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Mile High Austin Wolf

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But that presupposes the young man knew him as anything other than an attractive tall muscled white guy he was attracted to. I know nothing of Austin Wolf as a "porn star," but after this illegal and unethical PR stunts of his, I definitely know him now as someone I would never hire because he has no care for discretion at all.


You really had never heard of Austin Wolf before? He was quite popular several years ago both in porn and here on the Message Center.




Sadly true. I vaguely recall seeing him mentioned here on the forum before, but only as a name of a guy who violated discretion before by posting client details. I don't ever recall seeing him, but I don't watch alot of gay porn from studios. The same sex porn I watch is usually of the amateur variety found on sites like xtube.


He was quite popular on here a long time before the discretion incident



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Of course, the kid is at fault. He was stupid. But did he sign a release allowing him to be posted online. I assume AW filmed for his commercial site.


Now that's another story. If AW posted and makes money, the kid can more than likely press charges. Who would want the embarassment of going to court and being grilled by prosecutors? And what does the porn star have? Probably flat broke.

More than likely a deletion of the video with an "I'm sorry" will sufice.

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This may go down as one of the best advertising stunts in history. Before AW’s video recording 99.99% of people never heard of him. Now 98.98% of people have never heard of him. I can see airlines using this little episode as a training tool for flight attendants in what activities NOT to engage in....especially United Airlines:


Instructor: This is not what the company slogan “Fly the friendly skies of United” means.


My small attempt at humor aside, Mr. Wolf is a jerk and to be avoided.

Just a plain old "Fly United"

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Too bad it wasn't Austin Wilde, he's so much hotter.




Those are HOT pics, nsguy45! Austin Wilde it is by a mile!


The more I think about what happened on the Delta flight and what transpired afterward, the angrier I get towards Austin Wolf! It keeps coming up so bear in mind the fact that no one here is completely excusing the stupidity or lack of judgment used by the flight attendant. Not by any means. So don't come back against my opinion by rebutting with more of that jargon.

But rather compare the situations of the very young, regular Joe Schmoe/Delta flight attendant versus that of Austin Wolfe; the seemingly older, wise-to-the-world, high-flying (no pun intended) & media savvy major porn star/escort-cum-man-about-town. They just don't match up at all when comparing their breadth of wordly experience.

Were this a one off mistake & an isolated incident by Wolf that popped up in stark contrast to an otherwise sterling record of public behavior, I'd say "Mmmm.. That was unfortunate," & probably turn the page. But it isn't an isolated one-off incident of assholery by Wolf. The prior public record has already been discussed at length in several threads here.

The more I see of the "overexposed" Austin Wolf, the more I tend to be of the same opinion as you, nsguy45, as goes your "hotter" comment that prefers Austin Wilde over Austin Wolf. Plus, when you add in the long term behavioral issues of Wolf into the equation, his overall physical appeal is extremely diminished for me. I'm at the age where I really can't separate a supposed physical hotness factor away from behavioral issues any more.

This latest episode with the Delta flight attendant only deepens the chasm into which Mr. Wolf is falling of his own accord. And as they say, Karma can be a bitch!

I'm not meaning to particularly single Austin Wolf out in this regard though given that over the years I've learned or seen enough of numerous other gay stars behavioral issues to have placed them in the same boat with Mr. Wolf. Applying the concept more broadly, don't we see the same issues with celebrity behavioral issues in the mainstream world as well?

And Austin Wilde certainly PERFORMS far more intensely in his video work as compared to what we normally see from Wolf in his studio porn work. Additionally, the pitiful, poorly technically produced & boring offerings found at Austin Wolf's j4fans site, which Truthbtold & I have touched on here before, is yet another factor that lowers Mr. Wolf.

The final nail in the coffin is that I'm no porn star or an adonis by any means but I have equipment & I've always known how to use it. As such, I'd have no trepidation or shame in offering up vids, were they available, of my own life long expertise at fucking against all of what I have ever seen out there from Austin Wolfe whose work has often left me mulling:


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The kid deserves to be fired.

Austin Wolfe is a dick (no pun intended) but the kid knew what the consequences could be.


Considering the circumstances I think that the repercussions by the airline were much too harsh. The attendant was not on duty and therefore harmed no one on the flight. No on would have seen a video with him in their uniform had Wolfe not posted it on his site (which might have been illegal). A suspension might have been reasonable but termination was ridiculous. Do they actually think that anyone thought worse of the airline by the incident? If they do they are being silly. I also wonder if the union got involved in this one or if they used the fact that he was not on duty as a convenient way not to get involved. If the union had represented him I would imagine that less of a "sentence" would have been laid down. I, for one, will never fly Delta.

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Considering the circumstances I think that the repercussions by the airline were much too harsh. The attendant was not on duty and therefore harmed no one on the flight. No on would have seen a video with him in their uniform had Wolfe not posted it on his site (which might have been illegal). A suspension might have been reasonable but termination was ridiculous. Do they actually think that anyone thought worse of the airline by the incident? If they do they are being silly. I also wonder if the union got involved in this one or if they used the fact that he was not on duty as a convenient way not to get involved. If the union had represented him I would imagine that less of a "sentence" would have been laid down. I, for one, will never fly Delta.


I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you TBT. I think termination is appropriate.


An important part of any employee/employer relationship is trust. An employer trusts an employee will have good judgement. That extends, but is not limited to, their conduct while on company property, and protecting an employer’s assets. Public opinion, or goodwill, being one of many assets.


No matter how it was discovered, whether by a fellow employee, a customer, or an online video, doubtful you will find any employer that would condone an employee, especially in the service industry, having sex with a customer on company property.


