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Everything posted by RJD

  1. My go to is Woodford Reserve, which I'm pretty sure is available on your side of the pond.
  2. Chris Hemsworth Jesse Lee Soffer René-Jean Page
  3. I’ve been crushing on him since “Chicago P.D.” started. There’s something so sexy about him. Fun fact: He played Bobby Brady in “The Brady Bunch Movie” and “A Very Brady Sequel” when he was 11/12 years old. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0497522/
  4. Tons of fake regular profiles on A4A. I’ve never hired from the “Pro” section, but in my area, with very few exceptions, the guys look sketchy and don’t interest me. Maybe it’s different in NYC. I would suggest you search by distance from you, if you’re not already, so you know they’re actually local. After that you need to assess each one for credibility and your comfort level. Go with your gut and don’t let the little head think for the big one. I agree with @FrankR. Meet in a public place especially if anything seems “off,” and never send $$ ahead of time. That’s a huge 🚩.
  5. To quote Thomas Tusser: "A fool and his money are soon parted."
  6. Deposits and cancellation fees are two entirely different things.
  7. I’ve never treated any of the men I’ve hired as sex vending machines. If you feel that you’ve been treated as one, maybe that’s because you’re treating your clients like an ATM. The top performing escorts who always deliver flawless service are those who don’t enter into the encounter thinking it’s going to fall apart.
  8. Nope. You’re not special. It’s not reserved just for sex workers. I’ve yet to hire anyone who’s asked for a deposit up front. I’ve hired plumbers, electricians, house cleaners, trainers, auto mechanics, and countless other professionals. None has ever required a deposit. And if I had a surgeon who did, I’d run in the opposite direction. Semantics. You’re entering into the transaction assuming you’re going to have a problem. Again, I have yet to contact a professional in any industry who has asked me to send him/her money before the service is rendered.
  9. So you’re blaming the person who was scammed? Got it.
  10. Respect is a two-way street. By demanding a deposit you’re assuming the client is going to scam you. That’s equally disrespectful. You’re right. Talk about starting off on a sour note. @big-n-tallshowed up and paid the agreed amount. Any uncertainty the provider had should have been allayed the moment he arrived and not reflected in the effort during his time. That’s unprofessional. You have every right to demand a deposit. It’s your business. I have every right to decline and move on to another provider who doesn’t assume I’m going to scam him nor be told I’m disrespectful for not agreeing to an arbitrary booking policy. It’s not disrespect. It’s being smart. @coriolis888is correct. Your comment reeks of entitlement. There are numerous posts on this forum of clients who’ve been scammed for deposits. We’d be foolish not to learn from their experiences.
  11. This site is so bad it makes mintboy and friendboy look good.
  12. According to a local newspaper yesterday, the school district has asked the DOE’s Office for Civil Rights to conduct an independent investigation to determine if the student’s civil rights were violated. Nothing more on the principal at this point. The principal crumpling the student’s notes made it clear, IMO, that he was annoyed. I don’t think he anticipated the crowd’s reaction. The A/V guy may have realized the crowd was upset and by handing him another mic avoided an even uglier scene. https://www.courierpostonline.com/story/news/2021/06/28/feds-asked-review-microphone-incident-eastern-regional-graduation-speech/7784570002/
  13. When I fork over payment for an airline ticket, I have a tangible item and a confirmation number. The airline can’t “fly off” without honoring it. Even if my flight is cancelled, I have a credit with the airline.
  14. They want your life story before giving you full access to profiles and pics. No thanks.
  15. There needs to be a fourth option: "all of the above." 😈
  16. I give this kid credit for maintaining his composure and getting his message out. This is his full speech and clearly shows the administrator crumpling up his notes. The optics aren't good for the administrator. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm sure we'll see a "mea culpa" from the adminstrator. I just hope it's genuine and he truly learns from this.
  17. Same here. Mine was administered by a local RiteAid. All of the info is handwritten in the pharmacist's scrawl (scrawl is being generous). I'm surprised the lot numbers, at the very least, aren't required to be computer generated.
  18. I second that. Thanks, @Benjamin_Nicholas. I'm waiting for Level 2 verification.
  19. “It looks like young men playing leapfrog.”
  20. He would, but I prefer his natural ginger look. 😋 https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-9TNtK/i-VdNKkW4
  21. Oh God, no!!!! I can't un-see that!!! 🤪
  22. I’ll admit to loving “Love, Simon,” especially this scene: And this one… Yes the movie is sappy, predictable and cute, but we should all have parents who tell us to exhale, that we’re still the same person we were before coming out, and that we’re loved. These two scenes get me every time. I’ve been watching “Love, Victor” on Hulu. I’m half-way through Season 2. A different family dynamic and it’s definitely exploring deeper issues than just coming out. I’m enjoying it and like that they have cameos by some of the movie’s characters. It’s not groundbreaking, but it’s enjoyable. As an aside, Josh Duhamel is getting better looking as he ages.
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