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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Everyone is making very good points about the first amendment. Just out of curiosity, I decided to look up photos of LA BLM protests. Truly most people were wearing masks in the photos I found. width=581pxhttps://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/93586e0/2147483647/strip/true/crop/6720x4480+0+0/resize/840x560!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F50%2F1a%2F0ecff8d5465a8c4771b96335dcc1%2Fla-photos-1staff-557633-me-0614-refuseracism-protest-01-cmh.JPG[/img] width=547pxhttps://www.dailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/LDN-L-PROTEST-BLM-0515_16-1.jpg?w=620[/img] width=568pxhttps://s7d2.scene7.com/is/image/TWCNews/blm-6-17-20_jpg[/img] width=533pxhttps://www.dailynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/LDN-L-PROTEST-LA-HOLLYWOOD-0602-11-1.jpg[/img]
  2. Huh..that's interesting. I don't really know if it's much more than rumor-mongering though.
  3. The study is a real study that uses epidemic data and cell-phone tracking and sophisticated mathematical modeling. It is a pre-print but has been submitted for peer-review. The study was written by five respected health economist professors. You can see it here. I think their conclusions that the protests in many large cities caused many non-protestors to stay home makes a lot of sense. I mean in Denver, downtown and Capitol Hill were basically ghost towns except for the protestors. People didn't want to go out because they feared violence. And the cell-phone tracking data shows that while obviously the protestors were out protesting, many more people stayed in, containing the COVID pandemic overall. I don't necessarily disagree with your assessments. I too still don't think it's a great idea to have large gatherings of any kind, but you also have to be open to the evidence that in the case of the recent BLM protests, there is evidence that they did not increase COVID-19 transmission. Whether that would be true now that the virus has spread more widely, I am not sure.
  4. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting them, but Tyler and Ace seem like really sweet guys. Hope to be able to meet them sometime soon.
  5. There is evidence that the protests did not contribute to a rise in cases. A study done in more than 300 cities compared cities with large protests to "control" cities without large protests and found that there was no increase in COVID in the cities with protests. Partially the study shows that generally people stayed home in cities with protests in part to avoid potential violence. This was confirmed using cell-phone tracking data. So even though there were obviously large groups outdoors protesting, even more people stayed home to avoid the protests and the overall effect was no increase in COVID cases. And while the study doesn't show this, there is probably some truth to the virus not being able to as easily spread outdoors and with many people wearing masks. I went out to one day of protests in Denver and was pretty amazed by the mask-wearing and social distancing I saw. I would say at least 75-80 percent of people wore masks and the protest went down a major city street so people generally were able to keep a bit of distance from each other.
  6. I just looked at his profile because he is coming to Denver...man it's rough. He actually advertises: "I’m a very well known adult film star that made international news in 2015 because of a White House National Security scandal involving Obama etc" What in the hell kind of escort advertises that they outed a high-profile client? And his star rating is 2.33...I don't think I've ever seen one so low, especially on Rent.Men which totally inflates their ratings. Also apparently he has a blog where just posts nutso conspiracy theories. Strange dude..one that I will definitely be staying away from.
  7. You make some good points. Obviously, if you're really worried about getting COVID or passing it on to others (like a vulnerable family member), then definitely do not hire until there is a vaccine at least. That said, NYC is reopening for good reasons: Their actual numbers are looking good across the board and there does not appear to be widespread community transmission. But yeah, like Suffolk County where Fire Island is located is actually seeing a slight uptick so what Tonyko said could be really true. So you have to assess the risk in your own life.
  8. I think that the density of NYC could actually be an advantage to hiring now. One clinic in Queens had 68 percent of its patients' tests come back with COVID antibodies. Because NYC was hit so bad, so early, there quite likely has been some herd immunity happening in that area, meaning that actually COVID probably can't spread as easily in that area as many others. And actually where COVID is spreading like wildfire right now is in areas that are really not that dense: Florida, Texas, Arizona, etc. The other metrics in NYC are looking pretty good in my opinion: Declining cases (averaging less than 300 a day when two-weeks ago it was more than 300 a day), lots of tests (often around 15,000-20,000 tests a day), low positive rate (only around 2 percent) and high antibody positive rates in many areas (another Brooklyn clinic showed 56% antibody positivity). This shows to me an area that has already been widely exposed to COVID, which probably means they have some herd immunity and can not spread it easily around. There is not significant evidence of widespread community transmission and the government has been doing a good job of quarantining people visiting from other areas. And though visiting with one escort obviously has some risks, in my opinion it's not as high-risk as you think. Probably a single visit to crowded indoor bar or party is significantly higher risk than one visit with an escort, especially if you're otherwise keeping good habits of social-distancing and mask wearing everywhere else. Ask those good questions of the escort before you visit and assume he will answer truthfully. Otherwise, don't feel too bad about hiring.
  9. I also think like this is the reason for the forums and reviews. There are negative reviews on there for this exact reason. Chances are if it's like a PNP guy who can't get hard, there will be many guys who have had similar experiences.
  10. On the flipside, I'd also expect to pay whatever was agreed upon for that hour even if you don't quite get the experience you wanted. Good escorts will discount if they have erectile dysfunction or whatever, but you shouldn't demand they do so in my opinion. You can always say, "Well this is unfortunate because I was hoping that I could bottom tonight." And he should offer a discount on his time, but again this isn't a guarantee and you shouldn't get mad at him or demand a discount. Just know that maybe he isn't the best one to hire for next time. And the reality is that this does happen to even really good professionals. I have a regular who had a hard time once partially because he had just done a long mountain-biking trip and that can actually temporarily cause ED. He offered a discount and ended up actually giving me a great fisting/fingering session anyway so I didn't really mind too much. It happens and if you have a good escort, he'll make sure your wants are taken care of in one way or another.
