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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Very seldom. It did come up once in a guy I was dating. He had gone a long work trip and was gone for about 3 weeks and I hired a regular during that time. I was honest with him since I thought he should know if I had other sexual partners. But that would be the only circumstance for the most part. I work in education and I keep my personal life very private as a result.
  2. Haha..I'm not sure it'll fly in some countries. But yeah...if you decriminalize prostitution then both clients and escorts can go to the police if they are ripped off or abused.
  3. Agree with everyone that a flat roof would be fine in that climate. Flat roofs are really more of a problem not just in wet climates but cold ones since snow melts more slowly and has freeze and thaw cycles that can quickly cause cracks on flat roofs and sometimes heavy snows can even cause roof damage. LA has such a variable climate...many years are very dry with less than 10 inches while other years are wetter with more than 20" of rain. Rainy years it would definitely be a good idea to check the roof from time to time to see if it is properly draining. You might need to clean out drains of debris and possibly add some roofing sealant to areas if they are looking like they are getting water damage. Roof sealants are fairly affordable and available at any hardware store. You should be able to do this work yourself as the sealant goes on similarly to paint with roller brushes and obviously getting onto a flat roof is probably easier than a pitched one. It would be a simple 2-hour (at most) project that would likely cost you only around $100 or so (depending on how big the roof is of course).
  4. I did an overnight with two guys in July and it was surprisingly similar to Rod's night. I ended up sleeping in the middle of the two guys and had actually a pretty good relaxing sleep. We did fuck around in the morning as well.
  5. Yep that's what I got too. That's why I think I'm gonna pass. I'd rather meet with two different guys for two different sessions then with two guys for the same session.
  6. It depends on how different they look from when the photos were taken. I'd say generally the escort that comes to your door should look basically like the person in the online profile. It's okay if there are slight differences but anything significant I think is misleading. And that is true for body, face, grooming, everything. Someone who is completely clean-shaven in all his pics and then comes to the door with a big scruffy beard is a misleading. I mean, I might be into that beard, but I would rather have some pictures to decide that beforehand.
  7. I think he got what he deserved. Sex w/o consent is rape and these escorts only consented to sex because they were getting paid. This is why we need to decriminalize prostitution everywhere.
  8. Yeah I think Denver doesn't have a ton of clients because I get hit up by traveling escorts that I've met before pretty often. I feel bad because I just had to tell two traveling regulars that I'm not hiring leading up to my trip to NYC. I hate to not meet up with my regulars but I just don't have the budget to travel to NYC and hire there and hire right before the trip. But I hope to meet up with them next time they come into town.
  9. He's only been advertising since late July so maybe he isn't very serious about it. I don't know. I'm finding more and more "new guys" that I think are seeing escorting as a way of making money but aren't really actually into it. But there is a review for him so he could be real. Maybe contact the reviewer and see what his strategy was.
  10. Yes. I'm considering. They are a bit on the higher end, which is understandable, but just not within my budget.
  11. Thanks for writing the reviews on Daddy Reviews and RM. Thank you for doing that so we can avoid those escorts who treat clients poorly.
  12. Mine was this guy who was advertising on Adam4Adam about 3 years ago or so. I was just getting tired of the whole Grindr/Adam4Adam hookup apps game and I was just out of a relationship. So I thought, why not? He was great and really sweet. He gave me some good advice such as never paying cash upfront, etc. Since then I've probably met with at least 30 escorts or so.
  13. I recently hired a masseur in Denver who had travelled from Philadelphia I think and he said I was the only client so far and he had been in town three days. A couple days later he tried to hit me up for a second massage. I passed because it was a bit overpriced and not that great of a massage. But maybe Denver is like Brandon's KC...not as many people hiring. However the South American escort I hired a few weeks ago said he did really well in Denver, so who knows. Overall, I definitely have noticed more guys messaging me on RM after looking at their profile.
  14. Thanks so much for this. And I would say 90 percent of escorts completely have this same reaction: "Sorry it didn't work out but text me again if you're ever back in town." And truly I do keep that in mind in case I return to that city or they end up visiting mine. But the 10 percent of the guys who are rude...never bother with them again. I think if everyone is kind to each other it just makes everything better and often leads to that potential hire next time around anyway.
