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???“Boo!!!! Said the RedSox fan.

Hey, we're gonna play nice around here... No thumbs down and no sappy faces... Life is short and being good friends to one another is the best way to enjoy it as we sojourn through it. There's so many men and so little time for sport quarrels... LOVE is the answer!


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Hey, we're gonna play nice around here... No thumbs down and no sappy faces... Life is short and being good friends to one another is the best way to enjoy it as we sojourn through it. There's so many men and so little time for sport quarrels... LOVE is the answer!


Only meant in jest @easygoingpal. You see I’m a second generation BoSox fan, son of two Bostonians who were both fanatics. While I spent 4 decades in NYC, I never converted. But some of my best friends are diehard Yankee fans (including hopefully you and @whipped guy). Besides every year once the RedSox are eliminated (as too often happens) I immediately switch allegiance.


FYI Yankee caps and t-shirts are not uncommon here in KL but I’ve never seen RedSox swag.

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