  11. These kinds of books are right up my alley too. If you have some recommendations for specific titles, I'd love to hear them.
  12. I'm reading a popular science book called, "Darwin Comes to Town" by Menno Schilthuizen, a Dutch evolutionary biologist. It's all about how various species have evolved to live and even thrive in dense urban environments.
  13. I don't think they are connected or related in any way. I think some escorts make enough money that they can often afford to stay in school longer. I also think they believe by advertising their education, they might attract wealthier clients that might be interested in longer, more expensive sessions where there is dinner conversation or trips to the opera or whatever. In HotMedPro, his responses in a previous thread led me to believe that he truly has the education he states. I usually take escorts' ads at face-value that they say they are what they are. At least until I learn otherwise.
  14. Yeah it's best practice to not pay upfront. And most professional escorts know and expect this. Technically, this is where it can even be legally problematic, because you are paying before you spend any time with the individual so it can appear that you are paying for sex instead of providing a donation for the person's time. I appreciated this being explained by a real great professional on my first session when I tried to pay him before we did anything. Anyone that asks up front, you should just politely say, "Sorry, but I am not comfortable doing that and have not done that in any previous situations like this." It usually happens only when the guy is new at the business.
  15. Yeah and 120 in Phoenix...that is definitely too hot.
  16. It got to 99 today in Denver. They were expecting 100, which would be the first time we hit triple digits in 2 years. But 99 is damn hot enough...AC is on full-blast today.
  17. I would say there is less risk of hiring in NYC than in many other parts of the country. While 300 new cases may seem like it's a lot, it's actually just a slight uptick from where numbers have been in the last few days and actually less than what they were even just in June. They are also doing quite a lot of testing in New York, (15,000-20,000 tests a day in many cases) and they are only seeing a 1-2 percent positive rate. That's pretty good and suggests there is not as much community transmission happening in the city. At the height of the pandemic in NYC, there were upwards of 70 percent of tests coming back positive. It's quite possible that since NYC was hit bad early, there might be some herd immunity there. Of course that hasn't been proven to be necessarily a thing with COVID, some scientists think it's likely while other say it's not happening. Like many things with this disease, it's pretty uncertain. But it does truly look like NYC is doing much better with COVID and I would feel way more comfortable hiring there then in Florida, Arizona or even California. Of course, ask some questions about how the escort is feeling, if they have traveled recently to any hotspots and if they have been in any large group gatherings. If you have a trusted regular guy, I'd expect him to answer truthfully. I was considering hiring a semi-regular masseur, but he had recently traveled to Texas so I told him I'd reach out to him again in a couple weeks. He was totally fine with that.
  18. Escorts age shave all the time. A lot of above-40 escorts still claim they are in their 30s. Who cares as long as they still look the same as their pics and can perform well?
  19. I'm kind of in the middle of this issue. A lot of airlines were making record profits for several years previous to the pandemic and should've been saving that money instead of doing stock buybacks to enrich themselves. American was one of the most egregious airlines, spending $13 billion in stock buybacks and doing very little saving when times were good. The other big airlines also did lots of stock buybacks but they also did save a significant amount of money as well and are thus better able to weather the pandemic storm. And frankly it's those airlines that I'm more likely to go with. Southwest is operating its flights with middle seats empty until the end of September at least. Delta I believe is doing the same. The CDC actually says that flying is not as risky for COVID as we think because of planes' air filtration and circulation systems. They say the real risk is being within close contact (six feet or so) or an infectious traveler. I am considering making a trip to NYC in September and will certainly choose the airlines that socially distance their passengers. I fully understand that flying during the pandemic entails some risk regardless. But airlines have been increasingly treating their passengers worse and worse. If I'm gong to spend my money on a flight, I'll do it with an airline that is at least trying to mitigate the risks to the health of their staff and passengers by following the CDC guidelines.
  20. I don't have any problem with the expanded letters and think we should be welcoming to those who want to expand it. Intersex is important because there truly are people who are born with characteristics of both sexes, up to an estimated 1 percent of all births. Some of these conditions are very minor and most would identify with one sex or another, but some truly have ambiguous genitalia or hormone irregularities that prevent the secondary sex characteristics from developing during puberty. So the I in LGBTQI+ is truly a distinct thing separate from trans or other labels. I just think cisgendered gay men should be welcoming of all.
  21. I don't have any problem with the expanded letters and think we should be welcoming to those who want to expand it. Intersex is important because there truly are people who are born with characteristics of both sexes, up to an estimated 1 percent of all births. Some of these conditions are very minor and most would identify with one sex or another, but some truly have ambiguous genitalia or hormone irregularities that prevent the secondary sex characteristics from developing during puberty. So the I in LGBTQI+ is truly a distinct thing separate from trans or other labels. I just think cisgendered gay men should be welcoming of all.
  22. It's been a bit hot in Denver but not too bad...high 80s/low 90s most days with some nice afternoon clouds cooling things down. It's supposed to get into the upper-90s later this week though. But it's a dry heat here so it's actually not too uncomfortable. It was low 90s today and I went on a nice long bike ride. Slightly hot sure, but not scorching.
  23. If you're into gardening, you can actually plant those bits of tomatoes in the soil and get a new plant from it. However, the tomatoes may not be the exact same variety as the mother plant since the tomato was pollinated and could have cross-pollinated with a different variety depending on how or where it was grown. If it was a farm full of beefsteak tomatoes though, it'll likely produce beefsteak tomatoes in the new plant. Just depends.
  24. Yeah I don't think it was intentional, but living in Colorado there are lots of religious fanatics like Focus on the Family and Family Research Council who are very anti-LGBTQ and do kind of have a Christian nationalist message.
  25. That's unfortunate. Good that Dexamethasone is pretty widely available then.
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