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Potential encounter?

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Well, it’s been a week since this adventure began and I want to thank everyone for their support, advice, comments and encouragement. Just got back from the gym, and HD wasn’t there. So I texted him - he’s with a client in Buckhead and said he’d probably see me tomorrow. He followed up with a “how about dinner soon?” And I replied sure. So will see where the goes. Have lots of “real work” mounting, and I think the marathon updates are about over. I’ve processed a lot of shit  and feel somewhat content.  Still - unanswered questions, though. Time will tell. At least the horniness level has been significantly lowered. For now.

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20 hours ago, KrisParr said:

Coke? Nah. I saw plenty of that shit when I worked probation. Yes, he’s an energetic guy, but remember, he’s 32, a gym rat, eats very healthy. He does enjoy weed now and then and has a fondness for beer and Jack. My kind of guy. My other vice is a pack of Marlboro along with a couple of cigars in a humidor “just in case”. Old habits die hard.

Does the “cadre” exist? I had serious doubts. But he carries 2 phones (which was news to me) and showed me a couple of text messages that would be pretty hard to fabricate - complete with photos of a seemingly happy customer during an “experience” at some swanky event. Two dudes, one my dad’s age and a hot guy probably around 40. Yeah, I think it’s real.

And a quick update if you’re still interested:

Text message earlier this afternoon.

HD-@ the gym-u comin?

I responded: went 4 🏃‍♀️- maybe tomorrow 


Day at a time.

Anytime you want to update, I am definitely interested in hearing the continuation of this tale.

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I somehow overlooked this thread until today. Wow @KrisParr, I want to be in your situation! Discovering that a major stud from the gym is available for sexy fun and games is a fantasy dream. It's unfortunate that your one date turned out to be a mindf—k, but for me, that would not be a reason to write him off altogether. Forgive me for using your situation to indulge my own wishful thinking, but here goes.

If it were me in your situation, I'd consider two possible courses of action.

1) Don't try to avoid him at the gym. Treat him like a casual friend. Be friendly but not solicitous. If he wants to advance a friendship, whether it be platonic or sexual without pay, let him do so. From what you've told us, he won't be shy about it if that’s what he wants. The fact that he's already asked you to have dinner means he wants to advance something. Maybe he wants something that doesn't involve compensation.  Or he may still view you as a potential client and dinner is another opportunity to tempt you with the merchandise. 

2) Decide if you want to hire him. If you do, tell him you’re interested and would like to discuss the terms.  If you can arrive at mutually agreeable terms, then go for it!  Why not indulge yourself as long as it's on agreeable terms?

Personally, I'd love for you to go with option #2 and then read about here! 

Edited by SundayZip
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15 hours ago, KrisParr said:

Well, it’s been a week since this adventure began and I want to thank everyone for their support, advice, comments and encouragement. Just got back from the gym, and HD wasn’t there. So I texted him - he’s with a client in Buckhead and said he’d probably see me tomorrow. He followed up with a “how about dinner soon?” And I replied sure. So will see where the goes. Have lots of “real work” mounting, and I think the marathon updates are about over. I’ve processed a lot of shit  and feel somewhat content.  Still - unanswered questions, though. Time will tell. At least the horniness level has been significantly lowered. For now.

Kris. this has been amazing to watch. As to the future, only you can decide how to play it. The ever changing stories he told you sound to me like someone who had a few different ideas of where he wanted to go and that he was leaving his options open. Reasonable for him, but a potential mind fuck for you, and as it turned out, an actual one.

You could go to dinner and ask him to lay is cards on the table, or you could just let it play out. ('How it plays out' could be that he does lay his cards on the table.) He's put money and effort into this, but so have you, and his reaction to the hotel seems to indicate he recognises that. Does he want to have a result from his investment so far, probably yes. That doesn't mean he wants to recover that investment, although as others have suggested, he might. Only time will tell, and you're going into it with your eyes open.

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Chapter 276

HD and I show up this morning at the gym. He’s cheerful, joking, ‘sup, stud, etc. Cool. We do our thing, small talk, and then he wants to know if I still want to grab dinner. Sure. So we are “on” for tomorrow night - meet at gym and he’ll drive. Sound familiar? He says it’s his treat. Okay, I’ll be extra hungry. That’s it. He punches me on the arm, grins and he’s gone. 

So, men of the forum, you have provided some great ideas which I am strongly considering. Last night I visited my bookcase and pulled out some old probation officer materials - the Reid interview process for one. It’s time for some “motivational intrinsic interviewing” and stop fucking around. I think there’s some shit under the surface that he’s hiding or denying and I need to know where he’s coming from. So we’re gonna play some “getting to know you” games and see what bubbles up. 

