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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. People on this forum have claimed RM has scrubbed their reviews, though it's never happened to me. More commonly I think is escorts just delete their ad and create a new one without any bad reviews.
  2. I'm glad I have a good doctor who is actually very good with the whole telemedicine thing. One night I felt so bad that I strongly contemplated going to the ER, but the nurse helpline urged me to stay home and set-up a doctor's appointment the next morning. That was when my doctor really gave me some strong guidelines about staying at home vs. going to the hospital and I am really grateful for his response. For me COVID was really bad at night..my fever would spike and I would have a lot of pressure in my lungs. But being able to see that my fever and O2 was in an acceptable range allowed me to ride it out, even if it took multiple doses of Ny-Quil just to fall asleep.
  3. I'm glad you didn't have a serious case. I've had a few other friends get sick from COVID with very different experiences. One friend just had a slight headache and lost taste/smell but her husband was sick like me with high fevers and incredible fatigue for a couple weeks and lingering breathing issues even til today. A work colleague has it right now and she is kind of in the middle: Slight fevers (around 100), fatigue, loss of taste/smell and a mild cough. An acquaintance of mine got so sick she had to go to the hospital though including being on a ventilator, which is really rough. I think she was in the hospital for about a month in late May/early June, but she fortunately recovered. Since I got it pretty early, I am kinda used to being the de-facto expert on COVID. Haha.
  4. Thank you. Yes I felt very bad...really high fevers (103-104), really terrible feeling in my lungs like a horse was sitting on my chest and just incredible fatigue and body aches. Fortunately I had an oximeter my sister let me borrow (she has asthma) and a thermometer. My doctor had me strictly monitor both my blood oxygen and my fever and told me to go to the hospital the fever stayed at or above 104 for long especially if it didn't go down with Tylenol and/or my blood oxygen went under 90 percent (It was at 90-92 percent for several days). I got sick in April right when COVID was just starting to get bad and my doctor advised me against going to the hospital unless it was really an emergency because of course they didn't know as much about the disease then and many people were having pretty bad outcomes when they went to the hospital. So I just stayed at home, but was terribly sick for about 2 weeks straight and still had breathing difficulties for months after.
  5. Let us know how it goes. No experience with any of the guys but Eddiexxx is very hot. I'd definitely consider meeting with him too if we were ever in the same city.
  6. I think voters who are deciding to wait until election day are taking a big risk that they will be healthy on that day. COVID is spiking in a lot of places including swing states like Wisconsin, Iowa, Nevada and North Carolina. Hospitalizations are increasing too. People going to these super-spreader Trump rallies now and in the next week or so may end up being too ill to go to the polls. I had COVID and I could barely leave my bed for several days in a row, much less drive or walk anywhere. Which is why I think the candidate who gets those early and absentee votes is going to have a huge advantage.
  7. I honestly prefer calling or video chatting over sending a picture. I guess technically they could be recording the conversation, but I just feel once a picture is out there, it's very easy to go anywhere else. If I remember, I think we talked on the phone before we met and I definitely liked having a nice conversation to get to know each other. I feel like that actually gives a much better idea of each other's personality and potential connection than a picture would anyway.
  8. FinDom is definitely a thing, but it's definitely not my thing and I wonder if one can really make an escorting career out of it. The one time I experienced it was a guy who actually was more dom and into sex but wanted me to buy him weed before meeting and then wanted more money on CashApp for small increments of time above what we had agreed to initially...I found the whole thing really obnoxious and not sexy or fun at all. But maybe there are some people into that. I guess if you can find one super-rich dude willing to do that stuff than you might be able to make in an evening what a regular escort can make in a couple weeks. But in this economy?
  9. I always get annoyed when an escort ghosts after they are the one the initiates the conversation. I like to browse on RM and don't mind if escorts message me after seeing that. So one did that and after a little back and forth, he just completely stops contacting. I even tried again the next day and it shows that he read it but didn't respond. I don't know exactly why...maybe because he started to realize I was more of an experienced client and he couldn't just rip me off? Who knows? He still advertises in Denver too but I am done with him at this point.
