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Would you include an escort in your will?

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I am not rich and after I give to my kids, probably not much left and even that won't be enough for them to sit on their ass and do nothing! I don't have a large surplus every year and put a big chunk into college 529s so when they get there, they won't be saddled in student debt and I won't be stuck if I have to co-sign them. I am in that odd bracket, where I am not rich but don't qualify for many for the subsidies and benefits either. It is like the worst of both worlds.


I don't hire too many, had some regulars, but drifted apart. Perhaps if I have someone for a long while and came to know them-I might. Though if an escort saved his money and invested-my meager gift might elicit a laugh

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That is nice thing. I would say one thing that if I have to help a person then I just don’t keep saying I will help or give money to the person. By doing that I think we corrupt the mind of people. We take their will to struggle for achieving good things in life. We should help them to build their life and not destroy their willpower. A corrupted mind becomes lazy and dependent! Do we want the young generation corrupted or willful to contribute to this world? That is why I never make an escort however I like him to depend on me! Also in life things are dynamic. Today you like one es pet and tomorrow another! I would say keep business separate from emotions and do things which is logical!


I do give money to the homeless in Philadelphia. Perhaps $150 a year. I realize it doesn't do much good though.

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I was leaving all to my #1 bc he was older with 2 kids. But now he's moved 100 miles away and become rich from a new "endeavor" so he's fine. My #2 has "visa trouble" so he and my #3, a (so-far) poor Czech are going on the will soon. Subject to change as things change. (Note: all 3 have lived with me half-time for the past few years and are/were semi-companions.) If all get rich otherwise, things will change.


Of course for most of us no matter how well "endowed", it will come down to how serious and long medical care and hospitalization or nursing home is required. In the US you have to "spend down" all your assets, including selling your house, under Medicare if you need long-term care (most do). You have to declare bankruptcy then and transfer to Medicaid. Before that I'll try and get #2 or #3 or even #1's kids to do live-in care. If any of mine are desperate I'll leave early before spending down so they'll be ok. My birth family's all gone so I try and build my own.

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I do give money to the homeless in Philadelphia. Perhaps $150 a year. I realize it doesn't do much good though.



If you mean you pass cash directly to homeless people on the streets, yes, that is not a good strategy. If you mean you are donating to a proper homeless relief organization, your money is doing more than you may realize. Aside from the money being used where most needed, the organization being able to point to a list of people who make donations is useful when working with policy makers. You can get a triple-whammy if you follow up your donations with a personal letter to those same policy makers. Maybe you already know all this...

Edited by oldNbusted
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I was leaving all to my #1 bc he was older with 2 kids. But now he's moved 100 miles away and become rich from a new "endeavor" so he's fine. My #2 has "visa trouble" so he and my #3, a (so-far) poor Czech are going on the will soon. Subject to change as things change. (Note: all 3 have lived with me half-time for the past few years and are/were semi-companions.) If all get rich otherwise, things will change.


Of course for most of us no matter how well "endowed", it will come down to how serious and long medical care and hospitalization or nursing home is required. In the US you have to "spend down" all your assets, including selling your house, under Medicare if you need long-term care (most do). You have to declare bankruptcy then and transfer to Medicaid. Before that I'll try and get #2 or #3 or even #1's kids to do live-in care. If any of mine are desperate I'll leave early before spending down so they'll be ok. My birth family's all gone so I try and build my own.


My mother had to spend down all her money in the nursing home. My brother and I were fine with it because she had a private room. A private room is a significant benefit in a nursing home, @tassojunior.

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If you mean you pass cash directly to homeless people on the streets, yes, that is not a good strategy. If you mean you are donating to a proper homeless relief organization, your money is doing more that you may realize. Aside from the money being used where most needed, the organization being able to point to a list of people who make donations is useful when working with policy makers. You can get a triple-whammy if you follow up your donations with a personal letter to those same policy makers. Maybe you already know all this...


Yes, I know this already. For over twenty years, I worked in many housing Programs in Philadelphia, including the homeless. I argued for federal funding for housing Programs for abused women, refugees from Vietnam & Cambodia, and low income residents of Philly.


I know I am coming across as an a-hole. And I am sorry. I realize your intentions are good.

Edited by WilliamM
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the ones I would trust not to murder me for the money if they got desperate don't seem to really need it....


I hear that last part ! My poor #3 regularly takes home $20K month "working" (he's all that), invested $50K in Bitcoin which turned into $200K in months, and is now starting a legal medical marijuana grow business in Prague for $100K after he just bought a condo there for $70K. I may not need to be too concerned for him soon.

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I hear that last part ! My poor #3 regularly takes home $20K month "working" (he's all that), invested $50K in Bitcoin which turned into $200K in months, and is now starting a legal medical marijuana grow business in Prague for $100K after he just bought a condo there for $70K. I may not need to be too concerned for him soon.


He's not only successful but he also has his life together. I know so many escorts who retired with absolutely nothing... on of them a Falcon star.


I know an Uruguayan escort who's worth almost 2 million dollars in real state back home. He says whenever he has 1 year breaking even he'll go home, so far that doesn't happen and he's still able to send money back home.


He's watching the results of his country's elections now...

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Yes, I know this already. For over twenty years, I worked in many housing Programs in Philadelphia, including the homeless. I argued for federal funding for housing Programs for abused women, refugees from Vietnam & Cambodia, and low income residents of Philly.


I know I am coming across as an a-hole. And I am sorry. I realize your intentions are good.


Sometimes, when I reply in an open forum, I overexplain because there are other people reading who may not be aware what I'm posting.

