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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Yes! I definitely think that's why this forum and the reviews are so important. If we're going to spend our hard-earned money on this hobby, it definitely should be with someone worth it.
  2. I appreciate the review. Sounds like maybe personal problems getting in the way of the job. I think we've all been there one way or another. Not really something you could respond too, just take a break maybe and try to return when you're in a better headspace. Wish the best of luck to Sean.
  3. Yeah fortunately I have a very solid pension and retirement fund that I put extra money into so I feel like I'll be good for retirement. I live in a fairly small studio apartment. While I could afford a nicer, larger place, I'd rather spend that money on traveling and this hobby.
  4. Interesting way to use your winnings. I definitely would hire more if I struck rich that way.
  5. My co-worker teaches a financial literacy and budgeting class that I sometimes overhear. She talks a lot about how that $5 a day mocha latte adds up more than $1000 a year that could be going to other financial goals. It got me thinking, not about cutting back this hobby, but more just about how much I spend on it. I estimate that I have spent about $7,500 in the about two and a half years or so that I have been engaging in hiring. I don't regret it and in fact save and cut back on other things to engage in this as it makes me happy. But just curious about how other view this expense. How much have you spent on this hobby? Do you feel it's worth it? Is it easily within your budget or do you have to cut other expenses to afford it? Just curious about how others manage their finances in what can be an expensive hobby.
  6. I agree! With my GP I am honest too though that specific question has never come up for me. There is a nurse that handled the PrEp and I am honest with her about my sexual history too.
  7. I agree with this completely. Denver is still mostly a $200-$250 city but a couple of the more successful guys who travel have started to charge $300. I did decide to meet with one who I hired in the past at the lower rate because we had a good time with lots of great conversation, some nice chemistry and some mutual sensuality, plus he let the session extend a bit past the hour (and of course I gave him a nice tip for a great time). Unfortunately, at $300 the same guy is a lot more rote, less sensual, and was trying to get out of my place at 45 minutes. So I haven't hired him since then. Maybe I have higher expectations now, but I feel like if you are going to increase your prices, you should try to provide a better experience. Too often though, escorts are charging more but providing less to the client. And that just leaves me being a lot more picky and engaging in the hobby less often.
  8. I hear you. When I first started I was very excited and wanted to hire all the time, but I've definitely slowed down a lot. For me, it's basically been a couple of traveling regulars and then if someone comes into town that I am really excited about. I think part of it for me is I'd rather save money and then have a really great, longer experience with someone I am really interested than have more frequent sessions with guys that are fine but nothing special.
  9. I don't think you should clarify the fee actually, just be prepared for current rates ($200-$300 depending on city). I suspect he is simply a new or returning escort seeing what he should set his rates based on client reaction. The older ad might indicate he is returning to escorting and doesn't know what the rates are like now so he is testing the waters.
  10. I think all the points you made are valid. I think his pictures look a bit too professional. There is a way to check them if they are posted elsewhere (like on Instagram or Facebook) but I don't know how to do that and that information isn't always a red flag (for example, it could be from the escort's own Instragram). You could definitely have him send a photo with today's date. Or you could just go for an escort you know is real by choosing one that is on DaddyReviews or has been mentioned on this forum. It's tricky...I do think most escorts are real, but there are some fakers out there for sure. Good luck and enjoy the hobby.
  11. I'm always kind of curious what they do with that information. Obviously your personal information is confidential, but I always wonder if the aggregate information is used in certain ways. Like if there are a lot of people in a certain area that pay or get paid fo sex, do they send that to the police to try to get more enforcement in the area? I always say no too.
  12. The "new" HIV strain actually has been around for decades, it's just that scientists have only recently been able to use new technologies and techniques to discern that there exists another strain of HIV that was previously unknown. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/what-know-about-new-hiv-strain-n1078291
  13. Personality, face, body, dick in that order. I prefer a smart guy that can have a conversation and is chill. Love to be able to cuddle and hang out after. The guys with an appealing personality are the ones I make my regulars, the ones who don't tend be the one-offs. A handsome dude is so important. Someone with a great smile. I actually don't really like an overly muscled guy. Give me someone lean and mean any day. I also prefer guys that are at least 7.5"+ I usually top in relationships/hook-ups but when I'm hiring I prefer to bottom, so need a guy that can deliver something.
