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    bendable2019 reacted to marylander1940 in The Battle of the Bulge   
  2. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from musclestuduws in Post a song that makes you HAPPY   
    Lover Boy - Billy Ocean

  3. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from Dallas Jayson in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    I can’t get over those using other people’s profile photos as their own just because they’re not so “good looking“... I know one on rentmen that’s in the DC area. Am not naming him here but you know what you gotta do... :)
  4. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in Post a song that makes you HAPPY   
    Lover Boy - Billy Ocean

  5. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from nylund in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    I can’t get over those using other people’s profile photos as their own just because they’re not so “good looking“... I know one on rentmen that’s in the DC area. Am not naming him here but you know what you gotta do... :)
  6. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Post a song that makes you HAPPY   
    This LOVE - Tyler Brown Williams - sundown music over a few beers with your love!
  7. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Post a song that makes you HAPPY   
    Never Give Up - Tyler Brown Williams - awesome soundtrack from the movie “The World We Make”

  8. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from + bashful in Post a song that makes you HAPPY   
    Lover Boy - Billy Ocean

  9. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from Scott Dixon in Masseurs Profile pictures   
    I can’t get over those using other people’s profile photos as their own just because they’re not so “good looking“... I know one on rentmen that’s in the DC area. Am not naming him here but you know what you gotta do... :)
  10. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to KeepItReal in Post a song that makes you HAPPY   
    Just one? Tough!!

  11. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from musclestuduws in Post a song that makes you HAPPY   
    push it - SNP

  12. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from marylander1940 in Reasons to love rugby!   
    Oh pls check this English rugger - Maro Itoje... oooh
  13. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Reasons to love basketball!   
    Name pls... oooh soooo hot
  14. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from + g56whiz in MANtasy   
    oh where have u been all this while babe?
  15. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from + g56whiz in MANtasy   
  16. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from + g56whiz in MANtasy   
    Oh my name pls
  17. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from massagelover in Should I put on Hold massage ?especially the busy masseurs NYC are higher risk of spreading corona virus?   
    New Yorkers wake up! Hold your lust and yearnings until this virus is over! Do you wanna risk it all - the NY stats is a no-brainer! Massage lovers pls refrain chasing the masseurs and masseurs refrain entertaining - this disease is killing us! Now enough of this conversation and to hell with all those who disagree with me!
  18. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from Cliff in Should I put on Hold massage ?especially the busy masseurs NYC are higher risk of spreading corona virus?   
    New Yorkers wake up! Hold your lust and yearnings until this virus is over! Do you wanna risk it all - the NY stats is a no-brainer! Massage lovers pls refrain chasing the masseurs and masseurs refrain entertaining - this disease is killing us! Now enough of this conversation and to hell with all those who disagree with me!
  19. Verbose
  20. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from LookingAround in Should I put on Hold massage ?especially the busy masseurs NYC are higher risk of spreading corona virus?   
    New Yorkers wake up! Hold your lust and yearnings until this virus is over! Do you wanna risk it all - the NY stats is a no-brainer! Massage lovers pls refrain chasing the masseurs and masseurs refrain entertaining - this disease is killing us! Now enough of this conversation and to hell with all those who disagree with me!
  21. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from marylander1940 in Reasons to love basketball!   
    Name pls... oooh soooo hot
  22. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to loremipsum in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    What are some of your favorites? I’m partial to a great many — some of mine are:
    “The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring.” -Victor Hugo
    “No man made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do little.” -Edmund Burke
    “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” -J.K. Rowling by way of Albus Dumbledore
    “Fas est et ab hoste doceri.” (Right it is to be taught by an enemy/a wise man may seek good counsel even from a foe.) -Ovid
  23. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from marylander1940 in Does anyone use Rentmen messenger?   
    thanks for that. So true
  24. Like
    bendable2019 reacted to hypothetically in Have you ever given a session on "credit?"   
    Nope, slippery slope...even if I know the client is good for it.
    Rentmen and Rent-a-Center are not one in the same. There is no layaway, down payment, joe payment plan. If you do not have it, you shouldn’t be hiring.
  25. Like
    bendable2019 got a reaction from marylander1940 in Any rent gal website?   
    Wow I’d love to try some women but I will gladly return to where I belong ??
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