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Everything posted by keroscenefire

  1. Definitely cute..and interesting that he lives in Denver. Personally not my type, but go for it, I say.
  2. Not yet, but he is on my radar.
  3. I'm pretty knowledgable of the men in Denver generally if you have any questions. I'll PM you my details on SubZerr.
  4. I did meet with him. Honestly not the best experience. Won't go into details but just say that he isn't open to doing a lot of things and was a bit of a clock watcher. Also English is not his first language and communication was a bit of a challenge. I wouldn't seek him out again.
  5. I think it's just green if you're currently logged into the forum and red if you are not currently on the forum.
  6. No experience with any of them but Angel came through Denver once and I was real tempted. He has the best vibe and his looks are the most boy-next-door cute. I think he has the most personality of them...but they are all cute. I'd say Valent would be a close second but I like Latino guys, so....
  7. I was pretty nervous the first time too Reiser. But a good companion will make you relax and put your mind and body at ease. Once we got into it, there is something really sexy about having someone over in your own place and in your own bed. The feeling of cutting in your bed with a sexy man is just so wonderful. It's really a boyfriend experience more than you could achieve in any hotel room.
  8. Probably for the best then..thanks Jostar.
  9. I do the same. I actually use the building next to mine as the address initially just so they can put it in their GPS if they desire, but then meet them outside once they park. I think this is easier in the city. Might be harder if there were only houses around.
  10. I've hosted a few times. There are a couple of guys in Denver that live with families or roommates and can't host at all and I didn't really want to pay for a hotel room in addition to the time with the gentlemen. I haven't had any major problems. Here are a few things I've done to make me feel a bit more confident about inviting a stranger into my place: My apartment is rather small so I think that makes it easier. I do keep all my mail and wallet and stuff out of site. Even my computer I put away. Basically anything that will identify you, especially on that first meeting. Whatever payment is specified I put on a table out in the semi-open so they can see right away that it's there but also so we don't have to let it get in the way of anything. Another little trick I learned is to have them text or call when they arrive and then I physically meet them outside of the building and we walk in together. Not only do I get to see them in public and do a quick "spider sense" on them, but it keeps it a bit more anonymous as my apartment has a digital directory with my last name and first initial to get in so "buzzing in" actually reveals a surprising amount of information. I also feel like meeting them outside kind of establishes that this is my space and my neighbors see that this person is with me (I have neighbors that are kind of weird with people they don't know being in the building). In addition, I always talk to the person on the phone before I meet them just to get a sense of who they are and if they sound legitimate and cool. It doesn't have to be a long conversation, but I do like to do it if I am hosting especially. I often use the time to talk about what I would like from the experience and also to give directions and parking information. I live in kind of a busy area so it's useful to have that anyway. The one time I didn't talk to the man on the phone was one of the worst experiences I've had as a client so I kind of feel like I don't want to meet at all if I can't do that. Not that the escort did anything to compromise my anonymity or did anything to my property, but more just didn't really give me the experience that I wanted. Just some things that I do...haven't had any problems with any privacy issues or things gone missing.
  11. He went through Denver once and I tried contacting him but didn't get a response back. Maybe he was just busy. He was only in the city for a couple of days. I agree he is very hot.
  12. Yeah..definitely be careful in Senegal. They outlaw same-sex relations and arrest and even torture those who are caught doing so. They have even arrested people just because of rumors they were gay. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/senegal-gay-community-rights/
  13. I know that I have definitely had to step back my visits with men mostly because the holiday season is expensive and I don't have the budget for it as much at this time of year. I've also noticed the donations for time have gone up recently with some of the guys I was interested in. I know $300 is pretty standard in some of the larger cities, but that is kind of on the high end in Denver, especially for a new person who I don't necessarily know if the experience will be positive or not. Good luck though...if you ever make it to Denver, I would definitely be interested.
  14. Oh wow..he's a pretty big star. It's interesting to see as I doubt he would particularly need to do the work from a financial perspective. It's curious though. I did ask a porn star (pretty big name with dozens of scenes) once about why he got into the escorting side and he told me that when he first started porn paid really well, but people don't want to pay for it as much anymore and the studios have started to pay much less and also that porn is actually pretty hard work where you're often having sex for hours at a time and on multiple days. He said what he charges for an hour in escorting could be what he gets for a whole day of shooting porn.
  15. Very true...I think another key point is that you kinda have to trust the guy you're hiring and ask questions. I definitely don't think there is anything wrong with asking when the client has been tested for STIs, which STIs he's been tested for and even the places on his body where he was tested. Obviously if you are the receiving partner, the genitals matter the most, but STIs can be passed from mouth to genitals as well and not a lot of people test their throat culture for gonorrhea or chylamydia. And though it may not be as fun, you can do oral sex with a condom if you're unsure. Just be sure to ask because there are a few people in the business who have STIs but do not reveal that unless asked directly. I have encountered this myself. However, almost all will be willing to give you information so you can make and informed decision.
  16. NvR2Thick..is basically right. The risk of infection is in the mouth and throat and not in the stomach. One thing to remember is to avoid brushing/flossing your teeth about 30 minutes before any oral sex as that often creates lesions where bacteria can infect. Also generally avoid oral sex if you've had recent dental work or any mouth sores, gingivitis or even cavities, which can also increase the risk of infection. Whether the man ejaculates into your mouth doesn't matter as much as you might think as a lot of the bacterial STIs basically live at the tip of the urethra in the penis and can infect from there and herpes and genital warts can be infected just from skin contact. Possibly HIV might be the only one that you'll be less likely to get without ejaculation. Generally though oral sex is a less risky behavior than sexual intercourse, particularly unprotected sexual intercourse. Though just because it is less risky does not mean it is risk-free. This article from the Journal of Global Infectious Studies has some good information: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2840968/ TL: DR; Basically the better your oral hygiene is the less likely you are to get an STI through oral sex.
  17. Yeah..overall he looks like a great guy and his ad text is wonderful. I did have an experience with another porn actor and just wasn't very positive, so am sometimes a bit skeptical. Thanks for the insights so far.
  18. Sorry..I did try to put a link, but maybe because I am new, it needs to await approval.
  19. Sorry...apologies from a newbie. Here is Jay Alexander's ad: https://rent.men/JayAlexander Thanks for any insights.
  20. I love his porn work, but curious about any experiences as an escort. He is coming to Denver soon so would like to know anything that would be helpful. Thanks!
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