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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Yep NextDoor is basically like a social media app but only for the people who live in your neighborhood. It's mostly trash tbh...people complaining nonstop about homeless people and things being stolen. But sometimes it can be useful for certain things.
  2. Yeah the guy I'm talking about from Nextdoor definitely used his RM pic that shows him shirtless. On Nextdoor is was like shoulders up so not quite as sexy, but it definitely is his whole torso on RM. I have no problem with this but just found it interesting.
  3. I figured some of lived in the Gayborhoods and this might be more common for some of us.
  4. Anyone else seen escorts in their neighborhood? Maybe because I live in Denver's main gayborhood, I actually have seen several. Interestingly, I just saw one guy show up on the Nextdoor for my neighborhood using one of the same pictures he uses on Rent.men. I also consistently see some on Grindr/Scruff and have run into some at gay bars and even the grocery store in the past. Just curious if others have friendly neighborhood escorts?
  5. I feel like if maybe since I can't remember them all, it must be a pretty large number. I'd say at least in the low hundreds. I used to live in Washington DC and absolutely hated it for romance and friendship (and in general). But it was a very good city for finding hookups as a young 20s dude. I only lived there 2 years but I probably got nearly 100 just in that time.
  6. If I get the vaccine and California looks safer, I am actually considering driving there during my spring break plus a little extra since I have some vacation days. I have friends in Oakland, LA and Bakersfield and might end it with Palm Springs if it's happening. Hoping I can get the vaccine by then and we start to control the virus better by then. Hoping, hoping, hoping.
  7. I've never been to the specific resort but once did a big road trip of all the Utah national parks. Grand-Staircas-Escalante is the closest to this resort and is absolutely stunning: width=438pxhttps://blog-assets.thedyrt.com/uploads/2020/02/shutterstock_300698645-1-2000x1120.jpg[/img]width=433pxhttps://cdn.americanprogress.org/content/uploads/2017/05/08131956/AP_98111001427-1040-1024x683.jpg[/img] It's really worth doing a road trip to that area....it's really just one stunning, unforgettable, other-worldly landscape after another.
  8. I've heard of Amangiri..the pictures are incredible. I would love to go someday. That part of Utah is just almost unbelievably beautiful.
  9. Yeah I don't actually super-care if an escort is stoned so long as they can still perform as needed. I actually enjoy getting stoned occasionally and fooling around although I usually do that with hookups/FWBs not as much with escorts. I also agree with the way pot impairs a young-person's brain in particular. In Colorado, you do have to be 21 to get weed at a dispensary but it doesn't stop much younger kids from getting it anyway. I've told my students the problems of constantly using cannabis especially as they are young. Some of them kinda get it. We actually require our students to take a drug education class if they get caught with cannabis/being stoned at school. I had one young women tell me she quit smoking during the week and only does it during the weekends and she actually did much better in school and ended up becoming a CNA. I've been honest with a lot of my students because I do occasionally partake in cannabis. But again there is a big the difference between getting stoned maybe a couple times a week versus getting stoned literally every day, often even multiple times a day.
  10. I am not sure...I saw him about two years ago as well and definitely he looked like his photos in the profile then. But haven't seen him recently. Perfectly nice guy and very sexy but we just didn't really click so I didn't meet up with him again.
  11. Yep I'd say this is accurate. On a scale of 0-3, cannabis is a 1.5 in the dependence/addictive matrix. I see this often with my students. They literally cannot do normal functions of life without being stoned. But they say they are not "addicted." One young man I got into this welding program where jobs can pay up to $30 an hour. But he was asked to leave after a few days because the instructor found him stoned and determined he couldn't safely operate the welding equipment. I'd say that's a problem. But I actually do support legalization and voted for it in Colorado. I just think it's one thing to be a weekend/evening pot smoker when you're watching movies or hanging with friends and another to be stoned nearly every waking hour. Unfortunately I do see the latter too often.
  12. I'm 35 as well and definitely feel similarly. It's hard getting old. One small thing I do is really try to get exercise every single day even if it's just a short walk. It really does help improve almost every other part: Increases energy, allows you to sleep better, helps digest food. But I definitely feel similarly about the mid-30s. We still got a lot of life to live though so don't feel too down.
  13. There have been some stories on here where I think some guys have said they have spent tens of thousands of dollars on like bringing a bunch of guys for a weekend orgy. The most I've done is a $1200 overnight (including a tip and dinner) for two guys who are a couple that I hired this last summer for my birthday. The hotel was actually a free night from Hotels.com rewards. But basically I spent my whole stimulus getting stimulated.
  14. That I have a "second hole." Haha. Early in the hobby, I actually had a couple of great escorts that taught me a lot about how to be a good/safe client. Very practical stuff like having a Google voice number, not paying until the end of the session, meeting in the hotel lobby instead of in the room, etc. The few times I've had bad experiences, it was actually because I wasn't following some of these guidelines.
  15. Colorado is really sunny. I doubt it beats like Arizona or Nevada but compared to most states in the midwest/east coast, it's very sunny. This is especially the case in the winter. I went to college in the midwest and it was cold and cloudy like all winter. Here we'll get one day of snow and then the next day it's beautiful and sunny out.
  16. I think Colorado. Statistically, we are the fittest state in America. And in my experience a lot of men here are very good looking. I love sitting down in a park bench in the summer and just watching all the shirtless guys running.
  17. If you think about it, they kinda have to pay taxes, especially if this is the only source of income. You can't like not pay taxes for several years because you have no "income" and then buy a house or something. That looks very suspicious. So a lot of escorts have set-up sole-propieter businesses as "models" or "masseurs" or whatever and pay taxes based on that. Of course they are likely not paying taxes on all of their income but if they don't, I am sure they risk getting an audit.
  18. That's weird to me. I agree with others that like your rate is your rate and if a client chooses to tip that is their choice. I honestly would be turned off if a provider said, "$xxx + tip."
  19. I'm so sorry to hear about your experience. Sounds like he took advantage of your generous nature. Hopefully some important lessons learned in this experience. I know that I have through my time hiring. Best of luck for finding a gentleman who treats you well.
  20. I have talked about it with a very small number of people...really only like 3-4 friends/lovers. I know that members of my family would not be accepting of it, so I just keep that part to myself.
  21. Yeah..it's usually just an extra $20 from me at most when I tip. The exception is the one overnight that I did for my birthday when I actually did tip $100, but it was to a couple so it was really like $50 for each of them. And they really did go above and beyond...they gave me a birthday present, really planned out the evening, bought drinks and props and other fun things. They made it really special.
  22. So it looks like I should get my vaccine as an educator in early March. I don't think I will reserve anything until then and will also see what the situation is like in California then. I wouldn't travel there now even if I had a vaccination.
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