I have to admit that I’m crushing really hard on him. Like maybe decades since I’ve been drawn to someone like this. Fuck, the sex was mind-blowing ... am I experiencing some weird middle-age crisis? Maybe.

He wants me to pick the restaurant; there’s a great seafood place with 2-person booths, quiet - that might work. 

Okay, men, later.

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26 minutes ago, KrisParr said:

Chapter 276

HD and I show up this morning at the gym. He’s cheerful, joking, ‘sup, stud, etc. Cool. We do our thing, small talk, and then he wants to know if I still want to grab dinner. Sure. So we are “on” for tomorrow night - meet at gym and he’ll drive. Sound familiar? He says it’s his treat. Okay, I’ll be extra hungry. That’s it. He punches me on the arm, grins and he’s gone. 

So, men of the forum, you have provided some great ideas which I am strongly considering. Last night I visited my bookcase and pulled out some old probation officer materials - the Reid interview process for one. It’s time for some “motivational intrinsic interviewing” and stop fucking around. I think there’s some shit under the surface that he’s hiding or denying and I need to know where he’s coming from. So we’re gonna play some “getting to know you” games and see what bubbles up. 

I have to admit that I’m crushing really hard on him. Like maybe decades since I’ve been drawn to someone like this. Fuck, the sex was mind-blowing ... am I experiencing some weird middle-age crisis? Maybe.

He wants me to pick the restaurant; there’s a great seafood place with 2-person booths, quiet - that might work. 

Okay, men, later.

I continually find the general population - of these interests and otherwise - aren't all "thinkers." You seem to be a "thinker." In addition you don't seek to harm and you wish to deal in an upfront manner. Finally, you seem to be sincere, and want to assume others are. I have found these attributes to be in the minority, unfortunately. So, proceed with caution is a good plan, but these individuals often don't want to have a serious conversation and when "thinkers" do attempt to have these conversations, we are dismissed as "over thinking or up tight."

Wait. I'm sorry. I got lost there...this is about you. 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry for my digression.  If there's any of that that's helpful, use it. Apologies for getting lost in my own experiences. 

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Guest davebk

Maybe you'll just have dinner - maybe he reserved the hotel room this time?  Who knows.  Either way, enjoy yourself, keep your guard up.  Maybe the guy just really likes fucking you.  Enjoy it!

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Chapter 423.5

Have been through the checklist again and so far, so good. No gym today, but HD has been texting frequently. Planning ahead - he’s asked a couple of times where we’re going and I’m not saying. You may think I’m a little crazy here, but there’s a terrific seafood place right across the street from the gym. Upscale, fine dining . Why so close? Honestly, if something were to happen, my car is nearby. Do I expect it? Hell no, but, I also don’t want to even remotely take a chance on any awkward moments. Yeah, my paranoia is setting in a little. But I’ve had a few scary moments in my “career” and yes, I know we slept together and anything could have happened. Besides, I think he will think it’s funny that we could actually walk to dinner. And we might just do that.

I’ve been rehearsing how I think it’ll go. I want to go back to square one and sort this out. He needs to explain some shit, and I am fully prepared to accept responsibility if I fucked it up as well. Maybe it was a huge misunderstanding. But I also think our mutual attraction got in the way and the lust short-circuited the business deal. 

I may not add any more chapters until tomorrow. Depends on what unfolds. Again, many thanks for the comments, etc. The popcorn gif was hilarious.

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since you express some very minor concern, I forgot or didn't see if you do know his real full name yet......if so, do what I occasionally do if meeting an unknown or not-so-well-known: put the dude's full real name and number on a big piece of paper and leave it on the floor in the middle of your living room......that way, when your friends break down your door after you don't reply to texts for a few days, they'll have a name to give the police!....... 😁


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21 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

since you express some very minor concern, I forgot or didn't see if you do know his real full name yet......if so, do what I occasionally do if meeting an unknown or not-so-well-known: put the dude's full real name and number on a big piece of paper and leave it on the floor in the middle of your living room......that way, when your friends break down your door after you don't reply to texts for a few days, they'll have a name to give the police!....... 😁


From my June 3 post:

I am taking some wise counsel and doing a wee bit of background checking before I go too far. He appears to be legit in everything he’s told me, I.e. his alma mater, fraternity, and even some reviews from satisfied auto purchasers. I still have some connections in the judicial system, but I don’t want to cross any ethical bounds. 