  10. Pretty sporadic. The regular I see the most often actually comes down to Denver about 7-8 times a year and I try to see him every time if I can (though I usually miss him a couple times). We usually make it a little more fun by doing dinner or seeing some life theater, though of course that hasn't happened the last few times because of COVID. Otherwise I basically consider a "regular" to be anyone who I see more than once a year. In that case, I see maybe 4-5 guys more than once a year and it's usually only 2-3 times a year.
  11. I am Latino and hire a pretty wide variety of ethnicities. My main regular that I see the most is mixed-race half-black and half-white. And a common masseur I see is black. My FWB is also a black guy. We've had some conversations though and he does say that a lot of white guys are automatically a bit more suspicious of bringing a black guy into their house or whatever. So I am sure there are some stereotypes and stuff that go into it. Sorry that is the case. Does it relate to the city you go to? Like DC has a pretty large Black population so maybe they are more open to that there than in Denver, where our black population is under 10 percent?
  12. Yikes those are some crazy stories. Glad you're still okay and that you're still doing this hobby. I am not sure I would after those experiences.
  13. Mine is a guy in Las Vegas who I made two horrible mistakes: 1) Paying upfront 2)Not insisting on meeting in person in public. I sent him $300 via CashApp and he told me meet at his apartment building. Well I go to his building and its in a gated community with a security guard. I tried to tell the security that I was trying to meet a friend who lived there and he was like, "I've heard that a millions times and if a resident has a guest visiting they have to come and sign the guest in." Well the escort said he couldn't do that because he didn't want the apartment to find out about his side-gig and literally suggested that I either climb the fence or try to like sneak in while the guard wasn't looking. I told him I wasn't going to do that and so asked for the money back, but he refused saying that this his other clients don't have a problem doing this and it would be worth it and all this BS. I was really pissed and from then on I have always demanded that an escort do what his job says and meet me in front of the building or complex or whatever and escort me into the building.
  14. As for your second question: The risk of getting HIV from oral sex is really really low even without Prep. With prep it would be almost zero. Remember that HIV is not the only disease you can get from oral sex. Oral gonorrhea and chlamydia are both possibilities as are herpes and HPV infection. So have guys cum in your mouth all you want but realize that you can probably get sick from that even if you can't likely get HIV.
  15. Truvada and Descovy are very similar drugs that have about the same efficacy at preventing HIV. Truvada is known to cause kidney damage and bone loss for a very small number of susceptible people. Descovy is less likely to cause such side effects, though it also has been reported to cause weight gain and increased blood lipids in a small number of patients and is not approved to prevent HIV from vaginal sex. Since you are doing your labs, you'll notice that one lab they will do is to check your kidney and liver function. Your doctor will likely be able to tell by those labs if Prep is effecting your kidneys and can stop or change the medication if that is the case. However, if you have a history of kidney disease or kidney impairment, it's probably best that you do not start Truvada to begin with. Descovy would be the better choice for you. Hopefully, you are having these conversations with your doctor so he/she could prescribe the best drug for your circumstances. Another difference between Truvada and Descovy is the price. There is now a generic version of Truvada that is about 15 percent cheaper than name-brand Truvada and Descovy (which are both pretty expensive drugs). Since Gilead has lost the exclusivity on Truvada, there will likely now be more cheaper generic versions of the drug soon. Most people do not pay the expensive retail cost of Prep. Many insurance companies cover it, there are some local Prep access programs that lower the price and Gilead itself offers rebates (though in my opinion, they can be tricky to get). However, you may be someone who would have to pay the full cost of the drug, which means you'd be better off with generic Truvada than name-brand Truvada or Descovy (unless of course Descovy is better for your bones/kidneys). Hope that helps. And as always have these conversations with you doctor as well.