  15. I am actually messaging with them. We'll see how it goes.
  16. Watch out for https://rent.men/Rawchocolatedrop and https://rent.men/Dreylong While browsing in NYC, I noticed a guy with identical photos as a guy in Denver. Probably unlikely that the guy is in two places at the same time. Interestingly they have slightly different stats and different phone numbers. The guy in Denver actually has a NYC number, while the NYC guy has a Miami number. ?‍♂️ The NYC guy does have a review from a guy who has reviewed a few escorts so maybe there is some guy who looks like the photos around. The guy in Denver has no reviews despite having the older profile (from Feb 2018 instead of Jan 2019 from the guy currently in NYC). Anyway, I have no idea what's going on...could be one guy stealing photos off the other or they're one guy trying to scam. Not sure, but I'm definitely staying away from both.
  17. 100 percent. And actually the BFE is what I am often after. I've had a lot of good times going to a new city and meeting a guy for an extended session where we maybe grab dinner or a drink after. Especially if I don't know anyone in the city It's nice to have a conversation..so yeah I definitely gauge compatibility/interest in that. But also I am sometimes after something a bit more kinky and that kinda needs to be looked at as well. It also comes down to budget. I can maybe spend $500-600 max for hiring per trip. That could mean one escort for a longer session or two escorts for shorter sessions but almost never more than 2. And it has also happened that I have specifically set up meetings with escorts and they are the ones that have cancelled on me. It just happened in my latest trip to LA. Twice actually, both great professional guys. One had a sudden illness and the other apparently had to move suddenly. So I ended up having to scramble and find someone else last minute. It sometimes pays to have that third guy you are thinking about to keep in the back pocket in case something happens. And I'll be honest about it. I've definitely said in a text: "I'm so sorry, but I've made an appointment with another guy. If I end up having to change my plans, I will definitely try to set something up when I'm in town." And lo and behold, they were the one I ended up meeting...haha.
  18. I'm under-40 as well so sorry that us millennial clients are giving you a hard time. I have been good 80 percent of the time. My only problem is when I am traveling to a new city and put out feelers on like 5-6 guys that caught my attention when I only have the intention of seeing like 1-2 max. Often most of them clearly don't work out, but I feel bad when like there are 3 great guys and I have to choose. I am trying to do more research before contacting though...I know it sucks when your time gets wasted like that. I will say that when I definitively say I am going to meet with someone at a specific time/place I have always done so.
  19. I messaged him when he came to Denver a few weeks ago but he saw my message and didn't respond for some reason. ?‍♂️
  20. He's handsome..the chemsex thing is a big turn off, so that would be a no for me. Just FYI, the flag emoji he posts is from Venezuela, so that's where I assume he is from or at least has heritage from there.
  21. I like Mike Gaite quite a lot. Also James Stevens is great..he's always been down for anything sexual. I honestly don't see how anyone could knock Mike Gaite...he is very professional, very hot and down for just about everything. He doesn't have the biggest dick around, but he certainly knows how to use it. Unless you're some big size queen, I don't see what the problem could be.
  22. Nothing is without risk. Seeing an escort even before COVID certainly put you at risk of contracting many diseases, some of them just as bad as COVID. I view it as there are actually many activities that are potentially risky: Travel, going to a crowded bar/restaurant, socializing with friends, etc. If one is actually pretty careful generally by wearing a mask, avoiding large groups, etc. Then I actually think seeing an escort in your own home is in many ways less risky. Obviously that escort has likely seen many people but the chances of one escort having COVID versus 100 people at a bar is statistically much lower. But everyone has to make that choice for themselves.
  23. In genetics, that is called aneuploidy. If he actually had the xxx chromosomes and three yyy chromosomes. It would be extremely rare, but apparently not fatal. Almost certainly he would be infertile and likely have significant cognitive impairments. Also probably some physical deformities including scoliosis, hypertelorism and clinodactylism. Usually men with this disorder also have delayed puberty and low testosterone resulting in things like little body hair, low muscle mass, development of male breasts and undescended testes. Not that this guy has that, but yeah that is what that means. Haha.
  24. He's a dancer for money. Do what you want him to do. Any old music will do.
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