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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. [quote="xyz48B, post: 1945930, member: 21441" Researcher from Oxford on MSNBC stated the vaccine seems to also create “double immunity” – humoral and cellular response. Yes, the Oxford vaccine is looking very promising. I am hopeful that we'll have some much better treatments and possibly even a vaccine in 2021.
  2. Yes Mesa Verde is beautiful! Actually one nice thing about living in Santa Fe is that it's relatively easy to get around northern New Mexico/Southern Colorado. The San Juans in southwest Colorado are the most beautiful part of the state and probably some of the most beautiful part of the United States period. And a lot of that area is only a three-hour drive or so from Santa Fe...shorter than driving from Denver to that same area.
  3. I consider myself solidly middle, middle-class. I have chosen to do things like rent a small apartment and drive an older car (though actually I am carless at the moment) so I can afford to hire and travel. I think you might be surprised but a lot of people on here are probably not very wealthy. I would guess most are in the upper-five, lower-six figure range with a handful of more wealthy clients.
  4. Ojo Caliente is really nice. They have some good deals on their spa treatments if you stay overnight at their hotel.
  5. Yes I definitely agree with you on this. I browse A TON on RM and hire maybe once every 2 months at most. I'll look at dozens of profiles of places where I will be traveling soon as well. That said, I don't mind if a guy reaches out and it has led to meetings on occasions.
  6. I have spent several summers living in a cabin in Colorado that is even higher altitude than that. While I am a native of the state, there are challenges, but also health benefits to living that high especially if you are not from here and you have to get used to the elevation. 1) 7500 is at an altitude where you might experience some altitude sickness as your body acclimates to the lower atmospheric pressure (it's actually not true that there is less oxygen, which is mostly determined by the amount of oxygen-producing vegetation in an area. Instead the lower atmospheric pressure at higher altitudes makes it harder for your lungs to get that oxygen). It could feel at first like you're sick with symptoms like headache, fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath and even vomiting. You may want to spend a day or two are first at a slightly lower altitude. Your body will likely adjust but it may take a few days. 2) Rigorous exercise may be challenging at that altitude even for weeks or months or even really forever. In some ways this is both a good and bad thing. You will likely tire out easier, but your body actually will be working harder with less oxygen and you will increase your fitness levels at higher elevations. There is a reason why marathon runners train at high-altitude. It really does make you more fit, particularly increasing your stamina. However, do take it easy at first and don't push yourself too much, particularly if you're not athletic. Even a seemingly easy hike can end up being more than you can handle. Take breaks and start small. 3) There is some evidence that living at high altitude lowers your risk of heart disease and heart attacks. Lower oxygen levels in your blood force your body to adapt by widening and creating new blood vessels that make it harder for blockages to form. 4) At higher elevations, there is less UV protection from the atmosphere and as a result skin cancer is much more common. This is especially true since New Mexico is a sunny place anyway. Definitely be careful about spending too much time in the sun. Use lots of sunscreen and protective clothing. 5) High altitude and dry climates will combine to make it much easier for you to become dehydrated. Definitely drink lots of water all the time. You will also likely need to use lotion for your skin as it will become noticeably drier. 6) The lower pressure at high altitudes can definitely be hard on your lungs especially if you have conditions like asthma, emphysema, etc. There are a small subset of people who develop pulmonary hypertension at high altitudes, which both increases blood pressure and can make it harder to breath. This would be something you would want to check with a doctor if you decide to move to Santa Fe. 7) Yet overall people who live at high-altitudes often have higher life expectancies. In fact, Colorado's three highest-altitude counties have the highest life expectancy of any counties in the country (Los Alamos County in New Mexico is in the top-10 and is also mostly above 7,000 feet in elevation). This is because of the lower heart attack risk and also because many people who live in at higher altitudes are fit and less likely to be obese. There is some question of whether there is something about living at altitude that increases your metabolism and makes you less likely to put on weight or if it is simply that people who live at higher altitudes are just more active people who exercise more. My guess is it's a combination of the two.
