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Everything posted by RJD

  1. Sure did. According to him, not only isn't it a big deal, it's the client's fault.... https://www.companyofmen.org/topic/127473-will-you-pay-a-deposit-to-a-stranger/?do=findComment&comment=1853294
  2. I wanted to pull an Empress Nympho while watching this video.
  3. RJD

    Grindr Ads

    I use the free version, so I get a limited number of blocks. When I use one, there's always a video that plays after I complete the block. I also get one if I unlock a profile via their Explore function, which also provides a limited number. They've also splashed ads in the middle of the grid as you scroll. They're making it as intrusive as possible so you break down and pay for the XTRA or Unlimited service, which I won't consider doing until they clean house of the bots and cat fishers who have proliferated the app and make the price more reasonable.
  4. With few exceptions, at least in my area, the guys on Friendboy and Mintboy are sketchy at best. I wouldn't consider hiring from either site. There are a few providers who advertise on RentMen and those sites, so at least you have a better chance of vetting them via their RentMen reviews.
  5. Not connected at all. The Q, T, I, A, + activists of this 'alphabet soup' have appropriated the group for their mission. Their tactics have created divisiveness and resentment within our community and brought criticism from those outside of it. They've done everything but practice the philosophy of inclusion, acceptance, and tolerance, such as when they banned gay LEO groups from marching in pride parades. Gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals, especially those in their mid to senior years, are the people who fought to get us where we are today and they've been relegated to the back of the gay bus.
  6. I just started hiring at the very end of 2019 (the first hire I mentioned in my earlier post). Earlier this year I went through and calculated how much I spent on my sessions with him and it's close to your total. He knows me, we're very comfortable with each other. Hell, he has his own toothbrush in my bathroom for when he's here. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement for both of us, however, he had no idea at our first meet that it would develop into repeated extended sessions. Yet, he still was generous with his time, ensured I had a great experience, and valued me as a person during that initial session. It would've been a completely different story if he acted like the meter was running. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.
  7. Completely agree, but how you treat each other is a major contributor to that chemistry. If my guy did to me what @TumYum 's guy did, there wouldn't have been a second session.
  8. Major short-sightedness on his part. Even if the session was extraordinary, that would discourage me from repeating. It could've been the start of having a repeat client which would net him much more than the few bucks for the extra 10 minutes. My first meeting with my first hire, who has turned into my regular "go-to" was for two hours. We were still in bed at the two hour mark. Even though the time was up, we still showered together, dressed, and had a pleasant 20 minute conversation before he left. He's not a clock watcher and no mention was ever made of additional compensation. I had such a great time and he made such a good first impression, that all subsequent sessions (and there have been several) have been overnight. We even start a bit earlier than he normally does and he has left my place as late as 11:30 the following day. He started calling our evenings together "date nights." He wants to be sure I have a good time and makes me feel valued. On our last date night, we went out to a local diner the next morning and enjoyed breakfast together. He never once looked at his phone or watch or made it appear spending time with me was an imposition. That's how you succeed and have repeat clients.
  9. I'm usually not one to grab my phone and start taking pictures or videos. I prefer being in the moment and enjoying it. However, I have two regular providers whose company I really enjoy, but are very private and not the type who want their faces on public display in a video. I asked each during one our sessions if I can video them as they topped me, so I had something to look back at between encounters. Both agreed. I get turned on making my partner climax, so I have video of both doing exactly that. Given their aversion to their faces appearing on video, I think I've established a level of trust with each through our multiple extended sessions, and they know I wouldn't share them with anyone else. In contrast, last September I arranged for a weekend with a very sexy, gorgeous Asian bodybuilder provider. He's an exhibitionist and does porn, so he loves being seen in person and on film/video. I purchased a few thongs for him (his underwear of choice) and he was more than happy to model each as I snapped photos with my iPhone for myself. I am nothing close to a professional photographer, but between his insane body and the afternoon light shining in my bedroom, most of those pics turned out great. The light and shadows made the pics really dramatic. He liked them so much that he used a couple on his Twitter account. In addition to exhibitionism, he also gets into dirty talk (as do I) and having his body admired, so I have a couple videos of him pleasuring himself to climax while I'm givng him "verbal encouragement." It's fun to look back at the pictures and videos. However, as I said earlier, I prefer being in the moment and focusing my undivided attention on them and not my phone.
  10. Same here. I had my dog at the vet's office. Everyone is still required to mask up, there's a plexiglass partition between the receptionist and client, she's facing away from me looking at her computer asking me questions in a normal speaking voice. Add to that, everything is hard surfaced for cleaning purposes, so the sound of barking dogs echoed throughout the oiffice. After the fourth time saying "excuse me" I finally suggested she speak up.
