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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. No, I think there is nothing wrong with spending time with escorts from a moral perspective. To me morality should be based on how your actions effect other people. As long as you are two consenting adults, there is nothing harmful about the relationship between an escort and his client. I think potentially it could be morally harmful if it effects your relationships with others. Like if your loved-ones would be ashamed or hurt if they found out you were engaged in this hobby since many in society consider it "wrong." This is why I really do my best to keep this entire thing to be my business only. I really don't discuss this with any friends or family at all except of course on the forum. But others may not have loved-ones that would care as much about this. I do think you need to watch out for issues of consent and there certainly could be human trafficking issues in escorting. But if you are careful and thoughtful about this hobby, there is really nothing morally wrong with it at all.
  2. I think it's good to tip but definitely not mandatory. I also think it depends on the circumstance somewhat. Obviously tipping if the escort was just amazing in every way but also I kind of think of tipping as a way of maybe establishing guys who I want to be regulars with and maybe spend more time with in the future. Just as a way of them maybe remembering me a little bit more from the crowd of clients they see. While I don't expect any future favors or deals just because I have tipped (especially only one time), I have noticed that some of the guys who I have tipped were maybe willing to do a longer session at a slightly more favorable rate or whatever. But if it was kind of a mediocre or overpriced experience and I am not interested in having the guy as a regular, I don't typically bother tipping. I'd say it's been about 75% tip, 25% no tip for me.
  3. Oh yes and the same if the reverse is true. I actually realize I rarely host escorts either at my apartment or at my hotel when traveling. Although in the few occasions that I have, I definitely meet them in the hotel lobby or outside of my apartment building. I agree, I don't like some random guy I don't know knocking on my door. .
  4. I often set up the meeting through text. But like I definitely do not try to go up to an apartment or hotel room to meet an escort. I require that the escort meet me outside of the building. Even if it's just a quick hello and a shake of the hands just to get a bit of a feel for the guy and so he can literally "escort" me up to the room.
  5. I was going to suggest Matt Muck. He's the only one I could see fulfilling that fantasy even if he may not do it regularly.
  6. Which ones have given you the better "bang for your buck?" Normal or porn star?
  7. For an overnight or longer session I am definitely willing to go higher but $300 is the max I've ever paid for an hour and I've only done that in kinda expensive cities with well-known guys. Although I am finding that a lot of younger, inexperienced guys still try to go for $300 an hour. I am pretty wary of that and would rather go $200-$250 for someone who is lesser known. For the overnight I did $1200 when all was said and done but I am including hotel, dinner and tip in that (and actually it was an escorting couple as well).
  8. I think you handled it really well. Sorry about your experience and know that you'll be able to have a more positive one in the future.
  9. Sometimes health/family things do come up last minute. It would be nice if they gave you a heads up but that might not always be their priority. One guy I contacted threw his back out at the gym and had to get treated at the hospital...ended up reaching out the next day but by then I had found another provider. Hopefully it's nothing serious and probably really was just a "ghosting" situation. But good luck either way finding a regular provider in your area.
  10. It's happened to me several times as well even with well-reviewed escorts. It still sucks though and it hurts to feel like you're being rejected somehow. I've had the same thing happen to me even with having dinner reservations and everything. So sorry but it's actually not uncommon...move on and hopefully find another guy who is better at respecting your time.
  11. Ok..so I think I might make a reservation if it can be cancelled. I will only go if I have a vaccine by then (probably a good though not certain chance). I did want to travel abroad this year, but that's looking dicey IMO. But domestic travel sounds doable. Where should I reserve? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  12. I haven't but would love to hear about your experience if you decide to meet up. I haven't seen his twitter but I'd be interested in checking that out too.
  13. Another thing that I think is telling is how they react when you tell an escort you're not meeting up with them. Often when I am in the mood to hire or am traveling to a new city, I will put feelers out to a few different guys that catch my eye. Inevitably I only end up with one of them (or maybe 2 on a trip). I always communicate politely to the guys I end up not meeting (it's often usually just that they were late to reply), "Sorry but I decided to go with another gentleman this evening, but thanks for your response." It's interesting how a decent percentage will get bent out of shape..those are the ones that I definitely do not reach out to again. The ones that are chill I definitely have reached out to again and have met for future meetings.
  14. He's definitely more of an escort I thought. He used to advertise as such with some of the same photos in Denver but more under Rent.men He currently has an escort ad too: https://rent.men/EliXXX
  15. It is true, but I absolutely require it if they are at either a hotel or a secured building. My bad experience actually was a direct result of just that type of place. If they can't come downstairs and meet me and "escort" me up to their room/apartment, that is a huge red flag for me and I have even walked away last minute at such a situation.
  16. And interestingly my one terrible encounter was actually a popular and well-reviewed escort. But those bad encounters are pretty rare. More of them have been great to good.
  17. Congrats on your retirement. Don't have anything else to say but "You got this!"
  18. I'd be interested in attending and think I'll likely get a vaccine before then (work in education). I guess it's just wait and see mode though, huh?
  19. Using this forum is a great idea. I found chatter about a couple men I was thinking about. One of them had better chatter than the other so I went with that guy. But yeah, sometimes you have to use your gut. I've met guys who were brand new with no reviews and they ended up working out. I do like to meet guys in public in person if I have any questions.
  20. In other words...go for it. He's real and I think would try to show you a good time. Based on the whole living in a trailer thing, you might want to host or spring for a hotel room, but I think he's legit.
  21. He used to live in Denver and I did try to contact him once. He ended up not getting back to me until like a day later saying that he had car issues he had to deal with. At that point I had already hired another guy and didn't really have the money to hire again so soon after. I kind of got a bit of a flaky vibe from him, but that was a couple years ago. Also sounds like he has maybe turned his life around a bit and is in a better place now. One of his reviews on RM is also a client that I have communicated with a bit in Denver and I trust his positive review.
  22. I think you can post his RM profile here. I've definitely seen similar posts of members suggesting a RM profile's photos are dubious for whatever reason. As long as you are not posting a "review," it should be fine.
  23. This has happened to me a few times. Maybe because Denver's gay community isn't huge, but I've definitely seen guys I've hired out and about. I've seen them at gay bars, in the park, just walking around. For me it always depends on the context. I obviously would never interrupt someone who was engaged with something: A conversation with a friend, at a job, working out, etc. But I have said hello if they were alone and not "in the zone." To me, it doesn't seem like a big deal. It's a nice way to further the networking a bit perhaps. I've become semi-friends with one guy I hired in part because I saw him at a gay bar and just started chatting.
  24. Congrats @@marylander1940! You really are a friendly forum member that has been a font for useful information about escorts and everything else too. Thanks for your contributions to this forum. It truly wouldn't be the same without you.
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