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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Yeah maybe there is an element of that, though actually I avoid younger guys when I date/hire. I do think Ross looks better with blonde hair generally. I found his instagram and he is blonde in a lot of his more recent pics. I think his kinda shaggy haircut looks good blonde. You sorta see his hair texture a bit more than when it's darker. I don't know..I just like his blonde hair vibe more than his dark haired vibe. Though he is definitely good looking either way. I love his smile and dimples.
  2. One of my regulars has facial hair similar to this. Once he came by clean shaven per another client's request and I legit did not find him quite as attractive. Haha. Still good looking but definitely something missing.
  3. I like a wide variety of guys. But there is definitely something sexy to me about a guy with a nice, well-groomed goatee. I think it's maybe because I can't grow facial hair that well myself so I find it especially attractive on a hot man.
  4. I hadn't heard of this guy until you posted, but I actually prefer him with his natural blonde hair. He looks younger, kinda like a skater/surfer dude. In the other pic with the darker hair he looks a lot older. Also maybe it's the way he is dressed to but he kinda looks almost sleazy in a way.
  5. I've known a couple people who ended up in UAE briefly for work. None of them really liked it. It sounds like this really fake world of hotel bars and shopping malls. If you're a single woman or a gay man you can pretty much be harassed and detained at will. One of my best girlfriends lived there briefly with her fiancee (now husband) and she literally had to get written permission from him to leave the hotel complex they lived in. And there were storekeepers that would like harass her for going out without her husband. And they heavily monitor and censor the Internet as well. I would be very careful about using any kind of dating apps or escort web sites. The whole thing sounds really sketch and not worth the stress of it all.
  6. Yeah I get what you are saying. To me, it is the violation that is problematic and in my opinion worth having a conversation. It takes trust to bring someone into your home and that trust is broken somewhat if the person takes something from you even if it doesn't have much value. I actually like what Guy suggested...giving him the shower gel as a gift. But even then I would say something like. Hey next time just ask me if you want to take something like that. Makes me feel weird when you don't. Lets him know the feelings you have about it at least.
  7. That's very sad. This has been a hard year and this is the worst time of the year for many people. I know I've reached out to a few friends living alone (and had a few friends reach out to me). Sometimes just that little text saying, "Happy Holidays, can't wait til we get to hang out again," is what is needed. Wish the best for Chip's friends and family during this difficult time.
  8. One of the biggest places where you can get in trouble is the United Arab Emirates. LGBT rights are very limited and the government has been known to prosecute foreigners. There have even been cases of foreigners getting arrested for simply like putting a hand on another man's leg. Now there are a lot of escort ads in Dubai (9 pages on RM!) so clearly it happens, but I would be very careful if I were visiting. Though personally, UAE's anti-gay policies really make me not want to visit at all.
  9. Yeah..I've done two of them with escorts although in both cases it was a couple that escorts together. But I do think that some are willing to arrange that if you're interested. You see it even mentioned in their ads sometimes. At some point after COVID is over, I'd actually like to set up a group thing. Someday:p
  10. Sorry about the theft..it feels so violating even when it's something minor. I used to drive Lyft and one of my passengers stole an ice scrapper from me. Such a stupid thing to steal but it felt bad that you willingly let someone in your car and they do that. I think it might be worth having a conversation with the escort just to clear the air and let him know how you feel about what happened. It doesn't have to be a real big deal or accusatory. Something like, "I know you stole that bodywash last time you were here and that really is very violating to me that you would do that. It's not a big deal and I would still like to meet with you, but just wanted to let you know how I felt about that. In the future, I'd honestly be happy to give you something like that if you had just asked."
  11. I am not an escort but I do get a sense from some escorts that they do network with other escorts, especially local ones. I don't think they are super-competitive with each other and in fact I think some find it useful to know other guys in case a client wants to do a threesome or something.
  12. I think possibly Max is asking about escorts having friendships with other escorts. I am not sure though...I also found his post a bit confusing.
  13. Normally, I'm down to meet quite often around the holidays since I am off work for two weeks for Christmas/New Years and a week for Thanksgiving. This year unfortunately, it's been a little different because I agreed to semi-quarantine so I can have dinner with my immediate family on Christmas. So I haven't been around anyone for already nearly a week. Fortunately Christmas is on a Friday this year and I think I am going to set something up for the week after.
  14. I would definitely consider a dinner with general discussion about careers and interests to be on the clock and pay for the escort's time. If he just is asking some general questions then that is fine. If he is a local consider it a business opportunity. Perhaps he is a potential client for you if he's looking to buy property. Of course if it gets to that point, then future dinners/conversations are really now between a realtor and his client and therefore there would be no expectation of any kind of payment for time.
  15. Yeah, I'd say for me it's been very mixed. I've actually attempted to hire pornstars a lot more often than I have been able to successfully meet with them. And unfortunately it's been a lot of last minute cancellations and even some rude comments. The worst has been a guy in Vegas (I'll keep anonymous because he's popular and don't want to upset his fans) who cancelled literally as I was at the lobby of his place and put me in a situation where I was escorted out by the building's security for loitering. The ones I have met have been mostly great to good. Mostly it's just that they are either a bit out of shape compared to their pornstar days (which I honestly don't mind much but just wish they had more recent pictures) or they kinda don't do all that they say they would on their ad and in conversations. And yes I was very lucky to meet with Seth Sweet. He has family in Colorado that he was staying with during the pandemic and he ended up putting his ad up a bit this summer when cases were a bit lower here. So I definitely snagged a time with him to hang. Very nice guy who still looks pretty good and has some great stories of his pornstar days to share.