  16. I had kinda the opposite happen. This guy who used to escort in Denver kept his profile pretty anonymous..no face pictures and some purposely ambiguous details. But his body pictures were hot and I decided to hire him. Well when he comes to my apartment I realized he was a fellow educator and we had been to several trainings/networking events together. In fact, we had several friends in common and I immediately knew his name from seeing his comments on mutual friends' social media accounts. I am not sure if he recognized me, but I right away told him that I knew who he was just so it wouldn't be awkward. I told him that of course I would keep everything discreet and not tell anyone anything about our encounters. We met a few times. He's a cool, sexy guy but he stopped escorting during the pandemic.
  17. This is definitely true for new guys. I contacted a new guy in Denver who started advertising recently and said he wanted to charge $300. I declined and he asked why so I told him that I though $300 was a high rate, pointing out that many experienced escorts in town charge $250 pretty regularly. Interestingly, he said that he was contacted by another escort when he posted his ad and that escort told him $300 was standard in Denver. I told him that was incorrect as I had been with the majority of the escorts that advertise in Denver and I only knew of 2 that ask for $300. Eventually we got to talking more and I ended up agreeing to meet for $300, but he ended up flaking out (said he got nervous because it was his first time escorting). Felt bad for the kid, but also think I might've dodged a bullet because $300 is a lot for someone who might be too nervous to perform well. Kinda wonder if there are some like purposely bad advise going around with some escorts to keep the competition down.
  18. I've had it happen a few times. Most of the time, if you respond with like, "Oh my job requires me to be pretty discrete about this so I'd prefer not to," they will let it go. And if not, that is a bad sign anyway
  19. That's hard to say without getting into review-y territory. I liked them both though. I probably was more attracted to the newbie but had better sex with the porn guy.
  20. There are currently 28 pages of Rent.men ads in NYC. So your statement is very surprising.
  21. I'd say $400 an hour is way above normal and not really a reasonable quote even for experienced escorts. Maybe some famous porn stars can try to charge that but I would say that is an unreasonably high rate pretty much anywhere in America. $300 an hour is more reasonable especially in larger cities. I travelled to Boston a couple years ago and ended up not hiring because I thought the quoted prices there were a bit too high. It was only soon after I had started this hobby and I was more used to Denver quotes which is typically $220-250 or so, sometimes even a bit lower. My experience has been: LA, NYC, Las Vegas and Chicago (and probably other large cities): $300 an hour is common (though you can sometimes find great guys that charge less). Denver, Seattle and Dallas (and probably other medium to large cities): $250 an hour is more common (though you do see guys that will charge both a bit more or a bit less). San Francisco actually had the most variation. I ended up seeing two guys on a trip there a couple years ago..one was $200 an hour and the other was $300. Interestingly the $200 guy actually had done a lot of porn and the $300 guy was a relative newbie. When I was putting my feelers out there I got quite a lot of variation of quoted hourly prices, so I honestly can't say I got a good picture of the average price in SF. It seemed like it was either low end or high end...for some reason not much in the middle. Hope that helps.
  22. Thanks for the information. I think your rates are pretty reasonable. $750 for 2 hours isn't bad when you have two guys. I do agree it is nice to have a bit of a longer session when you are doing this kind of thing.
  23. I agree, even though I feel bad for the OP. I do think the escort didn't do a great job in this situation and it really is an unfortunate introduction to what can be a fun and fulfilling experience. But I still think the escort should be paid in full in the circumstances described, which I guess was his question.
  24. It depends on what you are looking for. Sometimes if the escorts are a couple, they will just charge a standard or slightly above normal hourly rate. My guys in Denver charge $300 an hour for both of them. And I did an overnight with them for $1000 (plus dinner and a $100 tip), but they kinda gave me a deal because they know me, it was my birthday and we have good chemistry. The guys in NYC charged me $400 an hour if I paid cash, but I don't know if I'd really recommend them (fun but not mind-blowing for the price).
  25. Yes, he was on season 4. Jack actually won a menswear challenge designing an outfit for Tiki Barber. He was talented and would have likely gone a lot further if not for his medical issues. Sexy man too.
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