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Everything posted by CheckCar

  1. Last I heard, Gaga had offered the $500K reward for the return of the dogs, but she hadn’t offered any reward for the capture of the guys who shot her dog walker. Does anyone know if she eventually offered the latter?
  2. Ah, ok. I was wondering what happened to him. Thanks for the intel.
  3. I like this practice, and I might suggest it when I start getting massages again. Thanks for sharing this.
  4. I’ve seen “covid negative,” “antibody positive,” and “vaccinated” in some providers’ profiles. I’m wary of relying on such self-reporting, but I wonder if asking providers to show proof of vaccination—and being asked by providers to do the same—could become a thing.
  5. 1) Tom Hanks on sitcom TV in bad drag 2) My 45 of Natalie Cole’s “Mr. Melody” 3) The Pop Rocks scare 4) Being forced in school to write “get well” cards to Reagan after the assassination attempt
  6. I’ve seen this story making it rounds on social media. If COVID does become endemic, I wonder how it will affect our massage-seeking and escort-seeking And my apologies if someone already posted this and I missed it https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/12/doctors-warn-covid-will-become-endemic-and-people-need-to-learn-to-live-with-it.html
  7. I’ve experienced two types of “mean boys” in our community: 1) The conventionally attractive guys who belittle others for not being as conventionally attractive; 2) The Perez Hilton types who take out their jealousy on the “cool kids” by attacking others. In my experiences, many members of the first group only recently achieved their conventionally attractive status, which may help to explain their mean boy behavior. Again, these are my experiences.
  8. Kenzo is back: https://rentmasseur.com/KenzoNYC I was not impressed by him when I saw him pre-pandemic, but others seem to like him. I have also seen Fabronn. While not the best massage I’ve received, his was better than Kenzo’s.
  9. I got sick in late February 2020 before everything shut down and before Covid tests were available where I live. I’m pretty sure it was Covid since I now have long-hauler symptoms, including shortness of breath, GI symptoms, headaches, and brain fog that makes reading and writing difficult. I wish the federal government had acted sooner on scientists‘ warnings about Covid. And I hope that more of us hold off on massages until we get a handle on this pandemic. Trust me, if you’re lucky enough to survive, you don’t want to become a long hauler.
  10. I cringe whenever someone refers to Ronnie as one of our best presidents. This docu-series did a great job of explaining how treacherous Reagan was. Trickle down economics, the silence on AIDS.... ?
  11. The article goes on to say the following: "Each time the 'energy' in my stomach would get lower and lower until I had to navigate the remaining space left before having to touch myself. I felt ashamed and embarrassed," he said. Sounds like things went a little further than a thumb on a forehead and stomach.
  12. American Masters on PBS also did a great documentary on Miss Ella back in the late 1990s. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/ella-fitzgerald-something-to-live-for/590/
  13. I keep hoping for Leslie Jordan to land on another hit show. But so far, his post-Will and Grace track record, sadly, has been underwhelming.
  14. Inspired by the thread on whether Rx is worthwhile, I’m wondering if any forum members have tried Noom, and if so, what your take on it is. As I wait in my house for the vaccine to become available, it might be nice to shed a few pounds if possible. Any insights on Noom would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  15. I remember. Glad they dropped that!
  16. The direct address to the camera feels like a failed attempt at mimicking the British show “Miranda”
  17. I echo the excitement for ”Pretend It’s a City.” As someone who lived in pre-Disney, pre-gentrified NYC, I loved the irreverent trips down memory lane combined with the at-times ambivalent, at-times punchy observations on what NYC has become.
  18. I enjoyed the first season, but I felt like the second season wasn’t as organic as the first, and thus I stopped watching. The characters felt naturally funny in season one without trying to be so. But maybe I’ll give the show another shot, possibly starting with season three.
  19. Do you have the link that you can share?
  20. Where do you find more engaging guys during your travels? Any particular cities stand out?
  21. It struck a particular chord with me since I’ve received massages from a couple of providers who go by “Marco.” And as many forum members probably know, a search for ”Marco” on this site yields lots and lots of threads. I imagine some of those “Marcos” have complicated backstories.
  22. I agree with RLBENJI. Now that you know not to pay in advance, just be more careful in the future. Since you’re worried about backlash from this guy, posting his name will unnecessarily raise your anxiety.
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