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Why do you think there are relatively few providers on this board?

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Some reasons off the top of my head: 

- awareness. Many may not know about It. 
- benefit. There really isn’t any. You can run a successful business and not participate. 
- this forum really isn’t for us. Even the “ask a provider” section. We get talked over (“not a provider, but…”) talked about by people that hide behind screen names and profile pics, and the questions asked either force us to frame ourselves in negative light, or are just someone looking to validate something they’re already gonna do.

- anything you say, can and will be held against you. Sometimes it’s best for us to just be quiet. That’s why I participate much less than I used to, and often just lurk to keep up. 

hope that helps!

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Agree with Shawn Monroe. We, clients, have anonymity and can say something that may not always be appropriate. Most escorts here have a visible profile and everything they say or experience may be dredged up or sometimes they cannot say things about clients or reveal their true feelings as they have a “professional image” to maintain. Most clients are probably at the stage in their careers or lives who don’t give a damn what others think of them. 

I actually find the questions or topics posed in Ask a Provider really interesting and would value the insights of a true provider. I’m sometimes tempted to type up a response and delete right away as it is for providers and I don’t feel like I should be writing something in a space dedicated to them. 

Edited by cany10011
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13 hours ago, Shawn Monroe said:

Some reasons off the top of my head: 

- awareness. Many may not know about It. 
- benefit. There really isn’t any. You can run a successful business and not participate. 
- this forum really isn’t for us. Even the “ask a provider” section. We get talked over (“not a provider, but…”) talked about by people that hide behind screen names and profile pics, and the questions asked either force us to frame ourselves in negative light, or are just someone looking to validate something they’re already gonna do.

- anything you say, can and will be held against you. Sometimes it’s best for us to just be quiet. That’s why I participate much less than I used to, and often just lurk to keep up. 

hope that helps!

I agree. I participate but I do wonder how useful it is. I guess it’s an insight into what clients are thinking about but it’s probably not very representative. 
It can be amusing to engage but I agree there are plenty of people just wanting validation of things they’ve already made their mind up about. There’s also some with misconceptions and prejudices about providers that are revealed in their questions. 
I participate in a forum on a website that’s created by providers for providers (only providers can join) and I find that much more useful to connect with other providers and find out helpful information. 

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On 9/12/2021 at 11:10 AM, Shawn Monroe said:

Some reasons off the top of my head: 


- anything you say, can and will be held against you. Sometimes it’s best for us to just be quiet. That’s why I participate much less than I used to, and often just lurk to keep up. 

hope that helps!

@Shawn Monroe Quiet lurking sounds hot - is that part of dom/sub or BFE? Or perhaps I can quietly lurk and watch you lurk quietly?          


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I'm a provider who participates under a pseudonym. I also don't participate as much as in years past. 

One, my honest answers drew negative attention, with some clients here saying things about me and my profile that were false and thus damaging to my brand. 

Two, after nearly a decade working I think many if not most clients posting here are not a representative sample, but rather a self-selected sample. Much of the conventional wisdom around here does not reflect my experience, in ways both positive and negative. Positively, clients here generally seem more savvy at effective communication with providers, compared to most who reach out to me. Negatively, clients here also seem generally more high maintenance than my real-world client base. Not all, but speaking in general terms. 

Thus posting here is not as useful to me as I felt it might be when I joined. Would love to join a provider-only forum.

Edited by Aaron_Bauder
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On 9/20/2021 at 6:46 AM, DR FREUD said:

They tend to get chased away by angry old queens all too often

At least one provider needs to be "chased away" as you wrote. 

That provider has posted a lot of bizarre things in this forum including stating that it is "a privilege to be" with him and that if a client pays for an "all nighter" but if the provider leaves earlier than originally agreed, it is the clients' fault for not checking out the provider satisfactory.  

Unlike the strange poster mentioned above, most providers write helpful and informative suggestions.    

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11 hours ago, Aaron_Bauder said:

I'm a provider who participates under a pseudonym. I also don't participate as much as in years past. 

One, my honest answers drew negative attention, with some clients here saying things about me and my profile that were false and thus damaging to my brand. 

Two, after nearly a decade working I think many if not most clients posting here are not a representative sample, but rather a self-selected sample. Much of the conventional wisdom around here does not reflect my experience, in ways both positive and negative. Positively, clients here generally seem more savvy at effective communication with providers, compared to most who reach out to me. Negatively, clients here also seem generally more high maintenance than my real-world client base. Not all, but speaking in general terms. 

Thus posting here is not as useful to me as I felt it might be when I joined. Would love to join a provider-only forum.

I was interested in your comment about "high maintenance" clients. I have never really given that notion any thought. Would you mind explaining what it is exactly that makes a client high maintenance? Is it that they take too much time before the date to talk over things or something that actually happens during the date? Or even after?

As for myself, I like lots of communication before hand since I usually book weeks in advance but I don't try to overburden the provider through constant messaging. However if we get into discussions about whatever comes up, I certainly enjoy that, especially with someone I have never met before. It makes the eventual encounter all the more satisfying for both of us (I hope on his part too).

Also I usually do overnights so I am making a substantial investment in the date in more than just time.

