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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Yeah..happened in Denver. Restaurants can still do take out and delivery but that's it.
  2. I go every 3 months as part of my Prep routine and I definitely let me healthcare provider know if I think any other testing is necessary. I almost always use a condom for sex but once didn't and therefore got an anal and oral swab. Sometimes you can get a bit creative about paying for it. I always go for the plan with the lowest deductible possible since I know I have high health-care costs, then pay for the first three months of PrEp on a credit card and get the rebate from Gilead. Since Truvada is so expensive ($3000+), I hit my deductible almost immediately and then all the rest of the testing is paid for by insurance. Just got to make sure the paperwork is right because you don't want a $3000 credit-card bill to accrue interest. Happened to me, the first year I did this and ended up with $300+ extra in interest.
  3. It's definitely spreading within the United States at this point. Colorado had no cases last week and now we have 50. It's not a borders issue, it's a public health issue within the United States.
  4. Hmm..Coachella being cancelled is making me consider coming. Maybe if hotels really do go down I could swing it. My European vacation plans for my tax refund have essentially been scuttled at this point, so it could be a fun possibility.
  5. No experience, but that profile makes me want to take a trip to NYC pronto.
  6. In general, the high humidity of a bath might make aerosol viral disease transmission harder. That's certainly true for the flu anyway. Although I doubt the new COVID virus has been studied enough to see if it follows the same seasonality pattern as cold and flu viruses.
  7. Steamworks in Chicago had a big sign saying they would refuse anyone entry with signs of a cold because of COVID worries. It was still quite hopping though.
  8. In some ways the impacts could be positive. I took a plane to Chicago this weekend and it was maybe a third full at best. Booked a last-minute 4-star hotel on Michigan Avenue for only $68 a night. It actually has one of the best hotel gyms I've seen. I could definitely see costs going down for traveling escorts in the next few months. Though of course, best not travel to any countries with outbreaks as per the CDC instructions.
  9. I would say I'm more into qualities than types. A good top to me is someone who knows how to both respect and push the boundaries of the bottom. Someone willing to take the time to get the bottom nice and ready and then once they are, ready to really give it to them for their own pleasure as much as the bottoms.
  10. I already have a general Rent.men profile so I was able to use that to message. I think you had to have that for e-mail too. I definitely didn't need to register or do anything in addition to having a profile (which is really just the name connected to a junk e-mail address).
  11. Yeah there are a couple of newbies in Denver starting at $350 an hour. I think the cannabis industry here is finally on a bust cycle and you have a lot of guys that are part of those layoffs starting to try escorting. They're nice enough...but they all have to get really stoned before they start any escorting.
  12. I actually like the messenger. I was able to talk to a guy I'm going to meet up in Chicago on the messenger pretty easily I thought. We were able to set things up more quickly than I think we would communicating on e-mail. That said, I do like e-mail for some things. To me, e-mail is great if you are visiting a city and want to message a few guys at a time just to suss them out and get a little bit of an idea if there would be a connection. This is often a week or more in advance so I feel more comfortable doing that than texting, which I sort of feel I like to do when I'm trying to make a more immediate connection. To me messenger was kind of a happy balance. Was able to communicate more directly and it still felt comfortable to do that even though I'm not going to be in Chicago until next week.
  13. Pretty often actually..I would say at least 2-3 times a week, sometimes more. I live in the gayborhood of Denver and it's often easy to find someone to hook up with on the apps. Plus, I have a couple of fuckbuddies as well. Most of them are bottoms and so I am almost always topping them. When I hire, I almost always bottom. Outside of hiring I rarely do. But oral and topping is pretty common for me.
  14. My guess is the escort himself pulled down the ad....maybe because of a family emergency or something. If he was professional, he should have explained the situation, but since we don't really know what happened, we can't really say. For what it's worth, the same thing happened to me, but I was able to find a replacement who was also really awesome and he is still one of my semi-regulars now.
