have insurance through your job. Though of course anyone could opt-out of the public option and choose a private insurance plan or no insurance at all. Biden also wants to expand the insurance subsides to make all insurance more affordable and even free for very low-income individuals. It wouldn't be quite universal coverage but basically everyone who wanted a government insurance plan could have one.
  3. Personally I think it's a good idea to take basic COVID precautions (wearing a mask, socially distance, not gathering in large crowds) for the time being just because it's the polite and respectful thing to do regardless of whether or not you have a COVID vaccine. That's not to say you can't relax those precautions somewhat. I often walk outdoors without a mask when there are few people around, but put it right back on when I get closer to to people not necessarily because I think it'll make anyone much safer, but just because I think it's the polite thing to do. It puts the other person's mind at ease. I don't honestly think masking and many other precautions are going away anytime soon even once most people are vaccinated. I think we'll still see people wearing masks on public transit, airplanes and groceries for some time to come. People are starting to get used to. masking and will see the obvious benefits of protecting from other coronavirus or the flu. It was already pretty common in Asia and I think it will become pretty common worldwide.
  4. I heard that IRS wasn't taking taxes until Feb 12th. But I guess you can do them early? I just got this one last dumb 1099-Misc from this stupid side-gig job I did early in 2020 that I kinda regret doing at all. Just above $700 so I have to claim it on my taxes. I might do my taxes too. Better than watching the Superb Owl.
  5. Mine comes from an adolescent accident when I burned down the shed in my family's backyard from smoking some reefer near some flammables. For some reason the firefighter's description of "kerosene fire" stuck with me and I turned it into my yahoo spam account that I use for porn and sex stuff. The extra C is just because kerosenefire was taken.
  6. Sorry this happened to you. This is actually why I insist on meeting with the provider in a public area like the hotel lobby or even just on the street outside the entrance. Have now had a couple of bad experiences where the provider insisted I meet him in his room. Always good to be able to do that last-minute gut/face check.
  7. You could probably ask him..he literally posted on this thread immediately before you.
  8. I agree. I have Google Voice and have absolutely no problems connecting anything to me.
  9. This is definitely not my experience. I have several good friends both locally and scattered across the country and I feel like I can confide in them and we have loyalty to each other. We may not always see each other very often, but when we do it's always a great time catching up. Social media helps keep the connections going when we're not actually near each other. I am definitely not this cynical about friendship. It just doesn't ring true to my experience at all.
  10. I think saying you only meet "high-class clients" is going to be a challenge especially starting off. There's a guy who's advertising in Denver like this and I tried to set-up a meeting but it became increasingly clear he was looking for like a sugar daddy kind of situation or something. He already started off with a pretty high price for Denver and then kept trying to add that he wanted to love to be "exclusive" and find someone to support his career as an artist. I passed after it just became something I just knew I couldn't deal with. Months later, he still doesn't have any reviews and I am not sure I think that he's had much success finding clients at all. This despite him having very handsome pictures on his profile. Now, I am almost certain that simply being an attractive, high-quality escort is going to open opportunities to meet "high-class" clients that may take you on trips or treat you to nice things. But you won't likely start out that way and those types of opportunities may be fewer and farther between than you may wish. They may also come from regular Joes who you meet for $250, develop a rapport and become a regular with. Even my broke-ass has treated guys to trips to hot springs, overnights in luxury hotels and tickets to the theater.
  11. I know..the Monforts don't give a shit about their team or their fans. I'm glad Nolan is going to team that actually cares about winning. Going to games at Coors Field is sad...it's literally just become Denver's most crowded bar. Half the "fans" are wearing the other teams' apparel. It's really just become an excuse to party and hangout instead of it being about watching a good team. Also sad because Arenado is very handsome. Just look at that smile.
  12. I am not particularly attracted to guys based on their height either way, but it's interesting that some guys apparently really care about this. I hired this shorter gentleman one time (like 5'8" which he accurately described on his profile) and he said he would literally have guys cancel and leave after seeing how short he was. I told him that's not the size that I care about and we had a great time. Hahah
  13. I actually kind of like this as well. Like LondonBoyPete's big ears make him more attractive to me....I think they almost give him a boyish quality that his age would otherwise not provide.
  14. Many of them will have their RM profile or other way to contact them on their profile itself. Benjamin Nicholas, Shawn Monroe and others do that though it's not universal. Sometimes you just have to figure it out based on them being prolific forum members or whatever.
  15. Thanks! It's only $13 a month and 2-months free apparently. I definitely will check it out. I think the bootcamp and yoga classes sound right up my alley.
  16. Thanks. I do have push up bars and a floor mat. I have just enough room to do a bit of yoga and have done some YouTube yoga classes that have worked okay. I tried resistance bands but I couldn't quite figure out how they worked. It didn't seem like they ever provided much resistance, so I'm worried that maybe I got ones that are for like beginners or something or I am just not doing it right. Looked on YouTube and I felt like I was doing it similarly, so who knows. Do you have any streaming-based programs you'd recommend? I do agree the YouTube selling is annoying and I'd be willing to pay like a Netflix price per month for a good streaming/yoga program.
  17. Great pics, but I'd be surprised if anyone has met him. Only been on RM since January 15th. But there are some guys that like to take the plunge. Maybe you?
  18. I feel like there is a little class element to this. Those who have home gyms or larger houses and money to buy a Peloton are getting fit because they are working from home and have time to fit in workouts. I live in a studio so barely have floor room to do pushups. I had a rec center membership but all the rec centers are closed and don't really feel comfortable going to a gym yet. I've been getting by through walking or riding my bike or sometimes running. My fitness level has made the latter challenging. I'm kinda interested in doing HIITs. I do live pretty close to a park with a decent hill. Thinking of maybe just doing runs up, walks down for like a half hour a day. But I've also heard mixed things about HIITs though. Anyone have thoughts? Any suggestions to start?
  19. Yeah he honestly just doesn't seem worth it. I really don't even find him that attractive, tbh.
  20. Yes! Pretty much the same everywhere. The privileged want things to "go back to normal" at the expense of essential workers' health, who are overwhelming black and brown people, particularly women. And of course the privileged get the vaccine before everyone else somehow too.
  21. Good news! I am strongly leaning towards going if I get my vaccine before then. Considering just making it into a road trip and driving from Denver. There is some absolutely beautiful country in between and it's been a while since I've seen it. Plus I have friends in Oakland so I might do a little round trip thing.
  22. I am very different from my dad, but he still loves me and is in some ways proud of me for those differences. My dad is dyslexic and very bad at school, dropping out of high school and joining the army. But he is very talented with his hands and would much rather fix or make something than buy it. He very much wanted me to follow in his footsteps and be handy and constantly had me be his little helper as a kid even though I basically hated it. To this day, I'm pretty clumsy and not at all handy. But I did really well in school, got a Master's degree and actually have had some of my writing published in various forms. The last one in particular made my dad really proud because he has difficulty even writing a complete sentence. I love my dad and am really close to him. He had a heart attack last year and I have made an effort to go on walks with him a couple times a month so we can catch up and he can get his cardiovascular fitness up.
  23. Tobias is based out of Denver now. He advertises as such and I have seen him on Grindr..though not in my neighborhood. I think he may live more in SE Denver somewhere. He showed up once when I was at a Target down there, but maybe he was just doing a Target run as well.
  24. Haha..I didn't think of that. But in one case I actually believe there is an escort who lives near me who has done porn for Nextdoor. Haha.
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