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Choclate Cub

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    Choclate Cub got a reaction from BtmBearDad in 411 on Sugathighs   
    Sugathighs is great!!I see him whenever our schedules can align when he is in Dallas. PM me for more details
  2. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to harlow in Grant in Dallas   
    After he flaked on me I just don't think he's worth it. Theres plenty of other guys that I can give my money to
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    Choclate Cub reacted to + LodoB in Grant in Dallas   
    Happy for those who actually met with Grant and had a decent session — I consider them lucky that things worked out.
    Grant aka Hogan has very mixed reviews on this forum with several instances of flaking on client appointments and horrible communication skills. I’m glad I found the info on forum as I have tried setting up massage appointment with him twice with no luck — his text replies are very minimal and can be days apart, that’s if he ever replies. Not a way to conduct a business!
    Between him and his buddy ?boyfriend? ?roommate? DTXSeanCharlie they have changed their individual RentMasseur ads several times in the past month, changing their stories/background and other info, red flags for me. Also added a four-handed ad on RentMasseur claiming years of experience — yet Grant hasn’t even been doing massage for 6 months and Sean’s original ad claimed he had 2 years of experience.
    Buyer beware!
    For the most detailed feedback on Grant aka Hogan, see this thread, which starts positive but then changes quickly based on forum members’ experience.
    I won’t be wasting any more time attempting to try Grant aka Hogan. Better luck to those who do.
  4. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to + Hung_Cody in Trolls on the board   
    Hey Guys,
    I've noticed that especially over the last few months there is an increase in trolls and users that are likely "bots" on the board. In a couple cases I have complained but I understand free speech and until these trolls or bots break the rules, they will likely roam free.
    I care very much about providing accurate and helpful information here and I'm extremely grateful for what this community has provided me as well!
    I can't tell you how many times advice from users here has saved my ass and saved my wallet!
    That said, since the trolls and bots seem here to stay, I'd like to caution everyone (well at least the real souls and kind, good folks) to be careful about what you disseminate and who you engage with.
    I'm sure many of you already know what I'm talking about and WHO I'm referring to, but here are some pointers regardless:
    1. Be wary of people who consistently post nonsense, gibberish, or random things that don't fit in the conversation. I understand that English isn't everyone's first language, and that's fine, but one tell of a bot is that grammar, comprehension, and continuity are way off.
    2. Beware of trolls seeking personal information on specific escorts (or clients). I'm generally happy to share information that's helpful to a similar guy who's looking to hire and there's something he likes or doesn't like that one or another escort can or can't provide. However, when someone (or someTHING) starts asking for specific details of a meeting or for things that would possibly identity me or the escort, warning flags go off.
    3. Beware of users who repeatedly ask for information already contained upward in the thread or in other threads or for information that's clearly already been verified by reputable users.
    4. "Common Sense" isn't common enough unfortunately, but it's still a trait that bots do not replicate well if at all; when you read a post that's just plain stupid or asinine, it may not be a real person posting it.
    5. Users new to the board who spar with and antagonize longtime, reputable members either have an agenda to discredit or distract or to otherwise cause trouble are likely trolls or bots.
    Overall, when you encounter these type of posts or direct messages, I recommend that you ignore and don't engage. Engaging allows them to continue the conversation and keep their threads visible.
    This website is so wonderful and it's a shame that trolls & bots who seek to misguide, collect information that they can use for nefarious purposes, and otherwise pester good people should taint the experience.
    I also encourage anyone who encounters this type of behavior to speak up and report it to moderators.
    Good luck, and stay safe!
  5. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to CuriousByNature in Coworker   
    Everyone has their own comfort level. I could not see myself entering any relationship with someone in a straight or gay marriage. But I also have no right to judge others who don't have an issue with it. Whether the marriage is same-sex or not, I personally would not cross that line. But that's me, and I know I may be in the minority on that subject.
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    Choclate Cub reacted to tj_forplay in Do I Need to Disclose My Race?   
    When you look at race as a fetish, you begin to cross over to the offensive/racism side. BBC isn't a race. What's funny about Liking Asians? Liking or disliking hairy guys or even bottoming is completely different from liking or disliking skin color.
