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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Thanks for the support and you're right. I do have a couple of regulars that understand I'm not wealthy. One of them even nicknamed me "teach" and gives me good rates when I take him out to dinner and a play because I think he truly enjoys hanging out with me. And yeah I think I am going to stay away from the findom guy. He was hot in a lot of ways but like wanted to be paid on Venmo in a way that I thought was a little weird. Just not a good vibe with him.
  2. Haha...I think that may be part of it. One guy that I hosted the second time we met was really surprised by my small apartment. He was like, "I thought you were like this super-successful dude because you dress so well and took me out to such a nice dinner." I was like, "Yeah I can afford that because I live here."
  3. I like it. Maybe even seasons. Chicago Winter/Spring 2020. It's amazing to me how often some of these escorts move around.
  4. Hey all, I've been experiencing some patterns with escorts I've been hiring and thought I would seek advice from all of you. I work in education, which I love, but definitely do not have a very high income as a result. I'm basically at the middle of the middle class and even make extra income by driving Lyft on the side. I do live alone but in a small apartment and for me hiring is truly one of my only luxurious splurges. But recently a lot of escorts I've been hiring seem to be expecting me to be able to spend a lot more money on them than I am really able. Sometimes it comes up in wanting lots of repeat business, or wanting me to take them out to expensive dinners and shopping trips. One guy who I hired because I am wanting to get into more of a BDSM scene is trying to FinDom me, saying he gets off on me giving him cash and other gifts. In that last case, I told him I really couldn't afford to do that, but would love to meet him again for more of a regular BDSM session in the future. He instantly grew very cold and didn't reply after a simple "Thanks for a great night" text. I struggle because a lot of these guys are clearly making more money than I am, and they are really wanting me to spend lavishly on them. I am of course fine paying what is agreed but they are often wanting more than I can really afford a lot the time. It's a hard balance because in many cases I do enjoy their company and I don't want them to become cold because I can't give them what they are asking for. How do I set boundaries to make sure that I can continue this hobby in a more sustainable way? Or is it really just not bothering with the guys that are trying to push more than I can give? Surely if I made more money, I might indulge in that kind of thing, but I really don't. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  5. I liked the photographs. I think part of it is the photographer is being respectful of the privacy of these young men. But the picture of the boy with all the cuts from self-harm on his arm...that's very moving to me and definitely shows the perilous position of these young men in German society.
  6. Relatively new escort in Denver..only has had a RM profile for about a month. Don't know much about him, sorry.
  7. Yeah I saw him. I liked him but totally get what @@adventurous old guy is saying. I think he thinks he's the best escort in Denver and charges and has a bit of an attitude as though he is. That said, he is very handsome and I had a great encounter with him. To me, not a BFE but certainly a fun time if you're looking for a splurge.
  8. Interesting..well good for him. That's a pretty large sum of money. Definitely more than he would probably make escorting. You'd have to be meeting well over 60 clients a month to make that amount at about $300 per session.
  9. I'd be curious to know how much one could make on a onlyfans page? Most only charge about $10 a month for a subscription and wonder if there really are lots of people that subscribe. Certainly one could make a lot more money in a shorter amount of time escorting but perhaps if they had more subscribers it would be worth it to focus on that.
  10. Cain Marko looks really good and he took his pseudonym from the name of the X-men villain Juggernaut, which is wonderful.
  11. When I sobered up the next morning, I asked and he told me. I actually was one of the few at the party with a car so I drove him back home to the hotel he was living. I just hadn't thought to ask when I was on the drugs. He said he was positive but didn't know if he was undetectable. At the time, I didn't really know as much about what that term meant so I was really freaking out, especially since he was a semi-homeless drug user. But he didn't infect me at least. Lesson learned though for sure.
  12. Really like his web site. That's one of the best most professional ones I've seen.
  13. Based on the trailer/description it looks like the Bill Murray section in the newspaper office is the "frame story" with three stories from the "French Dispatch:" "The Concrete Story" by Tilda Swinton's character apparently about a prison artist; "Revisions to a Manifesto" by Francis McDormand's character about young Marxist revolutionaries; "The Private Dining Room of the Commissioner" by Jefferey Wright's character about some kind of amazing chef who works for a police department somehow and also relates to some sort of kidnapping. I think the black and white portions may be the sections that are part of the "stories" and the color sections the main frame story, which perhaps connects all the stories together somehow. That's my interpretation anyway. Definitely a lot going on. But looks good in that Wes Anderson sort of way.