Appreciate your concern, truly. I’ve been through a lot of self-defense training over the years, and while I’m no expert, I think I could do okay if needed. I’m not worried about anything physical, I just don’t want to get into something that would be confrontational. We tease the hell out of each other at the gym and some of it has been a little rough. I’ve never seen even a hint of anything that would suggest a problem. He really is a sweet guy, probably more mushy than I am all around. Several people have asked privately what he’s like - personality. The closest I can come to is a more energetic “Jim/John Krasinski” from The Office. Always smiling, just more open, funny, guy you want to go have a beer with and suck his dick.

Edited by KrisParr
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7 minutes ago, nycman said:

You think too much.

Sometimes you need to think with your "little head"……

And that’s coming from a man who usually counsels thinking more with the "big head".

Remember…..this is supposed to be fun!

His friend is a luxury car salesman and perhaps a provider, perhaps he is wise to  "think  too much" at the beginning of a possible relationship 

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1 hour ago, KrisParr said:

From my June 3 post:

... I still have some connections in the judicial system, but I don’t want to cross any ethical bounds. ...

I don't see what's wrong with doing background checks on men you date. On my Seeking Arrangements profile, I indicate that I will do background checks on anyone before letting them into my life. I send over a photo of my driver's license and they send theirs. I got one from "Chris," and offered to refund him if he wanted to do a background check on me. 

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Vikume II, Book 4, Chapter 7, verses 11-46

This may be a record for the number of posts to a thread. But you asked.

HD arrived on time and I opted not to walk as it was rainy. He smelled so good - Eros by Versace. Sigh. So we headed out 500 feet to the light, turned left and parked. LOL - I got him. Turns out he had never been to the restaurant; score.

Snagged a booth, ordered drinks (cute server) and the fun begins. HD makes small talk, asks about my week. He segues into memories of the “date” and I can’t tell where he is taking this. Here’s my recollection- may not be exact, but close. “H” = HD, “K” = me.

K-What did you enjoy most about our (air quotes) experience?

H-Great question (long pause; I can wait, trust me)  Just being with you, I guess, what about you?

K-Same. (Another long pause; getting a little awkward) That’s really sweet.

H-Yes, I am (we both laugh).

K-I want to revisit a couple of things, you okay with that?

H-Go for it.

K-We messed around at the gym for months and you never once asked me to do anything at all. Not even spot you or play ball or grab some food, or ... or ...


K-So what exactly happened that made you ask me to play pickleball? And then get a beer?

H-(Long pause, takes a drink, sighs) Fuck.

K-Yeah, fuck.

H-I already told you.

K-Tell me again. Please.

H-I saw you as a guy who might be interested in an “experience”.

K-Whatever gave you that idea?

H-Because you appeared to be very well off (not true) and you had never mentioned a husband, wife, or BF or GF, you never talked about dates, or any shit about your personal life ...

K-Because it’s not your fucking business (okay, I’m getting a little hot at this point)

H-Sorry. (Another drink, another excruciating pause)

++ server shows up to take order - HD looks at me, with the server standing by and says, “so, dad, what are you going to have?  Trying not to miss a beat I say, “gee, son, I don’t know - this is gonna be tough for you to stay on your weight watcher diet. HD mutters, “asshole” - server looks very confused, takes order and leaves ++

K-Look, I sort of get it, and I’m a little flattered, but a little pissed at the same time. I’m not begging for dates, or one-nighters. Did you really think I was that needy? 

H-I don’t have any more words right now. (Looks at me directly, stretches out his hand and we touch lightly.) I am so fucking sorry, I really am. Can we talk about something else?

K-Sure, the Braves swept the series. Fuck the Dodgers. (HD laughs so hard, he spews a little drink and then we both really laugh). Asshole.

H-Back at ya.

++ I’ve probably left out some things, but so far, this is what I mostly remember; at this point the appetizers arrive, and we start eating, and I ask how’s his business, and we shoot the shit for a while to ease up++

K-Why did you dump out all that made-up crap about hiring me? That’s the most fucked up thing - just how high were you? (HD drops his head, shaking side to side and won’t look up for a minute).

H-You think I’m crazy, right?

K-Uh, not quite certifiable, but damn close.

H-I don’t know where to start  (exhales big time, takes a drink and signals server for another) 

K-I’m not going anywhere.

H-Okay. Like I said, I saw you as a possible client and a lot of times in the past, I would invite a guy to have an “experience” at a discounted rate, kind of like a test drive. So I bought the tickets and honest-to-god, I had the words in my mouth to quote you a “fee” and I just couldn’t. 

K-Couldn’t what? And did you fuck all of them?

H-Will you shut the fuck up? When I showed you the tickets, the look on your face was amazing and I didn’t have the heart ...

K-Or balls ...

H-to go through with it. 

K-But, you said you’d offer me a discount! And you didn’t answer my question.