  14. I think outdated is worse. I get why an escort doesn't want to show his face on a public page like Rent.men. We have to remember that many guys are doing this on the side and have careers and families to think about. I actually work in the same industry as one of my semi-regulars and totally get why there are no face pics. The moment he came to the door, I recognized him instantly. If his face was plastered all over rent.men (even in a private gallery), it wouldn't take long for someone else in my industry to show them to his boss or something. I mean I get that is a bit of a risk regardless, but I also get why someone wants to be careful.
  15. In Denver at least, I'd say that 75% of the guys on Mint Boys also have or at least at one point have had a Rent.Men account. I feel like a lot of the guys on Mint Boys have expired accounts on Rent.Men and often wonder if they are actually still active. In one case, I saw a guy on Mint Boys who I know no longer escorts and doesn't even live in Denver any more. But there are also several that don't have Rent.Men accounts and maybe are on there as more of an amateur escort.
  16. I have an arrangement with a regular of mine where I pay for longer sessions often including a date to a theater performance and dinner. I always pay for the tickets to the play and we have always (except for the first time we did this) go Dutch on dinner. This was his suggestion as he knows I work in education and am not some super-rich executive, knows that I have good connections to good theater events in town that he enjoys and knows he is still getting a pretty good extended rate of at least $100 an hour for a four-five hour session. I don't think I'd balk at paying for dinner, since we usually go to fairly affordable ethnic restaurants, but it's nice that he is being considerate of my money. Plus he knows that I'm almost a guarantee client every time he comes into town.
  17. I was going to say the same thing. Villa Giani is a great place with hot guys and no worries about flakiness there. But also I visited London this summer, and it was teeming with hot male escorts. I don't think you'll have a problem finding someone. There are a ton of ads on Rent.men, Planet Romeo, Friendboy, Sleepyboy and even just on Grindr. Go to areas like SoHo, Earl's Court, Paddington, Mayfair, West End, The City and you'll see them on Grindr with little roses all over their profiles. I did find that many of them were also into pnp (or Chemsex as they call it), so just be aware of that in case that matters to you either way. I too tried to plan stuff beforehand and then when I got there realized that was completely unnecessary. You can definitely find a good escort and generally at a more affordable rate than in the States as well. .
  18. This is so true. I'm in education as well and it's very tricky to be "out" in this profession. I am mostly to my colleagues but to my students I obfuscate my sexuality much more. The reality is that anyone who works with minors knows that ultimately it could come down to your word against theirs and any hint of anything inappropriate is enough to ruin careers or even worse.
  19. I went to a great one in Manchester, UK (also called The Eagle). Street level looked like a regular pub basically but two basement sections one a dark, blue and red lit dance space with a stage and dancefloor filled with writhing bears in leather vests and harnesses, very old school. The second space basically a straight-up fetish cruising area with St. Andrews cross rack, a bondage horse and other such things and then several TVs playing explicit bondage porn. It was pretty hot.
  20. Yes..that's probably better. Kinda depends on if you're trying to browse escorts in an area or if you know exactly which one you are wanting to link. But that would be the better way to present it regardless.
  21. I'm not sure if you want to be more specific, but Guy has given the link to the main web site. If you're looking to add the Daddy Review for a specific escort, the easiest way to do it, is to to right click the escort in whatever geographic area he is in and then copy the link address and paste it into the post through the insert link button (or ctrl/command k). Paste the URL into the URL section and you can even set the link as text as I did with my good friend Gianni.
  22. I think the reviews are extremely helpful. Several positive reviews on DR means that the escort is very likely a good guy who is going to do his best to provide a positive experience for me. That's absolutely valuable. And when traveling I especially look for guys who provide more than just fun in the bedroom, but who are good dinner companions who might be able to show me some cool experiences in the city. And many of the reviews on DR describe guys who will be good at that. I haven't done many reviews lately, mostly because I've been seeing regulars and don't know if it makes a lot of sense to write multiple reviews of the same guy. I did have one new one recently and he actually specifically told me not to write a review on DRs, I guess because he is a LMT as is worried about the implications of the site even though I told him I wouldn't write about anything that would get him into trouble. But with trips coming up to Los Angeles and Chicago, I am sure I will be seeing some new gentlemen and sharing my experiences with them as well as any good venues I come across.
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