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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. The admins really don't make very much money from this site at all. It's mostly sustained through membership donations. And it's not like anybody is censoring your opinion on here. There are just people who are disagreeing with what you are saying. I think open, honest conversations like that are what make a forum stronger.
  2. I'm definitely interested in getting to one of these events. Hopefully we can at some point!
  3. I think you have to figure out your reasons for the vegan diet. For me it's not health but environment. Beef, dairy, and pork are all terrible for the environment. But surprisingly so can soybeans if they are imported since they are one of the biggest crops responsible for the deforestation of the Amazon. Palm oil, which is in a ton of packaged baked goods is also bad for the environment for the same reason. Rainforests are chopped down in Indonesia and the Philipines for palm trees. But goats are actually pretty good for the environment since they can graze on even wastelands and produce very little methane. There is a local Colorado producer of goat cheese, so I feel pretty comfortable getting cheese from them since the environmental impact is fairly low.
  4. I am also mostly vegan. I pretty much cook vegan at home and occasionally eat non-vegan when going out just because it tends to me much easier. I also am Mexican and it's very hard for me to say no to my mom's enchiladas or green chili (neither of which are vegan). I have used a lot of tofu in my cooking. Trader Joe's has these smaller firm tofu with sriracha and teriyaki flavorings that I think taste pretty good and add some substantial feeling to any meal. I also eat a lot of meals that really just don't require meat at all. Pasta with marinara sauce or a vegetable stir fry over rice. These are satisfying to me and I usually don't even think of the lack of meat. From a nutritional standpoint, pretty much the only nutrient that is very hard to get on a vegan diet is B12. So either take it in a supplement or eat fortified cereals (you can look for it specifically in the nutritional guidelines). It does take a while to develop a B12 deficiency, but I did after a few years with this diet and it actually caused a bit of nerve damage with a pins-and-needles feeling at my extremities. Fortunately it was caught early before much damage occurred and now I take a regular one-a-day multivitamin with B12 and it's been fine since then.
  5. My other problem with Amazon is the enormous wealth it has created for Jeff Bezos. A lot of people don't understand that $1 billion is an insane amount of money and $180 billion is even more so. It really is just unfathomable that one person has that much money. And like the taxes on Amazon are so minuscule compared to its profits. If we had reasonable 25% taxes on Amazon (and other billionaires and corporations) like we do on regular working stiffs, we could really do so much with that money. Have much better schools, house a lot of the homeless, universal medical care for all Americans, etc.
  6. I wonder if it be worth looking at therapy. I once lived in Washington DC and had a real hard time making friends and dating in that town. It felt a lot of people were more into networking than making friendships or relationships based on mutual interests. It was the loneliest time in my life and do believe I feel into somewhat of a depression. Even once I left DC, I had a dark mood for a while, but going to therapy really helped. Cognitive behavioral therapy in particular. I had a good therapist that worked with me to understand negative thought patterns and develop more positive thinking. It helped me develop better relationships as well. With escorts, I know that it's obviously a transactional relationship but they can be healthy, positive ones. Something to consider anyway.
  7. What kind of home do you live in? If you had a backyard, you could probably be fine just walking the dog yourself back there if you had COVID if the worry is simply about infecting others. It can be a rough illness but the vast majority of people do not have to go to the hospital and you should be able to basically care for you dog if you had a backyard. I'm sure the pup would want longer walks but it would probably be okay without them for a couple weeks. Might consider smaller dogs that don't require as much walking. Of course you might have to go to the hospital with COVID, but you might have to go to the hospital for a lot of things. I think if you had a couple of friends who could step in to watch the dog temporarily if something happened, that would be the best option. You can give them a key to your place and they can pick up the dog. As long as they wore a mask and washed their hands really well, it wouldn't be super likely they would get COVID.
  8. I feel if someone just compiled all the bits of advice @@Benjamin_Nicholas has posted throughout the years, you'd actually have a very good start to an ad-hoc beginner's male escort manual.
  9. Prostitution is either decriminalized or legalized or legally tolerated in many parts of Europe and Australia/New Zealand and there are plenty of guys that choose to both hire and work in the industry. When I visited England last year, I'd say there was more diversity and quantity of guys than in many parts of the US. I would actually go the decriminalization route..basically remove all criminal penalties involved in prostitution between consenting adults but not allow things like brothels, pimps and other intermediaries that I think often lead to human trafficking and other issues.