  7. Nice...definitely review him. I wasn't able to meet with him while he was in town, but definitely might if he comes around again.
  8. I really miss the beer busts in Denver. Sunday afternoons with cheap beer and great company at some wonderful gay bars. Technically some of the gay bars are open but they have to do table service and reservations. It's definitely not the same.
  9. I agree..but in many ways these researchers are doing a similar thing that happened with remdesvir. They are understanding more and more about the mechanism of the way COVID harms the body and finding drugs that can combat it. At first by using artificial intelligence and data mining to look for promising drugs, testing them in human tissues and then in humans themselves. I would say it's more that speculation, but I would also agree that it would be premature to say that this will work in actual humans with COVID.
  10. Yes, I've had to deal with this from a cousin who is anti-immigrant despite our mutual grandparents being immigrants from Mexico. Ultimately, I have cut her out of my life as much as possible and only deal with her if I absolutely have to for family reasons. To PurpleKow: One thing I did was both hide and not allow my cousin to read any posts on my social media. I know she would make a fuss if I actually unfriended her, but not seeing any of her crap and not having her see any of (what she probably considers) my crap definitely has helped. Sometimes ignorance is bliss if it's a relationship that you can't cut off completely.
  11. I was referring the victim...24-yeard old Jose Menendez. There is an Advocate article more about the victim. Friends say he was "an amazing friend," and "always happy and cheerful." Friends are saying they Menendez met these guys on a dating app. Just preferring to talk about the victim and his loss rather than give much attention to these murdering fucks.
  12. Yeah sorry if that's the case. It is widely available and has been around since the 1970s, so maybe it won't be the situation of remdesvir, where it wasn't commonly available to begin with. It's also widely available as a generic too so it's not like remdesvir, which is solely available through Gilead. Hopefully it won't lead to shortages and higher cost, but I totally understand your nervousness about that.
  13. But yeah, this is such a sad story. The young man killed seemed like a good kid. There are 13, all-five star reviews so apparently those reviewers didn't have bad experiences (assuming they were real). Always a good reminder that there are a small minority of escorts that do the job to feed drug habits and other unsavory activities. Always better to go with a trusted escort on these forums than trust the biased RM reviews.
  14. Please don't assume that. I actually have similar scars and they are simply from a bad circumcision that caused a (non-STD) skin infection when I was a baby. I've had them my whole life. Most guys are absolutely fine with it but every once in a while you get somewhat judgmental who think it's some horrible STD. Every dick looks different and it's much better just to ask politely than assume the worst.
  15. Very interesting and promising study in Israel that suggests the commonly available anti-cholesterol drug fenofibrate may significantly improve outcomes for COVID patients. Apparently COVID actually tells our lung and other cells to stop burning fat as fuel and it's these fat cells that get built up in lungs, liver and other tissues and cause (in part anyway) the debilitating damage that COVID does to the body. The drug basically reverses this process, allows cells to burn the lipids and "downgrades COVID to a common cold," according to the main doctor doing the study. This study was done on human tissues outside of the body and not actually in any human trials, but the outcomes were so positive that they are going to begin human trials soon. The other nice thing about using fenofibrate is like remdesivir and other existing drugs, it's already been proven to be generally safe. So it doesn't need to go through the long process that a COVID vaccine or new medication would. If the human trials prove effective, it could be used as a treatment in a matter of couple months or so. The doctor doing the study was very optimistic saying his observations of the effect of this drug on human cells was like, "when the plug is removed from the bathtub." Still have to see if the drug works in actual human beings with COVID, but if it works as well as it did in the human lung cells, this really could be a game changer in COVID treatment.
