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What's been your experience, Lyft vs Uber?


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On 8/24/2022 at 1:23 PM, pubic_assistance said:

I will only use Lyft because Uber has zero customer service when you have a problem ( and I did ). Credit card company said to resolve the issue with Uber but Uber doesn't respond.

I'd use another credit card. American Express has always been very supportive.

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On 8/24/2022 at 4:46 PM, wsc said:

I use both Lyft and Uber, but favor Uber because of several instances where a Lyft driver was on the road, only minutes away, then suddenly disappears from the face of the earth; very annoying. On one of these occasions, I had already waited 20 minutes and the car was only three minutes away when it vanished. The app did not try to find another driver. I then used Uber and the car was there within 6 minutes.

I do like the Lyft app appearance better, but its performance can get glitchy.

We live high in the Hollywood Hills, so we've had both Lyft and Uber drivers cancel on us repeatedly. We just got back from an almost 3 week cruise around Iceland, Greenland, St. John's, Halifax, and Provincetown. We met the two friends from El Segundo in Provincetown, and they're not coming back until tomorrow, so we had to take a ride from Lyft or Uber back to their house, since it would have been a bit much to ask the parents/in-laws to pick us up. Lyft was charging $35 and Uber $45 for the 2-mile ride (we took the former)!! 😲 Maybe we should have just taken a taxi. 

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On 8/27/2022 at 10:45 AM, Winky said:

I think the OP issue is about something specific to the Hollywood Hills and other residential areas with sporadic cellphone coverage. The drivers are entirely dependent on the navigation to find their way out of the winding streets, afraid of getting lost or unable to contact you before they pick you up if they lose service, or after dropping you off, and unable to get their next ride after dropping you off... which also would explain why the map shows them not moving (they are moving, but the app isn't updating their position)...

Well, we actually have pretty good service here, and, as I mentioned, "Chris" has had problems when he's down in the flats, but the driver just realizes he has to drive into the hills, so cancels. The two times I remember most specifically about the map not showing their moving were (1) both we and the driver were in downtown Portland OR, and (2) both we and the driver were in the "Zona Romantica" (central area) of Puerto Vallarta. Last December, when we were last in PV, we just used taxis. The suggestion of the prior poster to get the fare first from Uber is a good one in PV. 

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