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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. It's been a while since I saw the movie, but I don't remember him describing his clients in any way that would be identifying. I wasn't bothered by what he said.
  2. I've hired a few guys that do escorting as their way to support careers that they love but aren't consistent or don't make much money from. One is an actor (mostly theater but occasionally other things) who escorts between shows and now especially during the pandemic because everything is shut down. Another guy is an artist/landscape designer (his art kind of incorporates natural landscapes) who escorts so he can do that. He'll go on hiatuses quite often when he is focused on a project only to return to escorting when he needs the money. Another guy I once hired actually did a podcast on escorting and saw himself as kind of an "escort advocate."He apparently even testified against anti-escort legislation in California at one point. I actually really enjoy learning about these escorts and their interesting "day jobs."
  3. Eh...I think you'll likely find that quite a lot of escorts talk about their clients to others. I don't worry about it because I keep my identity anonymous to most of my escorts so they wouldn't be able to reveal much about me. Besides, this was more than 10 years ago. He definitely could have matured by now.
  4. Yes...one of my regular escorts used to do acting. He doesn't anymore, but he actually showed me a couple of commercials he was in that you can find on YouTube. Although he used to live in a completely different part of the country so they didn't air where I live.
  5. I definitely would try to meet up with him if I had the opportunity, but I do get that he is somewhat of an escort "celebrity." He probably does get a lot of offers for his time and is maybe somewhat selective with who he meets. Hope to at some point...maybe a trip to London is in order.
  6. Yeah, I was going to say something similar. I consider short "one-hour" sessions as just a bit of quick fun. If there is something more in that short connection, than that is where I start doing repeat hiring that often leads to a more BFE situation. This is exactly what happened with my main regular...we just connected very well and have lots of similar interests. So it really had become something close to a friendship (though I obviously still pay him for his time). But we have gone to see theater, gardens, hot springs, had dinner together etc. I think that is how you develop rapport and decide who you want to do more of a BFE/overnight with.
  7. I'm not bothered by "same-day only" guys. I've actually had some good experiences finding these guys for a last-minute hookup after the guy I planned weeks in advance ends up cancelling last minute.
  8. Yeah, the "party friendly" is why I never bothered. I also think that while he is good looking, there are better looking guys in Denver. I don't know...I guess if you're into that boy next door who also does lots of meth look. It looks like the PNP guys like him though.
  9. I typically just give a bit of an extra "holiday bonus" to my regulars when I hire around the holidays. This year, it'll just be one guy though.
  10. I don't believe I had the pleasure in knowing him, but it's very sad when anyone in this community passes on. RIP.
  11. We need to remember that mutations are just as likely to hinder the virus as help it. Mutations in the SARS virus during that pandemic actually encouraged that virus to die out. Interestingly, the more recent mutations to COVID-19 that make it more contagious, may also make it more susceptible to a vaccine. The big takeaway from the vaccine should be that it could promote herd immunity without getting their through "natural herd immunity," which would cost millions of deaths when it's all done (yes this is true even if the virus fatality rate is only 1 percent). If we could get 60-70 percent of a population with immunity through vaccination, then COVID just wouldn't have many people to infect and would start to die out in many places. It may never go away...certainly it could be like measles or the flu where we see little outbreaks here and there (in part because of so many anti-vaxxers), but it wouldn't spread the way it is now. It's possible we might have to get a booster COVID vaccine every few years to adjust for any mutations of the virus (although COVID does not appear to mutate as quickly as the flu, which actually is notorious for quickly and easily mutating year to year). Or it truly could be like SARS and just disappear. We just don't know yet.
  12. The number of people reinfected with COVID is actually pretty low. I mean it's so rare that when it does happen it makes the news. It also appears that many of the verified cases of COVID reinfection were actually asymptomatic and the handful that has severe COVID reinfection in many cases had some unusual circumstances (one also had lymphoma for example). Some people are worried because it appears that COVID antibodies wane fairly quickly after infection (usually in just a few months). But the reality is that antibodies typically wane after many viral infections and it's not unusual for that to happen with COVID. But antibodies are only a part of the body's immune response. We also have memory B-Cells and T-cells that can attack the COVID virus quickly on reinfection. In fact most vaccines don't actually use antibodies at all and instead activate our B and T immune cells to stop the virus. COVID infection appears to create strong T and B cell immune response that looks to last much longer than COVID antibodies. This is good news for a potential vaccine and this would seemingly be how most COVID vaccines would work. It's possible we may need to have booster shots for COVID every few years if the immunity wanes or if the virus mutates significantly, but I am confident with Anthony Fauci's claim that a vaccine will be coming pretty soon and be widely available in 2021. The end of all of this is soon. But we have to get through a "dark" winter first.