  16. It really depends on the guy and I do think that what Gymowner says has some truth about traveling vs. local escorts. Traveling escorts are going to have to maximize the clients they see per day in order to make sure they can pay the significant costs of travel: Hotel, food, local transport, etc. So they are likely going to have 2-3 clients a day and in that case you might want to go for earlier in the day if you want them to be the most fresh and ready. A local escort really depends. Some are probably more morning wood horny types but others are more into meeting at night. A local escort doesn't have as much pressure to make money to cover costs, so they might only see 2-3 clients a week or even fewer. But often local guys also have relationships or hookups in addition to their clients. I think it's best to ask them and see what their preferences are. But i've truly had escorts meeting me in the morning to late at night and they've almost always been ready to go.
  17. I agree..I think the positivity rate and the overall number of tests is very important. That's why 2 percent of 15,000 or 20,000 tests a day is a really good sign there isn't much community transmission happening. The CDC says under five percent with decent testing is a good sign generally that the disease is not spreading much in an area. That's why Florida is concerning. They are averaging 18 percent positivity and doing 50,000+ tests a day. That's a sign that COVID is spreading fairly widely in the many areas.
  18. I don't disagree that NYC is doing pretty well now and the risk would be low, but that doesn't matter to other countries that restrict people who travel from other countries. For example, Australia (where Rogan is from) has a 14-day mandatory quarantine for anyone who travels to that country. Probably Rogan is stuck in Europe actually.
  19. I'd be very surprised if very many international escorts come to the US anytime soon. With COVID and the fact that many countries have quarantines, it just wouldn't be worth it.
  20. And actually escorts are often more honest/accessible as well. One escort I was with let me know that he tested positive for chamydia when he got home and did his regular tests. He was very forthcoming with the details of where the infection occurred, how many partners he had before and after me and all that so I could make sure I was tested properly. He even checked up with me a couple days later to see how my tests came back. The reality is that a regular escort that you've built a good relationship with often cares more about his client's health than some random Grindr hookup.
  21. I don't think it's about emotional ploys. It's that in many places, they are literally running out of hospital beds and ventilators. This is already happening in Texas. It's close to happening in parts of California. Many areas are not flattening the curve, they are breaking it and our hospital systems are becoming overloaded again just like in NYC. Policymakers like Newsom in California and Abbott in Texas (although much too late for him) are simply doing what the data suggests and putting in measures to flatten the curve of this pandemic or risk overloading the medical system in a way that puts both COVID and non-COVID patients in danger of not getting the care they need. And just like it did in NYC, this will cause more deaths.
  22. I now definitely watch out for FinDom as part of escort ads. I met with a guy like that in Denver for just a regular session and he really tried to turn it into a FinDom thing. At first it seems benign but then quickly becomes pushy and annoying. I won't be seeing him again.
  23. I heard that..so sad because NYC has been doing so well recently..really hope all those returning from the Hamptons quarantine themselves for 2-weeks.
  24. Bad and worse and better and best are all subjective words, but the media in the articles I posted are sharing that there are more cases of COVID-19 now in the United States overall and in many specific states than there ever had been since the beginning of the pandemic. And as Honcho points out, we are in many places running out of ICU beds, ventilators and other medical supplies needed to help people with severe cases, which again as he points out can (and already has) lead to more people dying for the disease. More links (All articles within the last three days from credible news sites): ICU beds reach new low in Texas as COVID cases pass 250,000 mark ICU beds, ventilators in use hit new records as Arizona reports 1,357 new COVID-19 cases Florida’s Covid-19 Deaths Might Rival New York's
  25. Yes, the numbers now are actually much worse both in the United States generally and in specific states. These are all articles published in mainstream, credible news sites in the last three days. In many parts of the country, COVID cases are the worst they have ever been. However, COVID cases are truly stabilizing or declining in other places like NYC. For first time, U.S. records more than 70,000 new coronavirus cases in single day Florida shatters US record for new single-day Covid-19 cases Coronavirus case averages reach record highs in more than a third of U.S. states as deaths climb
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