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He's not only successful but he also has his life together. I know so many escorts who retired with absolutely nothing... on of them a Falcon star.


I know an Uruguayan escort who's worth almost 2 million dollars in real state back home. He says whenever he has 1 year breaking even he'll go home, so far that doesn't happen and he's still able to send money back home.


He's watching the results of his country's elections now...


A lot is work but a lot is also luck. I don't fault the ones who don't get a break. But the ones who do sure bring a good feeling to you.

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A lot is work but a lot is also luck. I don't fault the ones who don't get a break. But the ones who do sure bring a good feeling to you.


Looks, charm, personality, having your shit together also helps in any activity.


Not doing drugs, saving money, etc. So many sad stories I know of those who missed the chance of making a fortune while having fun and receiving compliments. :confused:


Good luck is something he (the Uruguayan escort) got plenty of times too! He's has overstayed his tourist visa for 10 years... Ballsy!

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Looks, charm, personality, having your shit together also helps in any activity.


Not doing drugs, saving money, etc. So many sad stories I know of those who missed the chance of making a fortune while having fun and receiving compliments. :confused:


Good luck is something he (the Uruguayan escort) got plenty of times too! He's has overstayed his tourist visa for 10 years... Ballsy!

Yup. My #2, the gorgeous blond Argentine, got his student visa revoked 3 years ago through no fault of his. He didn't get the luck of #1 or #3, so he may end up needing more help.


In the meantime my #3 (who you saw at Tico that day) has a twin brother who is unemployable because he constantly smokes pot. #3's financial guru has him doing the legal marijuana grow business starting and that may well be one job the twin brother will enjoy working and be exceptionally good at. Funny how sometimes things fall into place (or not) at random.

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My current will includes a gift to a memorial fund in my father's name to the 501©(3) where he was CEO and my nephews. My intent of leaving funds to my nephews is I wanted to provide some further enjoyment to individuals that provided some joy and happiness in my life.


However, as my nephews have grown, they do not stay in touch, so I'm feeling less inclined to leave them money. As I reevaluate my options when I next update my will, I see no reason not to consider an escort as a potential beneficiary.

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I will not be leaving a considerable amount of money to anyone as my major financial asset is my pension. I do, however, have a goodly number of very valuable possessions. I have every intention of leaving those items to individuals and institutions who hopefully will appreciate and enjoy them as much as I have. Some of those items might be left to one or two escorts of whom I'm very fond.


I've made arrangements for a number of my books to go to the Library of Congress. I've spent years collecting first edition recollections of Brits who were in Indian during the 1857-58 Mutiny and the Library has expressed an interest in having them. I have already donated over 300 of my personal books to a local library. I also have a large collection of Southwest Native American Arts and Crafts. The entire collection is being left to the Gift Shop of the Heard Museum in Phoenix with the money from their sale going to scholarships for young Native Americans to learn how to make item like those in my collection.

I sincerely believe that what we decide to do with our money and our possessions upon our death is our individual business and no one else’s.


P.S. In the above I failed to mention that I have two wonderful nephews who are both VERY successful financially. They each make considerably over $300,000 a year. There are some family heirlooms that they will, of course, be getting. I constantly get the same financial advice from them both – “Spend it all we don’t want it and we don't need it”

Edited by Epigonos
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I have thought about this topic. I'm not putting in any names yet but I might someday. Keep in mind it's not an all or nothing situation. I can leave some to a couple favorite boys and still leave some to others. I have nephews who have only called me to ask for money; they have never called or visited any other time on their own devices. I have a boy younger than some nephews who texts me daily just to see how my day went. So I have no problem leaving money or assets to someone who makes me happy. However, we're only on this planet for a short time and I enjoy taking advantage of its pleasures so I'm not trying to leave a fortune.

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If there’s anything left when I die - given the current requirements not to have significant assets to get end of life nursing care, and the confiscatory policies likely to ensue if the Democrats win the next election - and given that I am childless, I would consider leaving some to an escort if he became a close and dependable friend. But that would mean ceasing to be an escort in our relationship. As long as he expects to be paid for our time together, he is not a friend but a professional provider, however amiable our relationship might be. I haven’t met him yet.

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as my nephews have grown, they do not stay in touch, so I'm feeling less inclined to leave them money

nephews who have only called me to ask for money; they have never called or visited any other time


Interesting thread. These two comments resonated with me. I have very similar experiences with family members just wanting money (and in one case, trying to cheat me out of some family assets). At present, after a few small bequests, my estate goes to various charities. I guess a lot of us may have few close family members and/or few close friends to include as beneficiaries.


I must get around to updating my will, but it’s a difficult decision. I have my boyfriend of 5 years, and 3 close friends whom I see weekly - 1 friend is older than me, but also rich and very frugal in his habits; 1 friend is my age but she too is rich (with an obnoxious/hostile husband); and the 3rd friend is 12 years younger with a good career etc but he’s the most financially reckless person I’ve ever known.

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Not at a good idea IMHO, and certainly a dangerous one to announce in advance. A highly ambitious escort might help you on your way!


The one I like I enjoy pampering when we are together, but a cash gift after my demise seems excessive. After all, they have already been paid for the transaction and everything else--gifts, travel--have been bonuses dispensed along the way.

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One would have to be on the kind of terms that include knowing the escort's legal name and possibly his address so whoever is administering the estate can find him.


That said, bequeathing personal mementos makes sense. In most circumstances, leaving cash doesn't. Give/spend your money on escorts while you're still alive!

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