The harm, or potential harm in this case would be the loss in potential business should this become more of a media event, but no less important, is the harm or potential harm to moral of other employees if an employer lacks respect for the vast majority of employees who actually do a good job, take pride in their work, and as this guy should have done, use good judgement.

Edited by bashful
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Nowornever....you are totally out of step comparing voluntary kissing and voluntary sex to rape. Is the act of voluntary sex of an employee on company property a terminable offense or not? Forget about how it was uncovered.


To play devil's advocate here, in the City and County of San Francisco, it was decided in the courts that if a bathroom stall had doors and walls that went floor to ceiling, that a person or persons inside would have a resonable expectation of privacy. I blew an off-duty police officer, who informed me of this ruling prior to our having sex. [Admittedly he was not in uniform at the time]. So, on the basis of that, it would seem to me that had "the act of voluntary sex" not been observed, it might not have been considered a "terminable offense".

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Given what a lot of people in the industry already know about AW, why would anyone let him fuck them raw?


I hope the former FA retains counsel. Without a signed agreement, posting that video could cost AW a lot of money in court.

Given what a lot of people in the industry already know about AW, why would anyone let him fuck them raw?
<-- What do you mean by this? Is this a health statement?
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Bottom line (pun intended) is that the kid deserves to lose his job, and any moron who would have sex at work while misusing his company’s trademark needs to accept that it may come back to bite him in the ass (again, pun intended).


Bad choices come with consequences. Deal with it.


AW may be a douche but it takes two. Besides, the 737-900 lavatory is tiny. No way the kid didn’t see the phone.

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There are different issues to consider here.


Was the flight attendant within his rights, or was he even smart, to have sex in the airplane's bathroom while wearing his uniform and name tag?


I would say no, as a representative of the company, his behavior was inappropriate and the airline was not wrong to fire him.


If he DID know that he was being filmed, should he have let the recording continue? Again, I would say no. That would have been a truly unwise decision, and he would have knowingly been putting himself and his future employment at risk.


BUT! If it is true, as he says, that he did not know he was being recorded, and AW filmed their private sexual encounter and then uploaded it to the internet without the flight attendant's knowledge or consent, that is egregious; unethical and reckless at best on AW's part, and criminal at worst.


The FA might indeed have let his little head override his common sense. He may have made a really bad decision to engage sex with a stranger in the bathroom. (Who here can cast the first stone, LOL?) I still believe, however, that being dumb when offered the chance of hot sex does NOT justify AW's taking away the FA's right to choose whether or not he wanted a private sex tape shared with the world. That was unwanted, damaging exposure and a smarmy violation of the FA's private life. AW was totally in the wrong and the employee did not deserve such vile behavior.

Edited by NowOrNever
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sorry, but i think the guy did know he was being recorded, have you seen the size of those lav cubicles? lucky to get 1 person in never mind 2 with one semi bent over... plus the size of the phone and the positioning of the mirror? im pretty sure he knew but in the moment of passion probably said nothing.

was aw wrong to post the video? i sure do hope he got some sort of consent recorded or signed... otherwise hes probably screwed.

does the employee he deserve to get fire? yes. I know a few flight attendants and pretty much he got caught. its a wink wink nod nod type of thing.. until you get caught.. plus the company hand books are very very specific on inappropriate relationships with customers.. if he was out of uniform and not wearing identifiable information directly indicating he was an employee of the company he would still face disciplinary action (maybe) as a lot of companies have clauses on behavior that could reflect poorly on the company regardless if you are on your own time or company time.

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AW is going to do whatever he needs to in order to keep the money coming in. The internet is filled with people who would have preferred not to be filmed. He may be a douche but the kid should have known that going into a bathroom at work...with anybody...would be a bad idea.


Meanwhile, the kid deserves to be terminated. Some act like he is completely innocent. Life comes with consequences. If the kid grew up with participation trophies and being told he can never be held responsible for his behavior, then this is his first lesson in the real world.


Delta flight attendants are non-union, AND the kid was on probation...a time when most employees mind their p’s and q’s. If he is doing things like this on probation, it doesn’t bode well for his job performance once his employment is more established.


The kid isn’t a victim. He was a willing participant.

Besides, the bathroom is tiny and he couldn’t miss the iPhone.

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Of course, to the rational mind, the flight attendant was at least the "victim" (for lack of a better word) of an unethical porn "star" who violated his privacy and stripped him of the right to consent to having his personal sex life uploaded and spread throughout the internet. Vindictive, self-appointed critics love to heap scorn and ridicule on other people when they make mistakes, because denigrating others gives the critics a false sense of superiority. In reality, making a dumb mistake does not excuse or justify the degenerate behavior of anyone else. Yes, the FA behaved in an inappropriate and thoughtless fashion and deserved the punishment he received from his employer. He did not deserve to be treated in such a careless and unethical fashion by a sexual partner.

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Oh here we go with the liberal PC bullshit now. Your statement "of course to the rational mind" is as berating and arrogant as can be. Hip hip... "if one doesn't think like my college snop mind then one is irrational and also stupid"


How on earth does anyone make the assumption that AW did not get verbal consent? The kid when in trouble may try to backtrack out of the situation.Do we not know that in the heat of passion the kid could have thought getting banged and shown on the internet by a stud could make him a hero of his friends? No we do not. Just as well we do not know what was totally said in that bathroom and on the flight leading up to the romp.


Get real guys. The kid is at fault. AW is a total jerk. Get over it all.

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A kid who goes into an airplane lavatory...representing the brand and causing controversy with his employer...is not an unwilling victim. He knew exactly what he was doing; he knew the risks; and he should have displayed greater respect for his job and what the uniform represents.


Only a total moron would not realize the consequences.

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