  13. RIP Alex. He was truly the GOAT of game-show hosts.
  14. It's definitely a risk, but if you both wear masks and keep the room well-ventilated (keep the windows and/or AC fan running), that definitely mitigates the risk. You can also have him wash his hands before he touches you. I did get COVID back in late March/early April. I suspect I got it from a single Lyft passenger who was coughing next to me on St. Patrick's Day, right before everything closed. This was before masks were really used often so I didn't have that to protect me and the trip was a fairly long one (about a half-hour) so I definitely could've been exposed. COVID is really rough so I recommend doing everything you can to avoid it. To me the precautions I mention are helpful, but I honestly would probably avoid meeting up with any masseurs if I lived in an area with a lot of cases and signs of community transmission (above 5% positivity rate is usually a sign of that). Right now in Colorado we are above that so I am holding off on any hiring now even though I possibly have some immunity from having it in the spring. Wouldn't want to risk passing it on to others even if I wouldn't necessarily get sick.
  15. Thanks for all that you do! Healthcare workers are so important and needed right now. COVID-19 is getting really scary in so many places. Colorado just had it's highest ever daily number of cases today and my friends who work in hospitals are all saying they are filling up. I've stopped hiring for the time being and increased my social distancing to having just a handful of friends in my "bubble" that I only meet outside and/or with masks. I haven't seen my family in person since it has gotten bad again and because my dad in particular has health issues that make him vulnerable. I think we should all prepare for another inevitable lockdown.
  16. Still a great guy. Just FYI, Taylor has moved to the far-south part of Denver Metro Area about 17-18 miles or so from Downtown Denver. This can be easily a half-hour or longer trip with traffic (common during the day here). He does do out-calls but will likely need more advanced warning than before. Still the best erotic masseur in Denver in my opinion so worth it 100 percent...just make sure you are giving yourself a lot more time. With his new location, last minute probably just won't happen.
  17. We have a similar sports background. Did swimming all throughout high school and college. Joined track for about a week because a friend was on the team, but I just didn't have the running fitness so I quit.
  18. I cum pretty easily being fucked...I consider them basically the hottest, best orgasms I can get. Pretty much this is always what I try to go for when I meet with guys.
  19. I am okay using either Venmo or PayPal with trusted regulars. But I always do cash on my first meeting and often with a few guys I've met more than once but just don't quite feel like I trust them enough for them to be paid electronically.
  20. COVID has definitely caused a lot of career challenges for many of us. Wish you the best of luck on whatever you decide to do.
  21. I suspect it from a Lyft passenger. I used to drive rideshare and I picked her up and drover her home for about 25 minutes or so. She was in my passenger seat and was coughing the whole time. I did open up the windows to try to get more airflow and sanitized immediately after she exited my car, but this was before masks were really a thing (mid-March) and there isn't much I think you can do if someone with COVID basically coughs on you.
  22. I liked it...maybe not as good as the first Borat but funny nonetheless. One thing I thought was pretty funny was that things considered extremely taboo and offensive in the first movie have now become not quite "mainstream" but certainly a much more prominent part of the culture. The whole anti-semitic cake that uses actual messages from white-supremacist protests was genius. I also though Maria Bakalova was great as Borat's daughter Tutar..she definitely added quite a lot to the humor and movie. I do think the Rudy Giuliani scene was a bit weird. It's clear to me that he was being set-up and the editing makes it look like a lot more happened than actually did. However, he still manages to say some boneheaded and creepy things that make him look bad without the need for any editing at all.
  23. I got my flu shot on Friday. Definitely want to avoid getting sick this upcoming year.
  24. Yes I took the antibody test. That's actually how I know I had COVID. When I was sick, they didn't yet have very many tests so they we're only really testing those that basically went to the hospital. But in early June I took the antibody test and it was confirmed that I had COVID.
  25. Yeah...that's definitely possible it was an earlier strain. Or maybe my blood type is more effected or I had comorbidities (I am considered overweight and have slightly high blood-pressue though overall I think I am pretty healthy). It's always hard to say.
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