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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. I agree with most of what you're saying. But COVID-19 and the influenza virus are not related at all. They may kinda cause similar symptoms but they are not closely related biologically. But glad you have antibodies. I do too and while I do agree it's prudent not to assume long-term immunity, there is also a lot of evidence that having antibodies does provide protection against both reinfection in the short-term and having a more mild (or even asymptomatic) case if you did get reinfected.
  2. I agree..it's a nice cock. What do you all think? 6.5" maybe? I don't think it was fully erect and the boxers kinda covered a bit of it. But very nice..well proportioned with a good-size head as well. Definitely wouldn't mind giving it a ride.
  3. I actually think a lot of escorts do report their income. I definitely know some that do. Again it's not hard to just claim you are an independent masseur and/or model. Some guys who do porn probably get some payments that way anyway. There are literally tax codes for both professions. Does that mean they are reporting 100 percent of their income? Very likely not, just as a server doesn't declare their cash tips. As long as their income and deductions look similar to what people make in that position, it's probably not even very suspicious to the IRS. You could probably even do some business deductions though it may be prudent to do too many in order to avoid an audit. The IRS barely audits anymore since they've been cut to the bone. They only audit .45% of tax returns a year. Some escort that said they make about $45,000 a year as an independent masseur (well within the range of that profession) and pays their 15 percent self-employment tax has probably nothing to worry about.
  4. It's very easy to get an EIN as a sole-proprietor. I used to work as freelance journalist/editor and that is what I did. You just have to put "cash accounting" as your method and then put whatever income you made. For escorts, I'd imagine Massage Therapist would be very acceptable category for the IRS...it is listed as one of the occupations you can choose. You can even look up the mean annual wage and ensure that you are comparable for that category.
  5. Here is a video version of what led Chris to accidentally sharing his dick pic. He definitely has America's cock.
  6. Chicago does have considerable more crime that NYC. Almost twice as much in fact: 1098 violent crimes per 100,000 people compared to only 538 violent crimes per 100,000 in NYC. Similarly for property crimes: 570.36 per 100,000 in Chicago to 345 per 100,000 in NYC (although neither Chicago nor NYC are in the top half of cities for property crime. Chicago definitely is for violent crime). And having visited both cities I would say Chicago feels a bit more unsafe. I've definitely been hustled and had an attempted mugging in Chicago (unsuccessful because a group of people suddenly came out of a bar and they ran off). Where I've actually have always felt pretty safe in NYC. I also feel people in NYC are friendlier than Chicago. That said I think Chicago is a quite beautiful city with really good comedy, music and arts scenes. But I think I prefer NYC.
  7. I was always curious if the Blue Mountains and Wallowa Mountains in western Oregon and Washington are considered part of the Rocky Mountains or are they separate? I don't believe they are part of the Cascades.
  8. Yeah, I am glad I trusted the reviews and my instinct with that one. Some pornstars are best appreciated in their porn, not in person.
  9. I just got back from NYC three days ago so the hiring hiatus is pretty recent. But actually a lot of guys message me first after seeing I look at their ads. So I ask them what they want for a donation. And many of them are quoting $300 in Denver, which I think is a slightly high rate for the city, especially for a new guy without any reviews yet. One of the new guys I agreed to meet at that price just cause I liked his pictures but then he kinda backed out last minute said he was "nervous" about meeting. I don't know...I tried to be accommodating in a variety of ways but I think he ultimately wanted me to pay even more than $300 and I just wasn't willing to do that for a new guy (and would have a hard time going above that rate an hour for almost any escort). But I hear you...I know that escorting is a tough game. One regular I always try to do a multi-hour appointment for $500 where we go out to dinner and stuff. I know that he is only making money through escorting and he has a lot of travel costs to cover, so that at least with our meeting he can have a dinner and also make a bit more and not worry about trying to hustle to find another client that day if he doesn't want to.
  10. 2. From a client's point of view, I'm happy to pay $250-$300 for my regulars that I know are great and I will have a wonderful time with. I am a little hesitant to go that high for someone new. I was just in NYC where $300 is pretty much standard. One guy I met absolutely was worth his rate and in fact gave him a bit extra because it was such a great session. The other guy was ok...he had a bit of a difficult time keeping himself up the whole time, which he said was because he had a long week and was a bit tired. He also had put on a "quarantine fifteen" and looked a bit different than his pictures though he was still handsome. I had a good time with him but definitely wouldn't have done a $300 donation for him again. And some of the new guys I'm seeing in Denver are charging the higher rates and for the most part I've told them I'm not interested in paying that rate. I don't ever negotiate a new rate but some of them have come back with lower rates. We'll see how it works out. I kinda need to save up some money and not hire in the short-term anyway.
  11. For the first time with a guy, I also try to keep it pretty simple. A typical 1 or maybe 2 hour meeting without trying to make any extraordinary demands and keeping to whatever donation he quotes. I usually wait until a few dates and we've established chemistry before I suggest a longer meeting or some kind of kinkier thing (unless the guys himself advertises those kind of services to begin with). But yeah just be respectful. And also truly a best practice is to go with established guys that have a good reputation. Use the board, use reviews. Don't just go for some random guy. There are a few flakes, druggies and guys with off-putting attitudes (though not as many as you might think). But the real professionals are wonderful guys and if you treat them with respect, they will do likewise.
