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So annoying!

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I have this credit card company that keeps bugging me every quarter to ‘sign up to activate a bonus cash back’ at specific merchants or categories (eg restaurants). Of course they remind me 5 times via text and email. It just annoys the hell out of me! I already pay the annual fee, just service my account already!! o_O


Do you have similar annoying things that pushes your buttons? Please share/vent (even if it is a ‘first world problem’, I will totally judge you!!)


Here, I’ll get you started:

1. Public transportation delays (it’s a train, it runs on a rail...how complicated can that be?)

2. Misbehaving kids at a restaurant (where is that duct tape?)

3. Bicycles on the sidewalk (it is called a sideWALK!)

4. Road works with most of the crew standing around doing nothing (don’t even get me started!)

5. Those ‘extra charges’ you don’t know about but seems to show up everywhere (airlines, cable bill - you know it!). :D

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I have this credit card company that keeps bugging me every quarter to ‘sign up to activate a bonus cash back’ at specific merchants or categories (eg restaurants). It just annoys the hell out of me! I already pay the annual fee, just service my account already!! o_O


Do you have similar annoying things that pushes your buttons? Please share/vent (even if it is a ‘first world problem’, I will totally judge you!!)


Here, I’ll get you started:

1. Public transportation delays (it’s a train, it runs on a rail...how complicated can that be?)

2. Misbehaving kids at a restaurant (where is that duct tape?)

3. Bicycles on the sidewalk (it is called a sideWALK!)

4. Road works with most of the crew standing around doing nothing (don’t even get me started!)

5. Those ‘extra charges’ you don’t know about but seems to show up everywhere (airlines, cable bill - you know it!). :D


That's why I go with no-frills CCs through my credit union. No annual fee, low interest, but no "rewards." Must less hassle.


What grinds my gears:


1. Stupid people. Not to be confused with ignorant. (Ignorant = doesn't know. Stupid = can't learn.)

2. Petition gathers who can't take "fuck off" for an answer.

3. People driving on the hi way and going 20 MPH below the speed limit.

4. Exterminators, etc., knocking on the door saying "I'm spraying your neighbor's house and have extra chemicals...." (If you can't name the neighbor, then you're lying. Also, please note the "solicitors will be dismembered" sign I have hanging over my front door.

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Regarding credit cards - I didn't know they still had annual fees any more.


Misbehaving children never bother me. I just smile and am thankful I don't have to go home and put up with that.


When I was driving I'd go to the pharmacy drive thru. There would be two lanes. I always took the inside lane nearest the building. I'd be waiting patiently for my turn. But then they'd take the car who had just pulled up in the other lane before me!


Spam phone calls that somehow get through. My provider has a great filtering system. But both today and yesterday I've gotten a call from someplace about paying off student loans. I have no students loans. Fortunately this morning I had the phone beside me. They gave me an option to never be bothered by them again and I took it.

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Different cards serve different purposes.


There are cards I have that make my traveling life a lot easier. Some come with a good points system or cash back if you're willing to navigate that jungle. Others are as simple as an incredibly low APR. If you have strong credit, you can usually negotiate with creditors for a mix of all three.

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Different cards serve different purposes.


There are cards I have that make my traveling life a lot easier. Some come with a good points system or cash back if you're willing to navigate that jungle. Others are as simple as an incredibly low APR. If you have strong credit, you can usually negotiate with creditors for a mix of all three.


Thanks! I forgot about the points. I have one I use to pay monthly bills; they debit automatically. Plus I use it for grocery shopping. I pay it each month.

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I have always felt sorry for children who misbehave in restaurants. It is really the asshole parents who are to blame. The parents are too busy doing their own things to spend the time teaching their children how to behave.

I dislike old people (I'm 77) who drive in the fast lane (75 mph) at 55 mph. I drive 80 mph.

I dislike old people who have a cart full of groceries and get in the 10 items or less line, at the market, and play dumb.

