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  1. So last night, while out of town on business in a large west coast city, I found an escort online and inquired. He responded to text immediately and said he could host. His 8 reviews were all 5-star and the photos seemed legit, etc. We exchanged several texts, discussed a number of things, but something just didn’t feel quite right, so I suggested we meet for a drink near his place first. Agreed. He was already there when I arrived - much hotter in person, dressed casual if a bit preppy. Two margaritas later, we actually walked to his place which was practically across the street. Nice apartment, clean. His cute dog was asleep and didn’t seem to mind my arrival. The encounter proceeded nice and slow and we enjoyed a little weed. Right before the heat cranked up, he excused himself to take a leak. I know it was wrong, but I couldn’t help myself. There was a nightstand by the bed and I slid open the drawer a bit. Not one, but two revolvers were there, side by side. I closed the drawer quickly and rolled over to the other side of the bed, and looked in the other nightstand. Just one pistol in that drawer. Holy shit. I get it, I really do. And I’ve been to the shooting range several times and done some hunting in my day, but 3 weapons within arms reach? So the john flushes and he comes back. I don’t know what happened, but all my interest in getting laid vanished. He must have sensed something was wrong and asked if I were ok. So I flat out lied, I told him the weed/booze had given me an instant migraine. I pulled out the cash plus tip, and apologized as much as my acting skills would allow. He was kind enough to hand back the dough but I insisted. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. About an hour back at the hotel, he texted me to check in - I replied that I was feeling better and the next time I was in town would contact him. I’ve only been hiring for a year or so. Has this ever happened to you? Guns really don’t bother me - at least I didn’t think so, but 3 in the bedroom? In a really nice area, in a secured building? What’s the lesson, gentlemen, only see escorts at hotels?
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