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Since the 1700s, crossing the equator on a ship has merited an initiation ceremony for sailors who have not "crossed the line" before. Here, aboard the submarine USS Narwhal in 1940, a pollywog is required to crawl through a gauntlet of shellbacks while being sprayed by a firehose. (In the U.S., sailors who have previously crossed the line are shellbacks; first-timers are pollywogs.)


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Paul Barresi, circa the mid-‘80s. Married and Bi "alleged" ex-lover of John Travolta. I remember the article published in the National Enquire. It was the only copy of I've ever bought in my life and it's the only story from them I've ever believed too!! He claimed he "topped" (not the word he used) Travolta and that Travolta "loved it" among other "alleged" revealing information.  ;) 


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