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Doe Be Doe

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Everything posted by Doe Be Doe

  1. Hi. Phil Fusco has been around for a long time as a model. Does anyone know if he’s gay or perhaps escorts? I think the answers are no and no but I’m not certain. Thanks! https://www.instagram.com/philipfusco/
  2. I speak no Spanish at all Are there apps that do instant translation?
  3. Thanks again for all the advice. I’m also thinking of asking him to meet me in Mexico or even Cartagena for a beach holiday. As nice as I think he is going to Medellin would put me alone in his world. I do trust him but still.
  4. Any info on bearbunny? https://www.mintboys.com/male-escorts/connecticut/5f32c307df4ffc503f3c2f2d
  5. Thanks for the replies. Lots to think about. This man seems nice and I think he is nice . That said should I hire a Medellin investigator to check him out? I don’t think that’s necessary but maybe I should. The information that I’ve read about Medellin is that crime is present but it’s not like it was.
  6. Hello. Several months ago, long before covid, I started chatting, texting, video calling, etc. with a young man in Colombia. I have now reached the point where I would like to go visit him. It appears that Colombia has just opened up for Americans who can provide a copy of a negative covid test within the three days prior to arriving in Colombia. I am still checking on any requirements that the US might have upon returning home. Has anyone been to Colombia? Specifically Medellin? The travel costs seem modest. Unfortunately most of the flights seem to Medellin seem to take off at 6:00am or late night. Any thoughts on the flight schedule? Thanks.
  7. https://www.rentmenlive.com/?model=kewin-summer
  8. Hi. I just noticed Kewin Summer on Rentmen live. Any info? Will he escort? Thanks!
  9. Hello. Any info on or experience with RichBCL? Thanks. https://rentmen.eu/RichBCL
  10. Hello. Any information on or experience with Davidlatinno? Thanks. https://rentmen.eu/Davidlatinno
  11. Anyone know if Cole Money is available? https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=rQl2jf92&id=678F5386688943E69E9A7395CAFB9BCC957B9CB8&thid=OIP.rQl2jf92hwSsjsdgZee_SQHaFD&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fpbs.twimg.com%2fmedia%2fCDpQdtkWgAAZtRw.jpg%3alarge&exph=463&expw=678&q=cole+money+gay+porn&simid=608038816748866094&ck=5A011F547322CB6B60F754E41A459A09&selectedIndex=4&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0
  12. Hi. Does anyone know if Kipp and/or Chase from the current Adonis live virtual shows escort? Thanks.
  13. Who’s the actor in the clip above?
  14. Anyone know this provider from Mintboys? https://www.mintboys.com/male-escorts/new-york/5cf667249b69740273204b16
  15. Any chance Alec Powers will come out of retirement?
  16. Is there an anonymous way to purchase porn and stuff online without using your name and credit card? Thanks.
  17. HBO Go is gone. How can I watch Looking on HBO without HBO GO on ROku? I've got HBO on my cable. Can I watch through that?
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