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How Many Spaces After A Period?

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Didn't you take typing in high school?


No, I didn't. Back then it really wasn't something for boys. I remember my senior year a person came to talk about secretarial school. He said it was for girls only.

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Back then it really wasn't something for boys.


I didn't attend high school during the jurassic period. (How many spaces after THAT?)


I still remember practicing a;sldkfjgh. I was never a great touch-typist and haven't been able to for years due to severe carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands (had the surgeries... the left one never healed correctly, and after the carpal tunnel came back was advised NOT to have second surgeries), but it's always helped me type fairly quickly with one finger on each hand due to an ingrained familarity with the keyboard.

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I use one pace, but in the spirit of full disclosure I must confess that my conversion took place within the last ten years after taking a writing class. This article explains why.


Understandable. I was schooled in typing in the very late 70's. One space after a comma, two spaces after a period. I also was taught, numbers one through ten should be spelled out. For 11 and beyond, it was acceptable to just use the number. Not sure was is acceptable today. I don't always follow the number rule.

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No, I didn't. Back then it really wasn't something for boys. I remember my senior year a person came to talk about secretarial school. He said it was for girls only.


The college bound all took typing because they expected to have to do a lot of writing in college. Nearly all the girls who weren't college-bound took it because they were expecting some sort of office employment after graduation.

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Understandable. I was schooled in typing in the very late 70's. One space after a comma, two spaces after a period. I also was taught, numbers one through ten should be spelled out. For 11 and beyond, it was acceptable to just use the number. Not sure was is acceptable today. I don't always follow the number rule.


All those rules can found in a style guide like Strunk and White. Since I write for a living and it as to be right, I use mine a lot.

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The computer typesetting program "troff" (from c. 1970) put two spaces after a period even with proportional fonts, regardless of how many you provided in the inputted document. Many articles in the Bell System Technical Journal and several computer science text books were set using this program for the next 15 to 20 years. And I have to say, I've just gotten used to the way it looks and prefer it that way.


However, I think that the forum software only displays one space, despite the fact that I systematically typed two in the previous paragraph of this diatribe.

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Most of my college classes didn't require papers. If I had to write one I'd hire someone to type them. But often there was a choice between a paper or an oral presentation. I chose the latter,


Sometimes I gave the same paper to two different classes.

My university (Loyola Chicago) required papers in every class, including Accounting and Tennis.

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This was being discussed on the radio. I'm a one space person. I had never heard of two spaces before.


I type with one finger; my right index finger.


Considering the collapse of spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and capitalization, it is curious to me that it is the difference between one and two spaces that has sparked Ms. Gonzalez' outrage.

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Just because the technology illiterate have decided one space is acceptable, it isn't correct. Next thing you know everyone will go to dinner with friends and text their entire conversation rather than actually talking.


I have found that as my vision declines and obscure fonts are introduced, I really appreciate the two spaces.

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The modern trend is just one space. If you were in the job market and you're hell bent on keeping 2 spaces you are going to date yourself and likely not get called in for an interview.

They say that your resume has about x seconds to make an impression. you really think that during those x seconds the reviewer is checking the spacing after a period?


I learned 2 spaces, and then, sometime in the 90s, stopped using 2 spaces. I went back to 2 spaces after a client asked me to use 2 spaces in my work product for them. When I bother to notice, it's mostly two spaces but I see a fair amount of work with single spaces after the period. If we are moving to a single space after a period, it's only because people don't receive formal training in keyboarding anymore so aren't familiar with that convention. So it's actually a result of having a marketplace full of poorly trained keyboardists.

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