  16. I think it's possible also that a lot of clients are being a little more careful because of COVID and the holidays. I know I've had some regulars reach out to me recently and I've been telling them I am not available to meet right now. One reached out a couple days before Thanksgiving but I had plans to have dinner with my immediate family (just my sibling and parents) for Thanksgiving so I was trying to be particularly careful. Did a COVID test on Monday and really trying to avoid any significant contact with anyone the several days before the dinner. So I told him that I couldn't meet. I think I will likely have to do something similar the weeks or two going into Christmas. I'm not super-afraid of COVID since I already had it but definitely don't want to pass it to my family members. I know it's hard for everyone in the industry right now, but I think I will likely be hiring more in the new year. Not only because the vaccine is likely coming soon, but because it will be after the holidays and I'd feel more comfortable with meeting since I wouldn't worry as much about spreading it to any family members. Good luck to you and hopefully it won't be too long before business picks up again.
  17. I actually would say many porn stars make terrible escorts. Even ones I find attractive and would consider hiring (Mike Maverick comes to mind) often have terrible reviews and many people on here say they've had subpar experiences. I think a lot of porn stars have huge egos and often think they are too good for escorting. There are definitely exceptions (Mike Gaite and Sherman Maus comes to mind) and actually some ex-porn stars that have been out of the industry bit and have a perspective on everything can be a lot of fun (Seth Sweet was a sweetheart). But yeah, it just seems like a lot porn stars are just not the best escorts as this very thread attests.
  18. Yes, I have seen others use it as well. I think it's a weird shortening since it's barely any shorter and sounds very weird out loud to my ears. FYI, I am not trying to be mean to anyone for using it. I just find the term strange.
  19. Why are people shortening the word escorts by one letter? Scorts sounds like some kind of weird clothing hybrid not a sexy dude you hire to spend time with.
  20. Bottoming sometimes gives me hemorrhoids especially if it's a longer/rougher session. Hemorrhoids typically bleed slightly so watch for blood on the toilet paper or if you have a bidet or whatever, maybe use a tissue to check it. Preparation H actually works really well..it is a vasoconstrictor that reduces the inflammation of the blood vessels. It helps pretty quickly and the petroleum jelly in the product also helps protect that sensitive skin there and lets it heal. It's also a good idea generally to keep it clean...shower or use a bidet after a bowel movement. I think you're probably fine unless the pain lasts longer than a few days...if that is the case then it would probably be worth seeing a doctor.
  21. I wouldn't worry about it since it was accidental. Similar things have happened to me. One escort who I visited his hotel had his computer on the log-in screen with his name showing. It happens. I just pretended I didn't see it.
  22. One guy I hired by coincidence worked in the same organization I did (at another building) and I knew him instantly from being at a few events together and having several mutual colleagues/friends. Just to make it less awkward I told him right away that I knew him and that I would keep his identity secret even if he didn't want to continue the session and would appreciate the same. We ended up continuing to meet anyway and actually he ended up going to another organization anyway so it didn't matter too much. I never facebook stalked much but we do have several mutual social media friends and I have even seen him comment on the same posts of my friends. But we have kept each other's business secret so it's fine. In general, I am fine either way if an escort wants to tell me their real name or keep a nom de boom-boom. Several have told me their real names and others have kept it to themselves. In many cases I have done the same. Keep each other's privacy private even if you do know the person's details.
  23. I use the same handle on RM as I do on here and Daddy Reviews so it would be really easy to find me on there. I basically just post only five-star positive reviews on RM and then do a more detailed review on here. I haven't really ever attempted to connect those dots. I suppose one reason to do so would be to PM someone on here based on a review on RM. Like you saw they reviewed,"SexyDude" so you want to have a conversation on here to get details in case you're interested in hiring same SexyDude. You could technically also message on RM, but maybe this is easier. ?‍♂️
  24. So I rewatched Greek Pete last night just cause I was curious about it (also it's available on Amazon Prime). I stand by my assessment that Pete Pittaros is approximately 35-37 currently. If you watch the movie, he states directly to a client that he is 24 years old. Later, he goes to the 2008 International Escort Awards in Los Angeles, where he wins Best International Escort award. Information about the movie describes it as a "year in the life of a London escort." Since you see Pete specifically at the 2008 Hookies (which took place in April of that year), the year must have been 2007/2008 (a year before the movie was released). Since it's a pretty lo-fi movie I actually can see it being released that quickly. If he was 24 in 2008, Pete is approximately 36 now. He is incredibly good looking and boyish in the movie and if his profile pictures are still accurate, he looks great. I may have to try to meet with him at some point. I do love his accent too.
  25. I believe Pete was approximately 23 when the movie was being filmed and he is described in the movie as being relatively new to escorting, though of course if could've been a year or two from filming to release (which was 2009). My guess of his current age is around 35.
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