  12. Just FYI..Him and another escort messaged me to meet up with them during my recent NYC visit. I was interested but then got a message that they could help if I wanted to "party" too. And that kinda turned me off on that whole situation. To be fair, it was the other escort who was trying to set this up, not him. However, he does list PNP. No judgements either way. But personally I like to avoid the PNP thing if at all possible.
  13. So he messaged me after looking at his ad. At first very polite...Thanks for looking at my ad. So I told him I was going to NYC this weekend, explained what I was looking for a bit and asked for his rate. He was very polite with all these questions. Then my last comment was, "Thanks for the information. I'm looking at a few guys for when I get into town. I'll contact you when I get to town if I am interested. Then he gets upset with me and says, "I'm not here for maybes." It's like, I was actually kinda interested just based on the pics, you contacted me and if you were just cool, I probably would've considered you. But now, definitely not.
  14. I also think some escorts like to tell clients that they are super busy and booked up to increase the pressure a bit for them to be hired by clients. A little bit of scarcity to drive up demand. But definitely with traveling escorts you should expect that they are meeting (or attempting to meet) 2-3 guys a day. They have to in order to make the costs worth it. But I doubt a local guy is really as busy as he says. From what I hear from a few of my regulars: When home they aim for 2-3 clients a week and when traveling it's 2-3 clients a day.
  15. I was mostly just joking...though I wouldn't be surprised if a few of those dancers had an OnlyFans. I think Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B would approve of that.
  16. His area code for his phone is actually the one for Nassau County though of course he could live in the city. I'd think based on his name maybe Brooklyn.
  17. How many of the guys in the video do you think you can hire?
  18. An escort who had and recovered from COVID two months ago is very likely temporarily immune. He should have antibodies that last for about 3-4 months and memory T cells that last likely even longer. Even if he were to be reinfected, he would likely be asymptomatic and his immune system would quickly deal with the virus. However, it is possible he might be able to still infect others. Nothing is 100% but I think generally hiring this escort is fairly low-risk in getting COVID assuming he is telling the truth. Generally I don't think hiring is as risky as people think. If you're generally pretty cautious and avoid large crowds, wear masks and socially distance, you're doing pretty good at avoiding COVID-19. The likelihood that one person you hire and have an intimate time is contagious with COVID-19 at the time you meet him is pretty low. The likelihood of getting COVID after going to a crowded restaurant or bar or other indoor space where dozens of people present could be contagious with COVID is much higher.
  19. Yeah I definitely have gotten e-mails from a few guys. Usually regulars who continue to communicate with me that way, but recently a new guy sent me some pictures through there. Maybe it's easier to do it through e-mail, I don't know.
  20. Issues of rape and consent are never black and white. I was just watching the HBO show, "I Will Destroy You," and one storyline involves a gay man who decided to pursue having sex with a woman just to see if he will like it. He meets a woman and they have a great date and they go back to her place and have sex. After he reveals to her that he is gay and she gets upset with him, saying that she only consented to sex with him because she thought he was straight. The gay man actually never released details of his sexuality either way and she never asked. Personally, I don't think that would be an incident of rape, but I do see it as an incident of fuzzy consent that could be hurtful. I mean, I am probably not the only gay man who has dated a woman while discovering my sexuality. And that has at least for me caused emotional pain for the women I had dated. Though I don't think having sex with any of them knowing I was probably gay would be rape.
  21. In the comics, Shuri becomes Black Panther when T'Challa becomes injured. Since she is also of the royal lineage, she is able to take part of the Black Panther ritual. Personally, I think that could be an interesting choice though I also like her character as she is now.
  22. That's what I do. I have a credit card that I rarely use for anything but will use for deposits and rebates and things like that. I've always gotten my deposits back except for one time where I legit got charged for taking one of the dumb bottles of water. But that way I'm not actually using my bank account for anything.
  23. Very sad...talented actor who I always thought was much younger than he was actually. He was such a great role-model for kids as well. Rest in peace Chadwick.
  24. I think it's borderline. Obviously not forcible rape, but it is sex without consent. In some ways it's similar to "stealthing," where you take off a condom part way through sex. Yes, you agreed to have sex with a person, but only because they were agreed to wear a condom. Once that condom is taken off (deliberately) by the other person, that sex is no longer consensual. In the UK, Germany and Sweden stealthing is considered sexual assault. It's what Julian Assange was accused of doing to a sexual partner in Sweden. I feel like this is similar. These escorts consented to sex under conditions pre-approved by both partners. If that partner had no intention of fulfilling his side of that agreement, isn't that sex no longer consensual? Or what if someone knowingly lies about their STD status in order to have sex with someone? I think it's more grey than we realize.
  25. Sorry, I was referring to Drowned Boys reviews on RM and Daddy Reviews not the forum. But I reworded it so hopefully it's less objectionable.
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