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Sugar Is KILLING Us - Seriously

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A very, very good friend shared this linked video with me and I have been taking the drink for about a week an hour before bed and I feel that it is beginning to work... I also cut off sugar this week as I stated in this thread... I am hoping that when all is put together along with a moderate exercising routine, my body will be better prepared to fight colds and other diseases. I guess it all starts with mentally making the decision and sticking to it... Best...!


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It still our fault. We make our own food choices. And the information that will allow people to make better choices is out there for anyone who's interested.

I'm not sure it is 100% our fault as the deck is stacked by food industry paying huge sums of money to lobby and influence lawmakers to weaken laws that protect our health. Corporations also fund "research" that favors outcomes that downplay health hazards in products they produce and sell.


However, at the end of the day, we decide what we put in our mouth and what we choose to eat.


Should we put sugary drinks in schools? Should we have Dominos Pizza provide school lunches?


We all pay for the cost in lost productivity and skyrocketing health care costs from sugar laden processed food.

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I'm not sure it is 100% our fault as the deck is stacked by food industry paying huge sums of money to lobby and influence lawmakers to weaken laws that protect our health. Corporations also fund "research" that favors outcomes that downplay health hazards in products they produce and sell.


However, at the end of the day, we decide what we put in our mouth and what we choose to eat.


Should we put sugary drinks in schools? Should we have Dominos Pizza provide school lunches?


We all pay for the cost in lost productivity and skyrocketing health care costs from sugar laden processed food.



Children are another case. They don't know to make good choices. They have to be trained to make them by having them made for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Big Sugar gets no love from me, but there was a guy named Ancel Keys who made his career putting forward the dietary fat = body fat hypothesis and Big Sugar was just happy to help suppress any evidence to the contrary.


Ancel Keys: The Sugar Controversy



In 1972,
was published, written by
for a lay readership. Its intention was to summarize the evidence that the over-consumption of sugar was leading to a greatly increased incidence of coronary thrombosis, and that in addition it was certainly involved in dental caries, probably involved in obesity, diabetes and
, and possibly involved in
and some

Yudkin ended the first Chapter: "I hope that when you have read this book I shall have convinced you that sugar is really dangerous." This message was extremely unwelcome to the sugar industry and manufacturers of
. The final Chapter of
Pure, White and Deadly
lists several examples of attempts to interfere with the funding of his research and to prevent its publication. It also refers to the rancorous language and personal smears used by Ancel Keys to dismiss the evidence that sugar was the true culprit.


The efforts to discredit the case against sugar were largely successful, and by the time of Yudkin's death in 1995 his warnings were, for the most part, no longer being taken seriously.

Yudkin's arguments and evidence for the dangers of sugar were the focus of several articles in the
of 19 January 2013.

In 2009,
, a pediatric endocrinologist of the University of California, San Francisco, Medical School who has a special interest in childhood obesity, made a video called
Sugar: The Bitter Truth
. Lustig had independently re-discovered and confirmed Yudkin's findings and, taking aim at Keys, asked his audience, "Am I debunking?"

Thanks OldNBusted for recommending this book.


I ordered both the paperback and audio book versions.


This book exposes the truth and harmful effects of eating sugar. It also documents how the sugar industry fights to keep those facts hidden with similar tactics the tobacco industry did.


I have removed all sugar from my diet. The benefits are amazing. I have lost weight simply by removing refined sugar and eating whole foods.


Just look around and you can see the disastrous effects on people's health.


Thanks again OldNBusted.

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Guess where I just found sugar!


In salt. The iodized salt on my shelf has dextrose. Wow.


Dextrose is used in salt to prevent the potassium iodide from oxidizing. If you don't want it in your salt, then don't buy iodized salt. If you don't eat iodized salt, make sure to get your iodine elsewhere.



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“In 2012 about 56 million people died throughout the world; 620,000 of them died due to human violence (war killed 120,000 people, and crime killed another 500,000). In contrast, 800,000 committed suicide, and 1.5 million died of diabetes.23 Sugar is now more dangerous than gunpowder.”

― Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow

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  • 1 month later...

Sugary drinks linked to 31 percent higher risk of early death, study finds


New research offers yet another reason to avoid sugary drinks. A Harvard-led study in the journal, Circulation, found people who drink two or more sugar-sweetened beverages a day have a 31 percent higher risk of early death from cardiovascular disease. Each additional soda, sports drink, or sugary beverage increased the risk by 10 percent.


And an increase risk for women who drink diet sodas, they say that needs more study.

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Sugary drinks linked to 31 percent higher risk of early death, study finds




And an increase risk for women who drink diet sodas, they say that needs more study.


I would hope that eventually Big Sugar's tactics for hiding the health hazard of their products will be be discovered. They have been using the same tactics that Tobacco did years ago.


Thanks for posting this.

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Slightly off topic, but a good article as to why to avoid processed food (i.e. sugar).


Nearly all Americans fail to eat enough of this actual superfood

While we obsess about carbs and protein, we’ve ignored fiber — at our peril.



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Slightly off topic, but a good article as to why to avoid processed food (i.e. sugar).


Nearly all Americans fail to eat enough of this actual superfood

While we obsess about carbs and protein, we’ve ignored fiber — at our peril.





Great article, I like the discussion of the benefit to the the microbiome.


It took me a while to realize when I would go with friends to get a burrito, their tummy trouble afterwards wasn't because there was something wrong with the food (there wasn't), it was because the things contain about the daily dose of fiber and they weren't used to eating anywhere near that much. For some reason, as an adult, I managed to alway eat a lot of fiber, it sure didn't run in my family where veggies were a chore and cooked like everything else, boiled or fried. :confused:


I fear for the generations growing up today, on a steady diet that is so highly processed, is it really still food? I know it's anecdotal, but every time I see a basketball player break a leg on the court, I wonder if they have lower bone density than previous generations.

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There are so many contaminated foods in society today — from sugar, to artificial colors and flavors, to GMOs. I feel like Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods has adulterated the “clean” in WF.

I try to eat organic and avoid sugar altogether and apply those food desires to physical activities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bad Diets Are Responsible For More Deaths Than Smoking, Global Study Finds


As a planet we don't eat enough healthy foods including whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. At the same time, we consume too many sugary drinks, too much salt and too much processed meat.




"Generally, the countries that have a diet close to the Mediterranean diet, which has higher intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy oils [including olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids from fish] are the countries where we see the lowest number of [diet-related] deaths,"


Good article, nice to talk about what to add to a diet, not just subtract. :cool:

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