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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Yes..he used to live in Denver and I really regret not meeting him when he did. Definitely will make it a priority to meet if he ever returns around this way.
  2. Yeah that's why I said "personally." Sorry you didn't have a good experience with him. My experience was good overall, though I would say we didn't connect on our personalities very well. I think it can be tricky with some escorts because if you don't have good chemistry, it kind of ends up being disappointing. I just recently had a massage that was supposed to be erotic, but I guess the guy wasn't feeling it so it ended up being a regular (but relaxing) therapeutic massage. I definitely was disappointed but at the same time I am not going to knock the guy too much because he still gave me something that I enjoyed overall. Though am I going to hire that masseur again? Definitely not. I think being an escort is hard...they are not always going to connect with a client and vice versa. I've kind of learned that myself over the years and if I find a guy I do connect with he becomes a regular. If not, then oh well..it's a one-off. But for another client, that same kind could be an amazing connection completely worth spending the time and money on.
  3. Personally, I disagree that he was just"going through the motions" with me. He is a good escort and I had fun with him. He performed well, is very handsome and was a perfectly nice guy. Just didn't click with him for whatever reason. I would still recommend him though to others.
  4. Yeah he is truly one of my favorite pornstars. I like his look and he kinda has an almost sarcastic personality in some of his videos, which I like. Curious about his reviews..he definitely seems to be saying they are not legit, but they definitely could be.
  5. Have you tried finding someone renting out a condo a la Kevin Slater? That's my situation in Denver and am both getting a good rent price (probably about 20 percent below market) and my landlord is really nice. She decided to give me a rental break for two months after she found out I was sick with COVID, even though I actually didn't lose any income or anything. My building is nice too..solid 60s built with a nice rooftop deck in a really good area. The only downside is she can kind of be slow with getting things fixed, but otherwise no complaints. I think the way to find these apartments is Craigslist or Nextdoor. Specifically look for "condo for rent."
  6. Sorry that happened to you. A good escort should've given you a discount or extended the session into the morning. This once happened to me with a regular. He drives down to Denver from Montana and then continues into New Mexico and sometimes Arizona to see clients. Last summer I hired him for an overnight experience and unfortunately he had some car troubles on the way and had to get his car fixed. He ended up being like four hours late as a result It was kind of a bummer because I actually had tickets for a play (we both enjoy watching live theater together) that we couldn't use and we also missed having dinner together. But he made it up by offering a significant discount and the next morning insisted on paying for breakfast and giving me a little bit of extra time back (though not much because he had to make it down to New Mexico for another client). The whole time he was very communicative and apologetic. These things happen of course and I am sure he also was upset that he lost some money on the battery and stuff. But even though I wasn't initially planning on hiring him on his return trip back to Denver, I did and gave him a nice tip so that kind of made up for it. If you treat regulars well, they will likely treat you well back in kind.
  7. Yes..I met with him. I reviewed him on Daddy's (note that he changed his name and used to go by Jake instead of Steven). I am happy to provide details in PM.
  8. I appreciate what you're saying. I had COVID myself back in April and it was definitely the most sick I have ever been. While I know immunity to the disease is debated, I also feel like it's likely I have some protection against getting a major infection. I am also going to NYC specifically because that area has many fewer cases recently than some other parts of the country. I am also going there because I have some good friends who live there who I haven't seen in many years. My flight and hotel are completely refundable at this point, so if things do start to look a bit worse there, I can always cancel my plans.
  9. I would love to know who you are talking about just so I can avoid. Feel free to PM me if you'd like.
  10. Do you have a link? I'm having trouble finding him on Rent.men. Thanks!
  11. I don't know if I would've gotten the Jonah Slakes thing at first, but the Quench Your Thirst tagline with the whales' blowholes is a good touch. Makes that connection more obvious.
  12. I'm sure this thread has been done before, but with COVID changing things around so much thought I'd ask it again. Going to the city Labor Day weekend and would love to meet with at least one or two handsome men. Any recommendations for me? I like all types really but am more of a bottom here so a great top guy would be perfect. Thanks for any suggestions.
  13. Yeah I think it depends. I work in public education so I am definitely very middle of the middle class. Haha. I literally found out today we are getting a .5% raise this year because of budget cuts and will have to pay 2.5% more into our pension, so we effectively got a pay cut. Fortunately not enough to really effect me in a significant way and certainly I am glad to have a job at all. But yeah, not racking in the big bucks over here.
  14. I'm not 100 percent but I think XYZ is saying that clients too are having to spend more of their money on rent, mortgages, other living costs, etc. So a client may have a harder time parting with $800 for an escort now than they would have in the early 00s or whenever.