  7. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to James Hoode in Hot muscle clients   
    In order to answer, I ll have to humiliate myself...
    I am one of those Scruff's "Most Woof'd". I used to have a full body with face profile pic, on grndr as well. I am one of those bastard that would go to the gym and build muscles in no time, no merit just genetics (gorgeous, big muscles and abs, that s me) Every day I would get 100 of messages. Tons of hot guys who would go on and on about wanting me fuck them. Then would come the "hung?" "Huge?" "Big dick" question. Got a 6.5 (and we all know .5 is a pathological incapacity to say 6) so I always answered "no." All of them, even those who spent half an hour telling me they'd do anything to get me, dissapeared. I had too many horror stories of "not being hung" that I went off all aps.
    Why pay? Because of aps and 10 years of pornhub, the only way I can fuck a muscle guy is if I pay. But since i m not rich, the problem is rent or escort?
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    Choclate Cub got a reaction from sared85 in 411 on EliFlow   
    Eli is a really nice guy. I have met him a few times in Dallas. He is a good time.
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    Choclate Cub reacted to + nycman in ESCORTS WHO CANNOT GET IT UP   
    I’m a top so it’s not a deal breaker for me.
    But the same thing happens on the flip side.
    “I can’t bottom today”, gets politely shown to the door.
    I make it clear prior to the hire that “I’m a top who likes to fuck.”
    No fucking = no money.
    It‘s like a plumber showing up without a wrench.
  10. Like
    Choclate Cub got a reaction from + Hung_Cody in Have 411 on Whitino   
    I saw him Tuesday. He was alot of fun! I definitely would book him again.
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    Choclate Cub reacted to DallasClient in Hoganxxx is back   
    Hey, I have not seen Hogan in probably a year. I can certainly vouch he exists. I have no idea what has transpired with him in that time. He was great each time I saw him. I know there was a time he was only wanting to do overnight visits. I'm sorry if anyone has had a bad time with him or if he's become flakey. I haven't recommended him in quite a while. I think a few people have contacted me privately for my thoughts on him and I have said I always had a great time but others have not so they pretty much have to decide how they want to proceed.
    We aren't talking about products here, these are people. People do change, some for the better and some for the worse. We often have no insight into their personal and private lives. If he's going through anything, I hope he gets over it. He was always a genuinely nice guy.
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    Choclate Cub reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Hoganxxx is back   
    No. I don't really understand.
    Business is business: Say what you mean, mean what you say. Be professional. Act with integrity.
    In my 20s, I showed up, everytime. Now, in my 30s, I still show up. That's why we're hired. That's why people have trust.
    Quit making excuses for providers who don't respect the business or your time.
  13. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in is making an initial donation offer appropriate?   
    Whether you like it or not, the standard practice is to ask him for his rate for time.
    This is not a flea market: Never forget you're dealing with human beings.
    Treat those as you wish to be treated.
  14. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to harlow in Hoganxxx is back   
    Well after contacting Hogan recently I would say try to set something up with him only if you have a backup plan. Our meeting never took place. I noticed on his RM profile that he was visiting a beach not too far from me (3hrs).
    Based on positive feedback from the forum I contacted him 2 weeks prior to make arrangements and he gave me his rates and details. He said he would be visiting friends and and couldn’t host. This should’ve been the first red flag. Usually when an escort is traveling on their own vacation to visit friends they’re less likely to stick to meeting up with a client. Still I didn’t mind getting room and spending the weekend if he flaked. Second red flag is he is very inconsistent responding to text messages. It may take him hours or even days. I hit him up before I hit the road just to be sure he made the trip and he responded an hour later that he did. I tried to immediately confirm a time but it was radio silent from there. Once I arrived at the beach he still didn’t respond even after I tried to call (went straight to google voice).
    At that point I cut my losses and got on with my weekend via Grindr and shopping at the outlet malls. Great weather by the way lol. As I was pulling into my driveway SUNDAY afternoon Hogan sends me a text that he dropped his phone on the beach and he just got it out of rice.....OK
    Look I get it he’s a 20 something that was enjoying a drunken weekend at the beach with his friends. I wish providers would just be up front and say nah I changed my mind I’m not seeing clients today. Makes things much simpler. If you met Hogan good on you but like I said earlier have a backup plan if wanna meet him.
