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Everything posted by RJD

  1. I'm about to drop Dekkoo from my Amazon channels. With rare exceptions, the films are horrible. The actors are one dimensional oxygen bandits with the talent of corrugated cardboard. Dekkoo makes HereTV look good, which isn't easy. I dropped HereTV to subscribe to Dekkoo.
  2. If one needs to adopt multiple screen personalities to make a position appear legitimate and have support, then said position is weak at best and speaks volumes to one's integrity and character, or lack thereof. I'm also sorry this happened to you @nysouthpaw. It's an expensive lesson. I've said before, the most successful providers are engaging, pleasant, personable, and don't treat potential clients with contempt or like a walking ATM. For me, an abrasive personality extinguishes any interest I might have in a provider, regrdless of how physically attractive he is.
  3. There are various models which range in price from $1,500 to $4,900 for king size, I don't know if the higher priced models are more comfortable, but they should be considering the price differential. My brother and sister-in-law have one of the base models. I tried it out and wasn't impressed. It didn't feel comfortable regardless of the setting. I've slept on mattresses that felt comfortable when first lying down on it, but as the night progressed became less so. If the Sleep Number bed wasn't comfortable when first trying it, I can't imagine it becoming more comfortable as you spent time on it. Plus, if I'm spending $4,900 on a mattress it better include an overnight session with my favorite RM provider. 😁
  4. He's also buddies with @asianmusclebttm who does the same thing. Aaron has posted pics on Twitter of them hanging out together.
  5. I don't know about anonymously, but you can order a ride for another person. I don't know what, if any, identifying information about you appears on the other person's phone. They'll get the texts and notifications with the vehicle and driver information and ETA. There was a thread earlier this year (linked below) that might be helpful.
  6. Anyone have a link to his RM ad? 😋 What? A guy can dream........
  7. I never heard of this until a friend shared a few YouTube links with me several months ago. I have to admit, it's very sensual and calming even just watching. This is one of my favorites. The guys aren't difficult on the eyes either. ☺️
  8. Exactly. People often conflate alone and loneliness. I also know several people who are alone but never lonely and people who are not alone but often lonely. We should also be more sensitive to those who long for companionship but don't have it. It's easy to suggest being comfortable and happy with yourself, but while that may be fulfilling for one person it may not be for another. We're social animals. Most of us thrive when there's human interaction. If the past eighteen months has taught me anything, it's don't take for granted the simple pleasures of a dinner out with friends or a get-together at someone's home. Those whose bubble included a partner or boyfriend were fortunate. There are those of us who endured solitary isolation and literally had no face to face interaction with another person for months at a time. As someone from a close-knit Italian family who saw each other almost every week and regularly saw friends, it was grueling and depressing.
  9. Reactionary bottom in search of verbal top. Interested parties inquire within. 😁 I don't know how you remain silent in the middle of a great session, but I completely agree with @Benjamin_Nicholasthat it needs to be natural and flow, otherwise it's bad porn. Hearing is probably the most under utilized and unappreciated of the senses to be stimulated during sex. We look at visually appealing men. We have preferences for how they smell and taste. We touch them. A hot, aggressive, naturally verbal top brings me over the edge more intensely than one who isn't.
  10. There was another one, probably before your time because it closed in 2014, called the All-Male Sansom Cinema, on 13th Street just off Sansom. It had the main movie theater, a mini-theater, and the Tom-Cat Bookstore on-site. I went once back in the 90's and never went back. It had a bad vibe, the crowd was sketchy and I didn't feel safe.
  11. The Adonis was a shit hole when I went there over 20 years ago. I can't imagine what it's like now. The floor in the first floor bathroom literally sagged from water damage. The patrons were hit and miss....more miss than hit, but when it was a hit, it was good. Usually closeted college jocks from one of the local universities looking to get off. I'm surprised they're still open.
  12. Peet's Major Dickason's is my go-to for daily brew in my Keurig. It's dark and strong....like my men. ☺️
  13. Where do you think she got the idea? ☺️
  14. I'd rather be the tight end for him. I'll get him in my "end zone." 😈
  15. Not at first, but when I tipped them $300 each they did it in the nude and I spent some extra time in the truck "inspecting" their work. 😏 https://www.collegehunkshaulingjunk.com/
  16. I never met @joshnineplus, but I had a really pleasant exchange with him here and via text. It was very early in 2020 and we were discussing him coming to Philly. He was so friendly and affable. I remember he didn’t reply for a couple hours and when he did, apologized profusely explaining that he was at the supermarket. He made a very positive first impression. Unfortunately, shortly after our conversation, the pandemic hit and 2020 went to shit. Based on my personal exchange with him, I wouldn’t hesitate to hire him for a weekend. Aside from his physical attributes, he seems like a genuinely nice guy.
  17. Holy shit! That’s expensive. I paid College Hunks $1,800 but that included a full day of hauling away almost a house full of furniture and my move the following day, which included some packing, loading their truck at my old place then unloading it at my new place.
  18. From his IG page....woof! Chris Hunsinger
  19. Is that the whole video? If it is, other than a glimpse of his ear, I didn't see the flight attendant's face at all and would never know he was one without being told.
  20. I have a different take on that. I truly believe that being straight, gay, or bisexual is a genetic trait. I identify as gay. I didn’t wake up one day and decide to be gay. I think the same is true for heterosexuals and bisexuals. Bisexuals may choose which gender to sleep with at any given moment, but I think their attraction to both sexes is as genetically based as mine to men. With that said, I agree with your comments about bisexuals being unfairly treated with derision and sometimes ridicule. If we’re expected to accept everyone’s choice of their gender fluidity on any given day, we should accept that some people are naturally attracted to both sexes without question.
  21. Same here. I know someone who has spent a few extended sessions with him and has nothing but postiive comments about Matt.
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