H-I know, I know - it was a stupid attempt to fix it. So I thought, what the hell, we can have a lot of fun, he’s a great guy, I need a night off, and yeah, he’s fuckable. Okay? And it’s none of your damn business.

K-Fine. Believe it or not, I think I’m with you so far. But let’s get back to the hiring me bit, okay? Bat-shit, dude, BS.

H-To refresh your aging memory (!) when I brought it up, and yes, it was pure BS, I was wasted, high, and had just fucked a guy who I’d wanted to bag for a long time. I felt bad about all the mixed messages. You have a delicious ass.

K-What mixed messages? (Did he say “a long time”?) and thank you.

H-So let me ask you - why did you get a room? Why did you buy me a jersey?

K-Because I thought we were on a goddam date!

H-We were!

K-We were until you said you wanted to hire my delicious ass and be my pimp.

++ getting a little heated again - HD heads off to piss ++ He comes back, and the food arrives. More small talk, more drinks, more dancing around the elephant that’s sitting with us.

H-So, where are we?

K-Having dinner.

H-Pig fucker.

K-I’m half-Jew, remember? I’m highly offended. (And we both laugh). You know, I’m not sure. Where do you think we are? And don’t say having dinner.



H-What’s the chance of rewinding, cutting out the shitty parts, and focusing on the fun we had. You appeared to have a good time — a little bit, right?

K-That’s a fair statement. I don’t know.


K-Look, I’ve been in three relationships and each one fell apart, and I can honestly say it wasn’t even close to my fault. I just picked three really hot guys who all had the personality and depth of a file cabinet. I don’t want to ever go down that road again.

H-Whoa. Who said anything about ...

K-Sorry, sorry ... forget what I just said.

H-What will it take to move ahead? Like friends?

K-Like friends? With benefits? Good question. Maybe nothing. Let me ask you something. For all I know, you’re married, or in a relationship or ...

H-None of the above. 

K-Are you dating anyone?

H-Are you still hiring escorts?

K-No, at least not now.

H-Same answer.

++server arrives with refills, yada-yada, and it breaks the mood for a bit++


Okay, that’s about all I can piece together. There’s more. I’ve read, and re-read and edited and added, deleted so fucking much ... the old memory bank is overheating so I need a break. Later.

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The continuing saga ...

I apologize for any typos or missing words. I’m doing most of this as speech-to-text and and it gets hard to edit after a while.

I honestly can’t remember what we talked about where the last post ended, but it wasn’t much. The server must have been antsy for us to leave, so we decided to skip dessert. We teased him maybe a little too much. HD asked him what time he got off work. College-age and I think he started to take us seriously for a second. Blame it on the alcohol.

We arrived back at the gym - about a 2 minute trek - and HD parks in the back corner of the lot. The gym is a stand-alone building, with a long chain link fence all across the back and there’s a line of trees along the fence on the other side. Even though there are security lights, there are some dark spaces, plus the Jeep’s windows are almost solid black. 

He turns off the engine. Heart pounding. And before I could say anything, there’s that tongue again. 

We kiss for a long time. I mean, a fucking long time. I am rock hard.

K-We really need to stop. The gym is still open and there are people around.

H-Fuck em.

And then he starts tugging at my crotch. And reaches under the top of my pants.

So I push the seat back and I tell him again we need to stop. But by that time, I’m past the point, and with a few more strokes, I shoot. Holy fuck. I am breathing so damn hard. 

H-Dude, you okay?

And we both start laughing again. He’s got cum on his hand, on my pants, my shirt, hell, it’s everywhere. I find some napkins and again we can’t stop giggling like two teenagers.

If you want to skip the next naughty part, I’m okay with that, otherwise, read on.

H-My turn?

He brings up some Jay-Z. He pushes his seat way back and makes it almost flat. The console isn’t too restrictive, but I have to sort of lean way over ... and, omg, he’s dripping. I can see it even in the dark.  I wasn’t the only one suffering from premature you-know-what, because in a couple of minutes I was treated to a cream-filled dessert. Delicious. Every. Last. Drop. Not sure who was more satisfied, him or me, or both.

We returned to our locked and upright positions. 

H-Damn, dude.

K-Damn, dude, yourself.

H-Now what?

K-I have no fucking idea.


H-You want to go lift? Shoot some hoops?

K-I told you after sex, I want to sleep.

H-Kiss goodnight?

And so we do. Warm, sweet, salty.

K-I need some time. You?

H-How much?

K-Not much.


And with that, I got in my car. He blinked his lights and we drove off. I got a text about 10 minutes later. “sweet dreams, stud”. I got it the shower back at my place. I start thinking about the evening and I get hard. Again. Jerking off in the shower is one of life’s simple pleasures. I slept well.

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