I dislike old people who in the grocery check out line wait until their groceries are totaled, then search for their check book and when they eventually find it ask the checker to borrow his/her pen before they start writing out their check.

I dislike people who no longer feel the need to say excuse me, thank you, or you're welcome.

I dislike people who, in a crowded place, insist on talking on their cellphones in a loud voice. Do they really think I give a fuck about their conversation.

Unfortunately this list could go on and on.

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2. Misbehaving kids at a restaurant (where is that duct tape?)


There are whole forums devoted to this. I remember one 7 y.o. who was at a restaurant with her parents, who totally ignored her. They let her run around and bother the servers during a peak brunchtime. The servers had to send her on "errands" to get away from her and finally had to hide from her altogether.


Another mom jabbered away on her phone while her 10 y.o. kid ran around and joined random people sitting alone. He eventually came to my booth and sat right next to me. Then he went to the terrace and bothered random people walking by. Mom could care less.

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it's important to be patient and tolerant and all that :rolleyes:, but.....


1. fully able-bodied people who push the wheelchair button so the door will open for them.....is it too tiring to open the door yourself?....if you're concerned about germs on the door handle, you just touched the wheelchair button, buddy!


2. as Epigonos suggests, people who drive in the #1 lane who are not actively passing......that lane is for active passers only - pass and get back into a lane to the right.....


3. people who park in the shade of the gas pump area, then go inside to shop and use the bathroom...all the while, people are lined up waiting for a gas pump to become available......you'd be surprised how common this is: take a look next time you're at a busy gas station (which has a store attached) at how many cars are NOT pumping gas (yes, I realize a very few are inside leaving a credit card with the attendant).....when I'm finished pumping, I move my car to a proper parking spot


4. people who sit in their car, windows rolled up, perfect weather outside, and leave it running/idling for 20, 30 minutes or longer while they, I dunno, play with their phone?....wait for the family to come out of WalMart?.....horrible waste of energy, polluting, wear and tear on the car, sense of entitlement


gotta stop there........have a nice day!!

Edited by azdr0710
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There are whole forums devoted to this. I remember one 7 y.o. who was at a restaurant with her parents, who totally ignored her. They let her run around and bother the servers during a peak brunchtime. The servers had to send her on "errands" to get away from her and finally had to hide from her altogether.


Another mom jabbered away on her phone while her 10 y.o. kid ran around and joined random people sitting alone. He eventually came to my booth and sat right next to me. Then he went to the terrace and bothered random people walking by. Mom could care less.


That 2nd kid was probably starved for attention.


I would have told him to go hide in the bathroom and wait for his mom to come looking for him. Call it a game of hide 'n' seek.

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Those few people from time to time at the grocery checkout who wait for all the scanning of their items to be completed, then suddenly make that move and reach into their purse/wallet and search for a personal check which is neither filled out to the payee, nor dated, nor signed. Then they have to search for their drivers license, which takes more time, then the processing of the check, both manually and electronically by the clerk. :mad::mad::mad:

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Both kids were. Only difference is that the girl had better social skills and realized that the servers would have to talk to her.

There's always child protective services.....if there's a kid wandering around with no supervision, report an abandoned child.

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People at the grocery checkout who wait for all the scanning of this items to be done, then suddenly make that move and reach into their purse/wallet and search for a personal check which is neither filled out to the payee, nor dated, nor signed. Then they have to search for their drivers license, which takes more time, then the processing of the check, both manually and electronically by the clerk. :mad::mad::mad:

I haven't seen someone use a check at the grocery store in a LONG time...but I remember the frustration. Especially if you just have a couple of things to buy and you're next in line.

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Adding to the above that annoy me too.


Grocery stores (not sure if it's Illinois, or local suburb/county) that hire cashiers under 21 year, who are unable to ring up adult beverages. You have to wait while they get on the phone to page someone to come over to just move the bottle across the scanner. Now, I look for the older cashiers and go in their line, unless I see a cashier who is a hottie.