  11. I adopted a pup from a local rescue at the end of December. Their application process required me to provide two personal references and a veterinary referral if I already had a pet. Since I didn't, I needed to provide documentation that I contacted a local vet who was able to accept him as a patient. They also did an in-home inspection to be sure it was a good environment, i.e., I didn't have a dog fighting ring in the basement, and make sure my neighborhood was walking friendly. I appreciated their diligence to be sure the pups are placed in a good home. They've already experiencd the trauma of being abandoned (some several times) and ever-changing temporary surroundings. My guy had about a dozen applications, so chances were slim that I would actually get him and I prepared myself for disappointment. The only time my resuce would deny application to a certain pup is if the dog required a fenced-in back yard and the applicant didn't have it. With that said, I've heard stories about rescues which are so restrictive they come across as authoritarian. Their motive may be well-meaning but the execution is sometimes lacking.
  12. I've read that using plain water depletes the rectum's pH level. Similarly, an overly acidic liquid, like ACV, increases it. I use Fleet enemas since it contains the appropriate sodium additives to maintain the proper pH level and it's easy to administer.
  13. Another item for my “Shit That Never Happens to Me” file. Thanks for sharing your weekend @Coolwave35. I’d be like a kid at an amusement park, running from one “ride” to the next. That bukkake ending is better than any water park I’ve experienced. 😈
  14. I’m embarrassed to admit I had to look up CMNM. If this is part 3, any chance the first two include what @SundayZip suggested? 😁
  15. I'd be happy to assist Dennis in those demonstrations. 😈🐷
  16. Tell that to the person with a more natural functioning artificial limb, the firefighter whose life was saved from advanced heat-resistant materials, the person who's been saved by lifeshears, or those whose plane didn't crash because of advances in de-icing materials. I'm sure they're all grateful these techonologies were "accelerated a bit."
  17. Actually, there are many items in use today, some life saving and changing, because of space exploration. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/07/08/space-race-inventions-we-use-every-day-were-created-for-space-exploration/39580591/
  18. I thought there was going to be a new technique, like blowing into his penis to dislodge the obstruction. "Carefully peel back the foreskin, place your lips over the glans ensuring a tight seal, place your hands firmly on the buttocks and blow into the penis five times. If the item is not dislodged, continue administering blows. You may notice the penis becoming enlarged during the procedure. This is entirely normal..."
  19. Beautiful dog. Were those animal control centers place like the SPCA? They seem to have very small windows of time before they put animals down. Have you contacted rescues or no-kill shelters in L.A.? Here's a Yelp listing of no-kill shelters in your area. https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=No+Kill+Animal+Shelter&find_loc=Los+Angeles%2C+CA Good luck. I'd hate to see that beautiful animal put down. The driver who dumped the dog on the other hand......
  20. Same here. I’ve been contacted on RM and this site about guys I’ve hired. I’ll reply, “what do you want to know?” and let them ask questions. I’ll answer those with which I’m comfortable. I won’t divulge graphic details and when asked about rates I simply tell them they should discuss that with the provider. I pretty much stick to a few regulars. I don’t want to create an awkward situation for them if they’re providing me with a lower rate for my repeat business.
  21. Isn't that what I said? I'm not arguing with his right to accept or decline clients. I'm saying it doesn't hurt him, or any of us for that matter, to be a little more thoughtful and kind when communicating with each other.
  22. It's not about responding or not responding. It's how you respond. Is it so difficult to be a little thoughtful or kind even if he's declining the OP's request? "I'm sorry, I don't think we're a match" would come across much better than "I'm not interested in you." Again, it's a lack of social skills. There are plenty of us who aren't everyone's "cup of cum." If the provider is offering his paid services, then it's not a Grindr hookup. I'd bet the bulk of his clients aren't going to be his "cup of cum." Yes, he can accept or decline any inquiry he gets, but the most successful providers never make you feel like you're not their "cup of cum." I know for a fact that I'm not my regular's type, but when we're together he makes me feel like I am and I'm the center of his universe.
  23. While this is true, if he's advertising himself as available to meeting and wants to be successful, he needs to develop some social skills as @HotWhiteThirtiesposted. That not only goes for this guy, but any provider with a presence on this forum or the internet. Service providers, regardless of industry, depend on reputation and reccommendations for their success. Isn't that the basis of The Deli and Daddy's review site? I've had my interest in certain providers both piqued and extingushed based on commentary there and how they conduct themselves and interact with people here. They may just be words, but words have meaning and impact. I'd also add that we, as the client, make our "choice" by scrolling on to someone who matches what we want. We're not sending a message to that provider telling him "I'm not interested."
  24. The audio plays on my iPhone from within the forum site. I'm not familiar with the Z4. Have you checked your phone's settings? On the iPhone, under Settings, each app has it's own setting with controls for that app. The only other thing I can think of (which you may have done already) is to be sure the sound is turned on when YouTube opens on the phone. The little speaker in the tray will have an 'x' over it if it's not on.
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