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On 11/14/2023 at 11:44 PM, oclatin92xxx said:

Honestly I appreciate people like you. You actually have the balls to go against convention. I think all scorts rates should be posted here in public. It’s ridiculous that they’re kept secret by the clients. This site is supposed to be in support of the clients not the scorts. We come here to get honest info which is hard to acquire most of the time on RM. Also, it’s so freaking obvious that Gabriel is Tom, if you read his first response as Tom he tends to randomly capitalize certain words in his post then he does it again when he writes as Gabriel. It’s a pattern the proves they are the same person. I swear some of the old queens on this site super naive. 

I disagree regarding rates. First, gas prices fluctuate in every city, the same can be said about escort rates. It’s all about the ever-changing balance of supply and demand in combination with a city’s average income. An escort would be delusion to travel to middle-of-the-corn-field Iowa and try to charge NYC rates.

Second, their rates aren’t necessarily a secret because they have no problem telling you, but their quoted price may change depending on the city. And good luck getting escorts to produce a standardized Excel spreadsheet detailing their rates according to various cities. 

Third, things change. Maybe the escort has become too popular and they need to raise their rate. Or maybe business is slow and they need to reduce their rate. An issue can arise when potential clients engage with an escort thinking the outdated rates they saw here are still accurate.


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