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Posts posted by Charlie

  1. The description strangeness may simply be a language problem. Although the first spoken language he lists is English, he has a Spanish name and describes himself as Arab (which means that French may actually be his primary Western  language). "Free for overnight" may just mean there is no extra charge if you want him to stay the night.

  2. 1 hour ago, DrownedBoy said:

    @Charlie tell him about the journal you keep. The one that fills 2 filing cabinets, I think...

    Only one and a half filing cabinets. It covers every day of my life for the past 51 years. But there is also a separate list of every one of my hires, for quick reference.

    You never know when a journal will come in handy. Last week I received I letter from an insurance company about an "incident" they claimed had occurred on Mar. 8, 2023, which they said I was financially responsible for;  I had no memory of what they said occurred, and by consulting my journal entry for that date, I was able to correct the company's records with accurate details that absolved me of financial responsibility.

  3. Men, gay or straight, are usually sexually attracted by the appearance of youth--in males or females--and women are generally the same (e.g., wealthy older  women with their "boytoys"). The traditional explanation was biological: men are designed to look to mate with females who can bear and raise their children, while women want a mate who appears to be potent. For gay men there are also psychological or sociological explanations given: men who are "tops" want younger men whom they can dominate socially or physically, men who are "bottoms" want to be dominated by younger men who are physically stronger than they are, etc. Of course, there are also some gay men, regardless of their age, who are looking for dominant older men ("daddies").  Most older men and women tend to look to their peers for friendship rather than for sex, so since a majority of the men who pay for sex are older, on a website geared toward that topic (CofM is not a dating site after all), the focus is usually on younger men.

  4. 4 hours ago, WilliamM said:

    And siblings 


    My mother outlived her seven older siblings 

    My mother was the oldest of six siblings, grew up in a household that also included three cousins who were like sisters to her, and outlived almost all of them. Those were some of the hardest losses for her to deal with.

  5. I only loan money to old friends or to family members who I am sure need it. And I never loan more money than I can afford to lose. Years ago I "loaned" money to an aunt who needed it for legal help with a family problem, but I told her to pay me back only if she could; she never did. Last year I offered to loan a substantial sum to a longtime friend who I knew was in financial difficulty, so I told her to ask if she needed it, and she hesitated for a few days before finally asking. I suspected she would not be able to pay me back, and in fact it was several months before she repaid me. I then learned that she had sold a valuable artwork that she loved in order to repay me, so when she asked me for another loan recently, I gave it, because I knew that even though she would have difficulty repaying me, she will eventually if she can, and if not, I will just write it off as a gift.

  6. When I hear the term "gay lifestyle," I think of someone who is openly gay, has gay friends, is or has been sexually active with other men, and probably has a male partner or is searching for one. When many straight people hear the term, they probably assume that the person is also a drag queen, likes to wear make-up and clothing that stands out in a crowd, drinks too much, and loves to dance.

  7. On 3/9/2024 at 2:43 PM, Marc in Calif said:

    No facial hair in sight. Am I right? 

    The university's policy prohibits male students, faculty, and employees from having a beard. It does allow mustaches if they are trimmed and do not extend past the corners of the mouth. [In other words, a Hitler mustache. That sorta makes sense to me!]

    In the early years of the LDS church, it was actually common for leaders to wear beards. However, since 1951 when the clean-shaven David McKay became president, the church has urged its members not to wear facial hair, and in some situations (e.g., formal voluntary work in its temples) facial fair is forbidden.

    But MormonMan has a beard and mustache in the photos in his ad.

  8. I haven't hired in a long time, but looking over my records of my hires between 1979 and 2011, I do see patterns that can mostly be ascribed to circumstances tied to my living conditions and my age. After an initial burst of about once per month, the numbers fell off during the prime years of the AIDS crisis in the mid-1980s, picked up again in the late 80s, fell off when I was living and working in another country in the early 90s, and then when my mother came to live with us in the mid to late 90's, picked up again when she left and during my early retirement, picked up when I became active on this site in the early years of this century, and finally declined to only about twice a year during the last four years before I stopped hiring altogether as I approached 70. My highest totals were 16 hires in 1987 and 15 (sometimes with a pair of escorts) in 1989.

    As you said, the practical difficulties of arranging hires usually had more to do with the numbers than my sexually energy did, until the last years.

  9. About 40 years ago, I hired really hot Italian-American brothers in their 20s, but not together. The older one was gay, and he recruited his straight younger brother (cf. the thread about that subject) to work with him as a team. That didn't last too long, because the younger one was uncomfortable about the fact that clients often expected them to do sexual things together, whereas he and his brother were both tops, and the older brother naturally expected to be the dominant one in any scene. So he split with his older brother and went out on his own as soon as he learned the business. I had hired the older one alone first, but found him scary and didn't want to do it again. I learned later from another provider that the older one had eventually been confined to a prison for the criminally insane, after cutting off a client's arms and leaving him to die (he didn't). A few years later I hired the younger one without knowing of the relationship until I saw him, and realized how strongly he resembled the older one physically. He admitted the relationship, and explained that he only worked when he needed extra money; he also knew about what had become of his brother. Although he was straight, he was actually much easier and more enjoyable to be with, but his ad disappeared shortly afterwards, and I never saw him again.

  10. I walk much faster than my husband, who is 7 years older than I am, but then I have always walked faster than he did, even fifty years ago. It could be just because I have longer legs than he does.

    Yesterday I was playing tennis for the first time with a young woman in her 20s; when I happened to mention my age, she said, "But you're older than my grandfather, and he couldn't possibly keep up with you!!" If I had read this thread, I suppose I could have just explained, "But I'm gay."

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