  15. In my opinion 90 minutes is the right balance for escort experiences and first-time escort experiences especially. Gives time to get to know each other a bit. I often suggest grabbing a drink at a nearby bar (hotel bars are perfect for this if they are hosting) then moving up to the room for the rest of the time. Then in subsequent sessions you can decide if a 60 minute is enough time or go for even longer. It often works out well budget-wise too..a lot of escorts are willing to do $300-$400 for 90 minutes where I feel 2 hours plus is going to be $500 or more. So a little bit less time but still able to have a nice, non-rushed time often with a bit of massage or something thrown in or time to have a glass of wine or a cocktail if you're into that.
  16. Congrats to you all for your financial successes. Makes me think that I should probably be saving more money so I could buy a place someday. But then I probably couldn't afford hanging out with so many sexy men. :p:p
  17. Interesting...apparently the HIV drug Kaletra may be slightly effective in combating coronavirus. It should be noted that Kaletra is a very different drug than Truvada. Kaletra is a protease inhibitor, which means that it basically prevents HIV from replicating in the body by inhibiting an enzyme used in that process. Many viruses replicate in this way so it makes sense that maybe ones used for HIV could be effective for COVID as well. But Truvada works in a very different way that is more specific to HIV and other retroviruses, so it wouldn't be something they could use for COVID.
  18. I'm not medical expert but I don't think your logic follows. HIV and COVID are not closely related. They belong to completely different virus orders. Basically as big of a difference between us and our fellow primates and an armadillo or a dolphin or any other mammal (probably even more so since viruses are so different than other organisms that many scientists aren't even sure if they should be classified as an organism). In addition, HIV belongs to a group of retroviruses that work by copying its RNA genome into the DNA of the host cells it is infecting, so that the host treats those cells as its own. This is in part why HIV is so hard to cure....the virus has literally become a part of the host's own cells. Truvada works by interrupting the ability of HIV to reverse transcribe its RNA into the DNA of the host cell when it is trying to infect it. Coronavirus doesn't infect cells in that way so Truvada would have no real effect on its ability to infect cells. RNA viruses are quite common and most of the major infectious viruses in humans are RNA virus: Influenza, HIV, the common cold, Ebola, Coronavirus, Rabies, etc. I can assure you that in the 3 years I've been on Truvada I have gotten the flu once and the common cold probably a dozen times. Since coronavirus actually is one of the viruses that can cause the common cold, I probably have even been infected by one since taking Truvada. It offers absolutely no protection from them.
  19. I think part of it might be that I do try to be fairly nice and generous when I am on a date with these guys. So maybe they are expecting that I can do that all the time, when that isn't the case. Only one has been really persistent with these requests. The other two that I am thinking of pretty much have let it go once I tell them that I can't afford another date at the moment.
  20. I wonder if there is some weird like alt-right thing going on. A bunch of alt-right 4chan assholes made a bunch of bogus fire safety complaints against a DIY venue in Fort Worth. Maybe there are some closeted Christian assholes that don't like the idea of two men having a great time together so are trying to mess around with the escorts.
  21. Haha..I think there would be people staring at you regardless of whether you just laughed. But glad to make you smile.
  22. Was that web site made on Geocities? I'm surprised there isn't a web counter.
  23. Ah thanks..I am sure the same can be said of you.
  24. I work in career counseling so I have a bit of experience in helping people look for jobs. One thing that is definitely true that wasn't 20 years ago is the importance of a good social media profile. I'd recommend creating a solid LikedIn profile (if you don't have one) with your employment history and the skills you offer to another employer. If you can, definitely start asking some supervisors for recommendations/references very early. They can actually do that on LinkedIn so you can be ready to go when you're applying for jobs. Often employers will recruit directly on LinkedIn using skill/experience searches. I've known several people that have gotten jobs this way so it's more important than many realize. Indeed.com could also be a good web site to use, but often it's best for more working-class jobs. And definitely reach out to your professional networks. Often they will know of jobs before they are even posted. Definitely a good way to get into a company through a friendly acquaintance.
  25. Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone. I think part of what I get into is I enjoy the BFE with a lot of these guys. So I'd rather wait to save up money for a month and then take a guy out to dinner and have a longer session. The problem I think is that they expect I can do that often and I just need to set clear boundaries.
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