  14. Parker Allen is going to be out of town when I'm visiting so wouldn't mind another one or two more options in Chicago. My recent trip to LA showed that I needed backups for the backups.
  15. Going to Chicago in a couple of weeks and am looking for some quality guys. I used to have a great guy in Chicago but he unfortunately moved so don't really know who I should persue. I am open to a wide variety of guys though usually I like to bottom so tend to like well-endowed men. Definitely like having a BFE and could do a longer session with a quality dude who is smart and maybe shares some of my nerdy (comics, movies, music) interests. It might be nice to have someone with some massage skills but that's not a dealbreaker for me. Any suggestions?
  16. Yeah if I am feeling a bit unsure about an escort I do like to e-mail first. So the fact that he doesn't have that as an option certainly raises red flags for me too.
  17. Interesting...I would say if he is Brazillian, English is probably not his first language. Definitely could be some things lost in translation. But yeah seems like maybe he is a bit new at this and may be not totally into being an escort. I wouldn't go as far as to say he might have personality issues. Maybe he is just having a challenge in expressing himself. That said, I probably wouldn't hire him...more based on his inexperience than anything else.
  18. That's unfortunate. I have met with him twice and he was great both times. Sorry you had a bad experience though. Maybe it was on off day for him. For me, he has always been good.
  19. Parasite's wins make me very happy. It was my favorite film of 2019 and also i think the most 2019 film. While most of the nominated films took place in the past (or some weird Joker alt history of the past), Parasite was one of the few films to be really about our present day. Its characters represented both the hustling, working classes and the wealthier, striving upper-classes, but was so nuanced that in many ways both sets of characters are the villains and heroes of the story. To me, Parasite was such a timely movie.
  20. Fair enough..I actually did the reverse once..saw two escorts who were a couple. They didn't charge me any more than their usual donation for just one of them, but I did hire them for three hours so it still ended up being higher than a normal one-hour appointment. Definitely I would recommend a longer session and expect to pay for that longer session as well.
  21. I am not really old enough to remember the 80s and was still a kid in the 90s, but I feel like there were certainly male street hustlers then. Certainly in films like Cruising, Mysterious Skin, and My Own Private Idaho. Maybe it just moved from being on the street to being online. In the couple years I have been engaging in this hobby, I will say I haven't noticed a huge increase in the number of ads at least on Rent.men. Pretty much has always been about 3 pages long in Denver, with about 2/3 being locals and 1/3 visitors. That has been fairly consistent.
  22. I don't think it's significantly different seeing an escort as a couple than by oneself. I think it's more on the couple really than the escort. You and your boyfriend have to make sure you are comfortable with boundaries of a threesome and the feelings of inadequacy and jealously that can sometimes come up. I think couple requests are not unusual and most escorts are fine doing them. Definitely communicate what you want to do. I don't really think the rate should be any different just because you have a couple instead of one person. I might recommend having a bit longer of a session just so you can have a bit more time to build chemistry and do the various things you might want to do in a threesome environment. Keep in mind that the escort is still just one person and with the expectation that they are pleasing two people comes perhaps an increase in pressure and expectation. Having a bit more time with a session allows everyone to relax and take a break if they need it. Maybe have some time being a voyeur instead of a constantly active participant. But really I think a lot of escorts would be fine with it. Hope you can have fun with it too.
  23. Yes! I encourage a lot of my students to look at trade schools and programs. We do concurrent enrollment where students who are caught up with their high school credits can earn college paid for by the district. I had one young women get her CNA and her LPN, all paid for by the time she graduated. She visited us a few months ago and is working full-time, making $21 an hour at age 19. And she is earning that money with no college debt of any kind as we paid for her courses. I think all she had to pay was the fee for the licensing exam and that was it. Some kids get it and they are really enthusiastic about doing these programs. Others end up dropping out after a week so they can make minimum wage at McDonalds. Such a challenge to get some young people to think about their future.
  24. Having taught this to seniors, I'd say about 70 percent or so of the the students really took it in and learned a lot from it. At that age, they really are about to buy their first car or rent their first apartment, so they were paying attention. My high school in particular has a lot of what we called "opportunity youth," so in many cases they weren't really learning this information for their parents or only some of it. But you're right, about a third or so of the students blew off the class, but pretty much in the same way they blew off every class. Some kids just didn't really care about school or learning, regardless of the subject. They would be the ones asking, "When are we every going to need this stuff?" in math class and then coming to my class, filled with practical information that they would very likely use and saying the same thing.
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