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On 9/12/2021 at 1:10 PM, Shawn Monroe said:

Some reasons off the top of my head: 

- awareness. Many may not know about It. 
- benefit. There really isn’t any. You can run a successful business and not participate. 
- this forum really isn’t for us. Even the “ask a provider” section. We get talked over (“not a provider, but…”) talked about by people that hide behind screen names and profile pics, and the questions asked either force us to frame ourselves in negative light, or are just someone looking to validate something they’re already gonna do.

- anything you say, can and will be held against you. Sometimes it’s best for us to just be quiet. That’s why I participate much less than I used to, and often just lurk to keep up. 

hope that helps!

All good points. Not to mention, I feel especially so in the “Black escort” community (not to insinuate there should be a fine line between the White and ethnic providers). Generally (and not speaking for you or me), I would imagine your average Black or perhaps non black escort doing relatively well for himself, is not going to feel it necessary to immerse themselves in an opinion and Q/A environment. Is it really conducive? Will it open the door to become a target? Not to mention, when guys are steadily posting photos of ripped White guys, and talking about White guys, where does an ethnic provider see a benefit in joining?

Add to that, there’s a vast majority of providers who don’t take the industry seriously: some “drug” themselves thru bookings, and are high and strung out half the time. And this is based on fact. So, if they’re doing that, it’s unlikely they’ll find a reason to be in a seeing where they can conference with a bunch of clients for free. 

As for me: I stay because I like the networking aspect that is built here. I like reading other escort’s experiences, and getting client’s perspectives. I’ve made some good friends here. But I also been limiting my time as well because too much “noise” is distracting sometimes. There’s a euphoria in being completely tuned to my clients, and not always being in the know about what other guys are saying or doing. I think that’s partly why I’ve found it hard to keep interested in Twitter lately (which is where you WILL find far more providers conversing with clients/fans). 

Once my responsibility load settles down though, I’ll likely put more effort into different platforms. 


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  • 2 months later...
On 9/12/2021 at 1:50 PM, cany10011 said:

Agree with Shawn Monroe. We, clients, have anonymity and can say something that may not always be appropriate. Most escorts here have a visible profile and everything they say or experience may be dredged up or sometimes they cannot say things about clients or reveal their true feelings as they have a “professional image” to maintain. Most clients are probably at the stage in their careers or lives who don’t give a damn what others think of them. 

I actually find the questions or topics posed in Ask a Provider really interesting and would value the insights of a true provider. I’m sometimes tempted to type up a response and delete right away as it is for providers and I don’t feel like I should be writing something in a space dedicated to them. 

Ask A Provider is my favorite forum.  I try to avoid posting responses since the forum is supposed to be for providers.

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On 9/22/2021 at 3:33 PM, Kevin Slater said:

Hadn't been aware of this til you pointed it out.  Apparently I'm already a member.  Speaks to its low standards. :p

Kevin Slater

oops, didn't even know this was on the site.  years ago Hooboy tried an escort only section of the forum.  predictably, some of the posts leaked out and everyone got pissy and it closed.  also, long long long ago there were two variations of the blacklist (reportedly "bad" clients) website.  Someone famous started it, can't remember who.  Not Talvin, but someone on that level.  Was it Talvin?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/12/2021 at 11:10 AM, Shawn Monroe said:

Some reasons off the top of my head: 

- awareness. Many may not know about It. 
- benefit. There really isn’t any. You can run a successful business and not participate. 
- this forum really isn’t for us. Even the “ask a provider” section. We get talked over (“not a provider, but…”) talked about by people that hide behind screen names and profile pics, and the questions asked either force us to frame ourselves in negative light, or are just someone looking to validate something they’re already gonna do.

- anything you say, can and will be held against you. Sometimes it’s best for us to just be quiet. That’s why I participate much less than I used to, and often just lurk to keep up. 

hope that helps!

I'm not a provider, but...  ;)

Seriously, I get why many providers wouldn't want to participate here, at least not under a screen name that can be associated with their escort persona.  Some providers, such as yourself, have participated here without creating a negative image of yourself.  There are others who have turned me off as a prospective client by being patronizing or contemptuous towards clients.

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2 hours ago, Storm4U said:

Everything @Shawn Monroe said! There is no significant benefit to participating in the forum for us.

There used to be...  A gigantic benefit, but that time has since passed.  

Now, this is a place for an established escort to come and banter.  Balance out the scales a bit, as it were.

If you can balance honesty and informational, you'll always do fine here.

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I enjoy seeing posts from escorts.  I get a feel for what an evening's conversation might be like.  I also understand that a minority of the clients on this site are not respectful of the escorts and that at times unsubstantiated claims are made against escorts and there is no way an escort can come out looking good once that happens.  If he responds in kind, he is deemed a hot head.  If he ignores it, it is assumed to be true.  If he explains it is taken as an excuse.  So toward that end, it is an all lose proposition.

So escorts wind up leaving by choice or force of negativity.  Similar to what has happened to the few women posters on this site.  

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11 hours ago, Storm4U said:

Everything @Shawn Monroe said! There is no significant benefit to participating in the forum for us.

I understand where you are coming from, but I do think there is some benefit for some of you.  Perhaps not a huge benefit, but I know I respect you based on how you present yourself here.

if our paths ever crossed, I’d be very likely to hire you based only on what I’ve read on this forum.

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