  10. I didn't take any money or anything from him, but I kind of gave some advice and support to a newbie escort in Denver. He was from Mexico and could speak English fine but his profile had numerous spelling and grammatical errors and was just not appealing in a lot of ways. He also priced his services really high for a newer escort without reviews and didn't really seem like he had a good grasp on how to appeal to clients. I kind of made an off-hand comment about how business was going so far and when he said it was pretty slow, I offered to help. He did improve his profile and things like that, but unfortunately this was right before COVID hit and I think he decided not to continue in the biz.
  11. I hired one time and realized it was a someone I had met once before and shared many mutual friends and acquaintances. We ended up meeting a couple of times and actually he was a lot of fun. But of course you have to be very discreet and cautious. We actually met another time in public at an event organized by a mutual friend and I let him be introduced to me as if I never met him. It was kinda awkward but also sort of fun. I'd love to meet him again but I think he stopped escorting after the whole COVID thing though.
  12. I've also found that because they copy ads, a lot of ads on Frienboy are quite old. I know of at least 4 guys listed in Denver that have definitely moved or are no longer escorting.
  13. Yeah everything I read is just really bad for Nissans generally and Altimas in particular. I guess they are one of the cheapest new cars, which is why rental car companies buy them in droves, but they do not hold up well and are not very stylish or fun to drive.
  14. That seems about right. I definitely think it makes the most business sense to be top, vers-top, or vers. I consider myself vers, but it's very easy to find bottoms on Grindr when I want to do that. It's much harder to find good tops.
  15. Yeah, the ads have dropped considerably in Denver as well even from just a year ago. I am not sure if there has been any kind of crackdown. I think honestly it's just their new redesign is terrible and many many people ditched Adam4Adam for the hookup aps like Grindr and Scruff.
  16. Yeah, I feel erotic massage almost always means both masseur and client are fully naked and there is erotic mutual touching. I've definitely gotten full service (often oral and sometimes penetration) but not always in an erotic massage.
  17. I was looking at this too because actually my credit union has this deal with Enterprise. But their selection was pretty crap. Basically the only thing in my price range were lots of Nissan Altimas, and that car has gotten bad ratings across the board. Apparently many have a transmission problem that is very costly to repair. I should take a look at Hertz and some others though.
  18. Yeah, I went to a dealer nearby which was convenient but basically every repair was over $1000. I did my front brakes there for that and then realized I could just go to Midas for much cheaper which was good..but even Midas was like $600 for the back brakes just because when VW brakes go you have to replace both the pads and rotors apparently. I had friends tell me that they got all of their brakes replaced for only $600 and I can't believe how much I spent on mine.
  19. Thanks...I am actually leaning more towards Honda or Kia than Corolla. I'll check out Truecar. Thanks!
  20. Thank you. Fortunately I wasn't driving when it happened. They hit it while it was parked in front of my building overnight. Damaged the entire driver side and hit the driver side wheel so hard that it wasn't drivable. And I usually go for mid-grade gas, but I'll keep that in mind. Thanks.
  21. Thanks...I did like my Jetta. I was absolutely a pleasure to drive and had a pretty stylish interior in my opinion.I am absolutely bummed about what happened to it. Someone hit it while parked right in front of my building. But the Jetta was pretty expensive to maintain. Had to repair the brakes and it cost $1200, which according to one friend was more than twice the cost for her brake replacement on a Toyota.
  22. Maybe one of these guys can help out?
  23. I've had luck. Are you aware of the the "Pro" section of Adam4Adam? A lot of the "masseurs" on there are often escorts though they can't advertise as such. In Denver, there have been definitely fewer advertising on there, but there is some overlap between A4A and Rent.men and a few guys that only advertise on A4A. I would just say you are interested in a massage and try to get their phone number so you can text off the app.
  24. Thanks for that...I never thought about the service departments. It definitely makes sense to see where those are and their hours in case something goes wrong. I've been fortunate that I actually have a VW dealer close to where I live. But I don't know where the other ones are.
  25. Hi all, I am in the market for a new car after my last one was totaled in a hit and run accident. It was a 2008 Jetta so I am looking for something similar but maybe not a Jetta as it had kind of high maintenance costs in my opinion. With my insurance settlement, I'll be able to do a solid down payment but will still likely have to do used, but hopefully 2014 or newer. My budget is about $10-$15K, but preferably closer to to lower end. I'm thinking of maybe a Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic. Possibly a newer Jetta if I can find one. Also considering a small crossover like a VW Tourag, Subaru Crosstrek or a Mazda CX5. It might be easier to be able to go to the mountains with a car like that. Anyone have a car that I mentioned and have some pros or cons? Have a car I didn't mention and love it? Or one that I absolutely should not get? Any help would be appreciated. I had the Jetta for 5 years so it's been a bit since I had to car shop. And you all are surprisingly knowledgable about a wide variety of subjects so thought maybe you'd know cars a bit too.
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