And, related to the above, (again not sure if it's Illinois, or local suburb/county), but annoyed when all of a sudden, each and every person, regardless of age, is asked for ID when buying an adult beverage. Then I have to shuffle through all the cards in my wallet to find the driver's license. I'm over 60, and while waiting for my groceries to be bagged, the women behind me, who appeared to be over 70, was asked for an ID. One day I said I didn't have it. They still sold it to me. The worst was when Target wanted to scan my drivers license. I said I no longer wanted to buy the bottle of wine. Haven't shopped at a Target for years.

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Doesn't affect me anymore but at the grocery store people who write checks. It used to be a simple process. At least for me it was way back when because I had been shopping there so long and everyone knew me. But about the same time they introduced accepting debit cards they changed their check acceptance system. Now the check had to be run through a machine and then sign the receipt. Using a debit or credit is so much easier and streamlined.

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it's important to be patient and tolerant and all that :rolleyes:, but.....


1. fully able-bodied people who push the wheelchair button so the door will open for them.....is it too tiring to open the door yourself?....if you're concerned about germs on the door handle, you just touched the wheelchair button, buddy!


2. as Epigonos suggests, people who drive in the #1 lane who are not actively passing......that lane is for active passers only - pass and get back into a lane to the right.....


3. people who park in the shade of the gas pump area, then go inside to shop and use the bathroom...all the while, people are lined up waiting for a gas pump to become available......you'd be surprised how common this is: take a look next time you're at a busy gas station (which has a store attached) at how many cars are NOT pumping gas (yes, I realize a very few are inside leaving a credit card with the attendant).....when I'm finished pumping, I move my car to a proper parking spot


4. people who sit in their car, windows rolled up, perfect weather outside, and leave it running/idling for 20, 30 minutes or longer while they, I dunno, play with their phone?....wait for the family to come out of WalMart?.....horrible waste of energy, polluting, wear and tear on the car, sense of entitlement


gotta stop there........have a nice day!!

Thanks you thank you. #3; why is it just because there's a Dunkin Donuts at every station that you feel you can park your car at the gas fill up location, instead of pulling ahead to the parking area, so we have to wait. Come on , common decency..

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A number of years ago I was dining at Valentino's in Santa Monica. It is an outstanding restaurant and it is very expensive. A cell phone rang at the table next to mine and its owner, a middle aged woman, answered and carried on a long conversation in a loud voice for several minutes. Nobody seated at the surrounding tables, myself included, said a word. The third time it happened a "gentleman" seated nearby got up walked over to her table and in a loud voice said "lady get off the fucking phone NOW" The entire room burst into applause. The woman got off the phone, quickly finished her meal and left. Damn it was a wonderful moment.

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The guy, who is not really large enough to have to do so, takes up more than half the bench on a crowed commuter train (Metra). It was the only place to sit, so I plopped my larger than average body right down on bench. He didn't even feign common courtesy and move an inch. I made sure to stick my elbows out further than normal to read the paper.

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People who park in disabled parking places when they do not have the authorization to do so! At the shopping center where I have a rent mail box beside that business is a bank. There are five parking places in front. DDLDD. The L is loading. The bank has an ATM machine. Some bank patrons think that because they are only using the ATM it's okay to park in a D.


One time a person had parked parallel blocking Two Ds and the L.


I have had a disabled parking placard since 1999. When I pull into a D sometimes I get stares. But then they see me struggle to get out of my car.


But those days are past.

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My biggest pet peeve are inconsiderate people who do not follow rules. People who litter and do not clean up after themselves. People who do not thank service workers. People who sneeze or cough without covering themselves. People who do not queue properly. People who take up 2 seats on the subway with their bag or those who put their feet up on chairs. Mom’s who always praise their children bother me a lot too.

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