  15. Well obviously the whole state vs state thing. Americans have a lot of (often misguided IMO) loyalty to their states. It would be like a competition not only amongst the singers but of talent vs people just voting for their home states. I think if they do this, they need to specifically organize it so that big states go against other big states and small vs small at the beginning. You don't want Texas vs Vermont, you want Texas vs California and Wyoming vs Vermont. That way it could be more about talent than just whatever states have the most people winning automatically.
  16. Definitely true...Denver has gotten much more expensive too and absolutely it is often hard to support oneself on escorting alone. And traveling escorts have to support substantial travel costs which often means at least 2-3 clients a day just to make the trip worth it. That's why even though I like longer sessions, I either work with the provider to find a good donation they are comfortable with or just go for the one-hour so they can get to other clients they need.
  17. I'm sorry that these things have happened to you. Although it puts into perspective some of the guys that I have hired that bring their own lube, water bottle, etc. My inclination is to sometimes say, next time we can use my lube or whatever. But I will not think twice as it might be more that they are being cautious, especially if it is a first time experience.
  18. There is no washing machine at the beach house? Plain sheets wouldn't take very long to wash to get any gunk off. The only other thing might be to get one of those plastic mattress covers you get when you're moving. Here is one available on Amazon. Maybe you could put the towel or whatever on top of that so it's still somewhat comfortable.
  19. I think think this is pretty right on. If you're doing this with a regular that you have chemistry with and enjoy each other's company, they will often give you a better deal. I just did an overnight for my birthday with this couple that escorts (both separately and together) and they only charged me $1000, plus actually brought like snacks, drinks and a birthday present.I did buy dinner but it was definitely a good deal and we all had some amazing fun too.
  20. I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think you could've done anything else. Some clients are really just assholes and put their hang-ups on the guys they hire. Not sure where you're located, but if I ever spot you where I am, I will likely look you up. Could always use a great massage from a handsome man.
  21. I like your Just for fans site. I actually have subscribed to it off an on (I usually only subscribe to two to three guys at a time). I think the content on there is hot. Definitely you could do some interesting tutorials or videos. Maybe talk a bit about gardening, culture, prepping for fun. It really could be anything. I think the explicit stuff is going to be your bread and butter, but I can also see mixing in some other content so you're not having to constantly produce that. Personally I've always liked the collaborations you've done with many guys that I like and even have been with like Sherman Maus and Boulevard Man. All of that stuff I fine very hot. Thanks for all that you do. I once tried to meet up with you but ended up not working. Hope we can cross paths sometime in the future.
  22. Yeah I think the immigrant escorts are pretty vulnerable to abuse. The escort I was talking about is here on a legal visa, but certainly if it came down to his word against a US citizen in some kind of legal matter, I have a feeling I know what would happen on most cases.
  23. Guy has it pretty explicitly (no pun intended) laid out on the Gallery thread: No Erections! No Assholes! No Penetration! No Masturbation! No Simulated Sex! No Pedophilia! No Necrophilia! No Bestiality! No Xylophilia!
  24. Yeah, he has only been doing this since April so I think he probably is not as good as screening and stuff as he could be. He actually was fairly skeptical at my text, asking if I was police. So maybe his learning. And he did say to me as I left that he is glad that there were clients like me willing to listen and be friendly. He has been away from his family for more than a year and has no idea when he'll be able to go back home. So I think it was nice for him just to have someone to talk to and listen to what's been going on with him. I told him to hold onto my number and I'd be glad to meet him again if he ever made it back in town. Hopefully Denver and his next few cities will treat him well and he'll have more positive experiences.
  25. Interestingly, this topic came up with a recent guy I hired from South America. He is traveling around the country escorting because the company that hired him and sponsored his visa actually went out of business right as COVID happened. I took him out to dinner and he said that I was only client so far that has offered to do that with him. Now that could be COVID related too, but he said that a lot of the clients he's had have been bad. One he caught trying to spike his drink with something (probably G). Another one pressured him to do PNP even though he had never done it before. Several have complained about his height (he is only 5'8") even though he accurately described that on his profile. Another complained about his accent and stiffed him some of the donation, saying, "You're lucky I don't call immigration on you." I felt bad for the kid. He's only in his mid-20s and came to America for a job only to go to escorting. He did say that the majority of the clients have been fine...just a regular session and then they were gone. But a definite sizable minority have according to this guy, treated him just terribly. He said he is probably going to only do this for a few more months. While this is just one escort (and a relative newbie as well), other escorts have told me similar stories, especially about the drugs. One regular of mine said he stopped doing overnight sessions because they were almost always all-night PNP sessions and he really doesn't like doing drugs. But even when he has told them he's not into that, he said many guys will threaten to cancel unless he partakes and then he loses the $1500 or whatever. I won't say I've always been a perfect client, but definitely we could all do a lot better at treating the guys we hire in a respectful way and not pressuring them to do things they don't want to.
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