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Everything posted by N13

  1. Have my tickets (not cheap!) for May 15th. 4th row on the aisle. Saw the original off-Broadway production. Very pivotal at the time. The stereotypes were all people I knew. It will be interesting to see how it plays now.
  2. An easy rule for the pronunciation of the last letter of a French word is: If it is a consonant that is in the word "careful" it is pronounced. If not in "careful" it is not pronounced. 95% accurate.
  3. More on James https://www.queerty.com/abc-news-just-added-super-hot-foreign-correspondent-james-longman-20170608
  4. And the winner goes to: James Longman foreign correspondent from Britain. https://www.google.com/search?q=James+Longman&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMmb-w-8vaAhWpwFkKHV7UBwYQ_AUICigB&biw=1761&bih=929#imgrc=OltQEXOwex5j5M: I am officially in love!
  5. N13

    Can anyone help me?

    No problem accessing other websites. But the problem still persists for F4F. Where can I find if it is blocked on my computer? PC
  6. N13

    Can anyone help me?

    Hi Kevin, Thank you, but it did not work.
  7. For the last three days every time I have tried to access Flirt for Free I get a timed out message. I think there might be something on my computer blocking the site. I don't want to ask my regular IT people for help for obvious reasons. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might be able to fix this? Many Thanks.
  8. Last couple of days I have been unable to access Flirt for Free. Is anyone else having problems?
  9. Interesting. Finally find a good one and all a lot of people can do is tear him apart. Interesting.
  10. Hush is no longer "up a dark and narrow staircase." 1st floor on W. 47th St. now. https://www.hushmanhattan.com/ Services keep getting better and better. There is a relatively new guy named Brian who is absolutely adorable and I understand he gives a great massage! There are two straight guys working there but everyone else is gay. Highly recommend for spa services and possibly even more with the right guy! The owner, Shawn, is very easy to talk to.
  11. Mine was the guy in the pictures. No doubt!
  12. Rob Marciano - Cute cute cute! https://www.google.com/search?biw=1762&bih=929&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=qZTXWuMUgYyCB_6BlagD&q=channel+7+rob+marciano+shirtless&oq=channel+7+rob+marciano+shirtless&gs_l=psy-ab.3...2715.6354.0.6680.
  13. I had a totally different experience. The massage was professional and he knew what he was doing. The pictures are accurate. He is very clean cut and good looking. His build, though slight, was not skinny. He is, however, thin with musculature. Some playing (on my part) that was not discouraged. Probably will see him again. I give him a solid 7 out of 10. Don't understand what happened with #massagelover/ Maybe it was someone else?
  14. I have received updates from Masseurfinders but I cannot locate how to contact any of the listed masseurs. No contact information to be found. Am I just missing it?
  15. Don't hate them. As a matter of fact, I now watch movies on airplanes with the sub-titles so that I don't have to put those disgusting earphones in my ears.
  16. Now back in NY. Any info? https://www.massagem4m.com/masseur/18311/
  17. And being argumentative and snide is not? Have I done something to offend you?
  18. What is your problem? Pity is a strange reaction. Good-looking, well-spoken, many think he is talented (myself included), what is there to pity?
  19. The movie is "Toast" 2010 Wolverhampton,1967: nine year old Nigel Slater loves his mother though she is a hopeless cook, her finest offering being toast whilst he has great culinary aspirations. When she dies of asthma Nigel is left with a distant father but worse is to come when the 'common' Mrs. Joan Potter arrives as the Slaters' cleaner. Nigel fears, rightly, that her aim is to be the next Mrs. Slater and soon he has a new stepmother and is whisked away to the country. Joan is, however, a superb cook but this only makes for rivalry as Nigel, the only boy in his cookery class at secondary school, competes with her to find the way to his father's heart. A weekend job in a pub kitchen introduces Nigel to an older boy, another great cook and gay like himself, who gives him the confidenc
  20. Enjoy Michael Pitt in just about everything! He was my reason for watching Dreamers. Liked it very much. Will check out the other even though I don't find Louis Garrel attractive.
  21. One of my not fondest moments was being spit on by Merman in the front row of Dolly! Some things are best experienced from a little distance.
  22. David Bowie had a long illustrious career ever since he first rose to fame in the late 1960s. Ever since then he has been celebrated for being an innovative artist whose passion for visual presentation rivaled that of his love for music. Bowie’s life was anything but ordinary and he often defied social norms and conventional ways of thinking and doing things. One of his most famous quotes, “I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring” perhaps best sums up his thoughts on life. It offers a revealing glimpse into his mindset and shows how he never planned or relied on going along with the grain. Bowie’s individualistic way of thinking is what helped set him apart from the crowd and made him an iconic figure throughout the world. It famously came into play in 2000 when he turned down an offer of a CBE award from the Queen, Elizabeth II. She had extended to him the CBE, which stands for Commander of the Order of the British Empire, a title that is bestowed upon people who have made “a distinguished, innovative contribution to any area” of British life. Instead of happily taking the Queen up on her offer as most would have, he declined, explaining that “I seriously don’t know what it’s for.” Three years later, in 2003, he again refused an award of recognition and what many view as an offer of a lifetime from the Queen. This time he was extended knighthood in recognition of his decades long, momentous, innovative, and highly lauded musical career. Knighthood is similar to the CBE award in that it’s given to those who have made a “major contribution” to British life that is “inspirational and significant.” What distinguishes and sets it apart is that being knighted carries with it much more precedence and weight, it’s a top honor in the UK. Bowie declined the rare award explaining that “I would never have any intention of accepting anything like that. It’s not what I spent my life working for.” Not many people would turn down being recognized and knighted by the Queen, but Bowie did. In turn, he stayed true to himself and defied conventional norms once again by going against the traditional way of doing things. That’s just how he chose to live his life. Read more at http://www.sun-gazing.com/david-bowie-turned-knighted-queen/#AWTY9LobxmdGmEbY.99
  23. Why should we get upset when someone does not do their job in a professional way? You must be kidding!
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