  15. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to caramelsub in Seattle warning oddity   
    I’m in my early 30s, been hiring since I was 20. I’ve tried hooking up on Craigslist when it use to have the adult pages, and online, but the free guys are not nearly as attractive/hot as the professional escorts. Which is why I hire. If you’re young and horny why go through the screening process of exchanging stats and pics to find a mediocre online hookup, when you can pay an escort for a hotter experience?
  16. Like
    Choclate Cub got a reaction from Daverwr in Kissing   
    I was wondering what are the stipulation for kissing for you guys?
    I know some escorts dont do it at all,some dont mind kissing,and others are open to kissing after getting comfortable with a client.
    I was just wondering cause kissing is a big one for me. I have a hard time maintaining a hard on with out kissing.
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    Choclate Cub reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Is escorting likely to mess you up if you're not ready for the job? Are you already messed up?   
    What's always fascinating about 'Ask An Escort' is that while the questions should be for working guys to answer, it's really just an echo chamber of others wanting to validate (and revalidate) their own opinions.
    Oh... And @orville, please, nix the term 'young boys' in future posts. It's just not a smart idea.
  18. Like
    Choclate Cub got a reaction from Mo Mason in Kissing   
    @liubit right kissing is just an aphrodisiac for me lol.
    Do you meet any escorts who are not open to kissing from the start,but if they are comfortable with you they will kiss?
    Cause there are some guys who are nice,have a nice ass,but only kiss if they are comfortable with a client. Which makes me nervous that we meet and there is no kissing.
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    Choclate Cub got a reaction from Mrbeefymuscles in Kissing   
    I was wondering what are the stipulation for kissing for you guys?
    I know some escorts dont do it at all,some dont mind kissing,and others are open to kissing after getting comfortable with a client.
    I was just wondering cause kissing is a big one for me. I have a hard time maintaining a hard on with out kissing.
  20. Like
    Choclate Cub got a reaction from Dallas Jayson in Kissing   
    I was wondering what are the stipulation for kissing for you guys?
    I know some escorts dont do it at all,some dont mind kissing,and others are open to kissing after getting comfortable with a client.
    I was just wondering cause kissing is a big one for me. I have a hard time maintaining a hard on with out kissing.
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    Choclate Cub reacted to + DrownedBoy in Deposit for future meetings during current downtime   
    Maybe before paying ahead of time, you should read the responses from this thread.
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    Choclate Cub reacted to + TylerandAce in Do Escorts Date Each Other?   
    Happy to share. We do only see clients together as a couple. Tyler retired from doing work with studios when we got together in 2013. He still appears in the content we do for our fans pages, of course, but we only do it together. Even the scenes that are solo with him and another partner, I’m the cameraman in the room. It works with LOTS of communication and constant check-ins. It’s not easy, but we have a mutual understanding about boundaries and inclusion. Egos are nothing to play around with in a relationship, and we know that. Thankfully, we both like watching the other one with a third or even fourth. We don’t do groups so much because we tend to lose each other and it’s not as comfortable. It took a while for us to work to this point and we seldom invite another person recreationally. We both have different types, so agreeing on a guy is tough if it’s not business. Also, if it’s not business that means there’s a risk for too much attraction by one or the other. We talk through that and understand that men always like new. Thankfully, we enjoy that together and it is, honestly, healthy for our relationship. It doesn’t lead to less sex, either. On the contrary, it makes us more into each other to have the experiences. It’s hard to explain to folks who don’t really understand, especially straights. Also, seeing clients is a different motivation for each of us, and we understand that, too. It just takes communication.
  23. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to DallasClient in 411 Riley Mitchel   
    It surprises me how some of these guys lack decent customer service skills. Especially in such a service oriented profession.
    It's like we need a seminar with break-out workshop sessions!
  24. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to DallasClient in Holiday tipping   
    I gave my main regular a couple Benjamins and some stuff from the Star Wars area of Disney, some things for his room and a couple shirts, and a nice dinner out.
  25. Like
    Choclate Cub reacted to + VictorPowers in Please Welcome Jack Casey   
    Please give a warm Forum welcome to a new Bottom located in Chicago. @JackCasey
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